Keeping Your Dog Safe from Law Enforcement - Page 26

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by oregontnt2007 on 16 May 2012 - 23:05 

I love this one.....

or this one.... 

by destiny4u on 17 May 2012 - 00:05

okay so because of some out of control pitbulls that are aggressive and offleash with some inbred owners it is okay for police to bust into your home or jump into your yard and kill YOUR dog (YES YOUR)? LOL

by oregontnt2007 on 17 May 2012 - 00:05

Public Safety Careers | Firefighter Jobs | Police Officer Jobs | National Testing Network  

please look at the job requirement prior to passing judgement on what testing LE

has to endure, ALL are check!

Now, what test can we put on for BACK YARD BREEDERS?  Should they be held to the same standard?

Now there is another subject, what about the BYB ethic's? This is = to me questioning

breeders here, so now that I turned the table how does that feel?

Or my all time fav.... we had kennel blindness on here, what about Pedigree Data Base Blindness?

by destiny4u on 17 May 2012 - 00:05

you think people support backyard breeders here? lol

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 17 May 2012 - 08:05

"I find this site has become very anti law enforcement and it is rather disturbing to me.  I am finished commenting on this topic or any other here.  I can not be part of a forum that has such an obvious anti law enforcement agenda and such hate and disgust for Police Officers.   I'm sure some will disagree, but that is my feeling on how this site has been allowed to become."

"Seems to me this site always has people who have never seen one day of battle pontificating how we should fight a war.

Since we have an abundance of hissing energy bashing our local law enforcement posters, why not direct that energy to good use? If you can construct a couple hundred page post, why not construct a letter and direct it after the correct culprits. That’s right, find a case where you think one particular law enforcement agent acted unlawfully. Send a few letters to that person’s chief, the mayor of that town, the local newspaper, the city council etc. demanding a full investigation. Why vent here, actually do something about it.
Since if you have decided to get involved and save humanity why not clean up your own occupation first. Almost weekly I read about doctors removing the wrong kidney, operating on the wrong knee, giving the wrong type of blood etc. So the next time you go to your doctor, can we count on you to blame him for all these errors? If you’re involved in the medical field, what are you doing about this?
Every week I read about priest and teachers sexually abusing children. Farmers who have sex with their livestock.
How many of you work with people who sell drugs or stolen property at your worksite? Do you just turn your head and look the other way?
There are posters on here who are hardly exemplars of traditional moral values who probably shouldn’t even be parents.
There are narcissistic opportunist breeders on here that probably shouldn’t be breeding, as well as people posting who breed but won’t even admit it.
Every profession is flawed; we don’t need informinational hypochondriacs bashing the law enforcement members who do an excellent job.
It’s not a PERFECT WORD; there are people in all professions who don’t belong in their chosen field. Those individuals should be held accountable, not their whole profession."

I found this topic being discussed on 1000s of forums on the net but somehow we are so anti-police. The reason it is being talked about on all these forums including police forums is because it is a problem and affects millions of PET owners. Go do a yahoo search for police shoot dog discussion/forum and you will see it everywhere including most pet forums, german shepherd forums, working dog forums-including amazon, dogster,,, and hundreds of other dog forums. Are all these sites anti-police?  This site has 30 or 40 threads dealing with this issue-is it because they hate cops? NO,  IT IS BECAUSE IT IS A DOG FORUM, gasp, a dog forum discussing DOG ISSUES. Better write them and let them know how anti-police they are. 

No one here said this is all police but the GROUP wants to insert those words into everyones mouths and it is a bullying tatic.

When people complain about bad breeders, all the breeders don't pick up their toys and storm off to pout and sulk and they don't complain about how mentioning one bad breeder means all breeders are bad. How silly are these statements of all officers are bad and these statements are coming out of the members mouths who are the ones getting all defensive. NO ONE SAID THIS IS ALL POLICE OFFICERS AND TO CLAIM OTHERWISE IS WRONG AND SHOWS a real lack of reading comprehension. No one is attacking/bashing all officers. No one, and if you can show me where anyone has said it is all officers, I will correct my statement. By reading a few members posts that is what is being portrayed by the GROUP. When someones says my fridge is junk, does this mean all fridges are junk? I doubt it. This is a topic that most dog owners should be discussing and if it upsets a few members they probably need to grow some thicker skin.

If I say my car was built with poor quality does that mean that all auto workers produce poor quality? I doubt it so what is the problem? We all agree some officers are horrible and some are heros and some are just getting by until retirement.

Please quit trying to CONTROL all members because you disagree and that is exactly what is happening here. When people say this ad is horrible does that mean all ads are horrible? When people say dog A is junk does that mean all dogs are junk? If I buy a shirt from Walmart and it is junk are all shirts from Walmart junk? What about if I get my car fixed at the local mechanics and it was not fixed properly? Does this mean all mechanics are incompetent? What about teachers? If I say my sons teacher was horrible does it mean all teachers are horrible? If I go to my local body shop and have some work done and in a year it rusts, does that mean all body shops are junk? Again, I doubt it. Quit trying to dismiss this as an issue for a dog forum because you disagree and quit putting words in the members mouths who have said all along this is not every cop or even most cops. It is a control game and it is not going to be tolerated here any longer.

This is a dog forum and people have the right to discuss things that affect dogs and to try and say otherwise because you don't like the message is garbage, don't read it and don't comment if you have nothing to say but putting words in others mouths. There is absolutely nothing wrong with discussing this on this forum.

One last thing, there was a post deleted on this thread and the member reposted it, this shows a lack of understanding of the TOS as this is a violation of rule 12 and is not going to be put up with. When an admin or moderator deletes a thread/post and you repost it you are breaking the forum rules. Also see the TOS regarding how you deal with complaints against admin decisions, to post your displeasure on the forum is against the TOS, if you have nothing good to say about admins/moderators say nothing. Don't challenge admins on admin decisions as that is the fastest way to have admin actions taken against your account.


by Gigante on 17 May 2012 - 14:05

Back to topic: This family called the police regarding their bank accounts being wiped out. An officer arrived and one of their three dogs was shot by the officer. Can you watch this story and still believe we cant do things a little better then this?


by momosgarage on 17 May 2012 - 16:05

Gigante has posted the PERFECT example of why I said the following:

There are times when we are COMPELLED to call for LEO involvement, it doesn't mean you have to trust them, expect them to follow the law or even help you in some cases.  You the citizen, are calling them to support proper legal recourse and documentation, not purely for protection or rescue.  We live in a society with laws and procedure, so we are not allowed to just "protect ourselves" even if we are capable of doing so.  There's nothing wrong with being COMPELLED to call for LEO involvement, it's just today some folks forget that "accidents" in the field can quickly turn an LEO against a civilian in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Work with the laws we have, call LEO's when you are COMPELLED to and have proper legal representation "just in case" you happen to be present  when the officer "has an accident".

 Seems like this officer had an "accident" that will be blamed on the dogs owner.  The officer was responding to the dog owners call, HOWEVER, per the officers statement he entered their YARD!!!  He then shot the animal on thier property.  Its not clear if he was in the front or rear of the home, nor is it clear if he attempted to contact the owners of the property first.  There are only two printed articles and on video, so there isn't any other details available. 

BTW, Vallejo California is low-income/high-crime community with a bankrupt local governemnt at PD.  As I said, call the police in an community similar to Vallejo at your own risk!

I'm not surprised in the least and should note I aslo said the following earlier:

Another thing that could be identified with an analysis of national data focusing on LEO's shooting Pets, is the relative financial affluence of a community versus the percentage of Pet shooting by LEO's.  I'll bet the more affluent the community the less likely a Pet will be shot by an LEO.  Once rich people show thier willingness to sue or pursue legal action, LEO's definately watch thier steps.  Not to mention LEO's in affluent communities also are more likely to have cross training and a budget for continuing education.  This would support the musings of Slamdunc and alboe2009, but would only hold true for LEO departments that are well off , but would only hold true  financially.  Most Police and Sheriff departments across the nation are cash poor right now, so the training which Slamdunc and alboe2009 profuse to be common for LEO's would most likely be in the minority and not common in the recessionary  period of 2008-2012.  Coincidentally, we are also anecdotally  seeing an increase in news reports involving Pet shootings during this very same  recessionary  period of 2008-2012.  I also assume that diverse communites are also less likely to have Pets shot due to LEO's needing to actually pay attention to details when pursuing suspects.  Which in these specific diverse communities, would require an LEO to not entirely base thier actions from racial profiling and/or other lazy investigation methods used by LEO's patroling low-income/non-diverse areas.  Combine a finacially affluent community with cultural diversity and I'd bet my house that pet shootings would be very low or non-existant in such a community having the all the traits I mentioned above. 


by Gigante on 17 May 2012 - 16:05

This dog just walking towards you is enough to scare most people. I am posting this with regards to my PR comments made earlier. As uncomfortable as this is for some people, social media and the media help create change. This owner may have never known what happened to his dog.  This is prime example of a PR nightmare that was easily avoidable and now with the sheriffs new policy, in fact it is. With proper disposal and or notification you take the oomf right out of this story. No way to lead off with that paragraph having handled this properly in the beginning.

With animal control funding dwindling like all others how about some type of impound law like automobiles. If a private company is called and impounds your loose dog, you pay the impound. The owner gets a live dog back with a hefty fee for the service. Since dogs are just property like an old yugo anyways.... seems like an easy fix. Whats you opinion?


ASHLAND CITY, Tenn. - A Cheatham County man said deputies gunned down his dog, and then disposed of the body in the most disrespectful way possible.  Now, he wants answers about how it happened.

Brandon Reed said his pit bull, Kojo, disappeared last Tuesday.

"I had a couple dogs show up in my yard, and they were just kinda hanging out, my dog was out, and he was playing with them, and they were laying around and stuff," he said.  "Evidently, Kojo followed them back to their home."

When Kojo hadn't returned by Wednesday, Brandon started to worry.  That's when he learned a dog in the neighborhood had been shot by Cheatham County deputies.  He went to the house where that shooting happened to try to get some answers.

"She said she called the police because my dog was there and he was causing some type of trouble, or she felt threatened," Reed said.

Sheriff John Holder told NewsChannel 5 his deputies shot the dog after arriving on the scene, but said they did so because Kojo was being aggressive.

"My officers saw this dog come toward them, and my officers shot him," Sheriff Holder said.  "And we'll take responsibility for shooting the dog, but we would not have shot the dog if he had not shown some kind of aggression."

Reed said the news of his dog's death was hard enough to handle.  Then, he received another blow when he learned what had been done with Kojo's body.

"She said, well, when the officers shot the dog, they dragged it into the woods and threw if off the bluff, which is right behind their house," he said.  "There's no way I could've found it without rappelling.  So I mean, I don't even know where he is, I didn't even get to bury him."

Sheriff Holder insists that his deputies would not go that far.

"We left the dog there with the people who called us, and they said they would destroy the dog, bury the dog, I think is what they said," said the sheriff.

That never happened, which is why Reed is so upset.

"It was all handled poorly, the whole situation," he said.  "It's so disrespectful to Kojo.  And he deserved more."

NewsChannel 5 spoke to the woman who called 911 on that day.

She did not want to go on camera, but told us the deputies helped them carry Kojo into the woods, and to the top of that 150-foot bluff.

She said they simply placed the body near the edge, though, and somehow, it must have rolled off.

Sheriff Holder said his deputies would have called the dog's owner, if it had only been wearing a collar and tag.

Still, he said, this situation will prompt a change in protocol.  From now on, if forced to shoot a pet, deputies will be instructed to immediately turn over the body to animal control.

Reed just hopes it doesn't happen to anyone else.

"I mean, normally, when you think of losing a pet, you think about maybe he got run over or they died of old age," he said.  "This isn't the case.  Someone voluntarily took his life, and I never got to say goodbye."


by 4 mals2sheps on 17 May 2012 - 17:05

   How could anyone not be upset about that poor dog and to disrespect a living and breathing
animal is so discussing .Lets get the word out on facebook and other sites this needs to stop !! My heart goes out to the poor pets of all these stories.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 17 May 2012 - 19:05


  We now have a new thread that ADDRESSES A  completely different aspect of cruelity to our Breed>

  We sometimes are all blind as to what IS really GOING ON IN OUR OWN BACK YARDS..(literally speaking)

  Discussion is good so let's now decide if this is  Acceptable or not



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