Why Do we Own Guns? OT - Page 4

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by carebear on 30 September 2008 - 03:09

Just google the gun crime statics and you can see that although USA  is not the top for murders per 1000 people they are in the top 10 with countries who do not own guns at the bottom including UK New Zealand and Oz..

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 30 September 2008 - 04:09


I don't google anything.

Google is bad and I hope they go broke with everyone else!!

And I don't care about statistic's about crime per thousand.

Don't take offense carebear, it has nothing to do with you.

It's been another crappy day.



by darylehret on 30 September 2008 - 04:09

Awww, maybe this'll cheer you up ;-)

by Teri on 30 September 2008 - 10:09

Nice the only thing those guys are missing is a GSD beside each of them. :o)



by Liberalandy on 30 September 2008 - 11:09

A gun in your home makes it three times more likely that you or someone you care about will be murdered by a family member or intimate partner (Kellerman,New England Journal of Medicine v329, n.15 1993).
 According to FBI homicide data from 1998, 302 women were murdered in handgun homicides for every one time a women used a handgun to kill a stranger in self-defense.
The FBI tells us that out of the 7,875 handgun homicides reported in 1998, only 95 (1.2 percent) were justifiable handgun killings of an assailant previously unknown to the person defending themselves. This doesnt mean I think we shouldnt have the right to pack.  As long as there are kids in the house I dont have a gun. Seeing how our Country is changing and crime is going out of control, thanks to this wonderful economy. I might consider changing my mind and getting one. I live in a relatively small city, crime is out of control, We dont have money for police officers or prisons.

by Larrydee on 30 September 2008 - 12:09

In our society today it is almost a must to own a gun for personal and home protection. If you think the police will protect you and your family in most situations you are sadily mistaken.

I have a 10 gauge shotgun and a AR-15 right next to my bed.  I'm locked and loaded and ready to deal with anything that comes my way.

My first line of defense is a 96 pound all black Czech GSD that sleeps right by the door and is none to partial to anyone or anything that comes near his house.

The chief of police of my town told me if you do have a break in and there are quite a few around here and you shoot somebody make sure you drag him in the house.     He said in order to legally shoot some one they have to be inside your house commiting a crime.

But he said with that German Shepherd you have I'm sure they will find a much easier place to break into as he will raise the roof if they come near the door.


To make a point you say it can't happen to you   Well 2 weeks ago I was walking my dogs. and I came upon a situation in broad daylight not a half a mile from my house.   There was 3 or 4 guys moving things out of a house.  I asked them what they were they doing they said were helping a friend move  Yea right!!   Come to find out they were thieves looting the house not being too swift they came back the next day and the police were waiting for them.

The best burglar alarm or home security system you can have is a German Shepherd by your door but having a gun handy isn't a bad back up.



by Liberalandy on 30 September 2008 - 12:09

Larry you sound like that cop from police academy. the one that falls for the blond. Things are going to get worse too. My wife is a police dispatcher. We never locked our doors before. Hell when I bought the house it didnt even have a lock on the back door. Those days are over. I am even considering getting a revolver. My son never enters my room, so I feel safe about having one.


by steve1 on 30 September 2008 - 13:09

I can sit inside my home or outside it with my two Dogs, and a fine glass of Brandy, and i do not need a Gun to keep me safe

You make what you have,  so now you all need Guns to make you feel safe,

Not my idea of a free world when you live in fear of being mugged and shot, but everyone to there own thoughts


by Larrydee on 30 September 2008 - 14:09


             As far as crime is concened  in the United States crime is an epdemic.  The big cities such as New York it's out of control really bad even walking the streets you have to be carefull.  But unfortunatly it's everywhere.  I live in an affleunt suburb in New Hampshire in a small town of 2000 and we have 8 police officers and 3 cruisers on the force and they still can't keep up with the crime.

The reason I started looking seriously about getting a gun happened 20 years ago.  I lived in a condo in Connecticut at the time.  I heard a noise down stairs at 3AM so went down to investiage and I seen some guy sitting at my kitchen table eating a sandwich drinking a glaas of beer.  I said what the hell are you doing here at 3AM   He said isn't this the Dolans no they are 2 doors down.  He had just got thru coming from a bar.  So he left but took the sandwich and the beer.


After he left I said to myself   OMG I should have called the police    But what can I do in that situation I was on my own what if they were out to rob me or even worse I was helpless   That is when I went out and bought a gun    I had plenty of training   on how to use it as I was in the Marine Corps.  From that point on in my life I gave serious thought to personal and family protection.

by Uglydog on 30 September 2008 - 14:09


Im sure you have nice dogs but.....A dog is  only one layer in any sound defense strategy. And Easily defeated. One 22lr bullet to the head, subsonic or otherwise= Dead Dog.  Easily done. Or Poisoned.  Now they come for you & yours.

Youre going to wait 20-45 minutes for 911 and hope 'they' show up?   My life is more important than that. Ill take my chances with my Benelli 12 ga...#2 Shot followed by Slugs, thank you. Shoot first, ask questions later. Castle laws or not.

Eventually Law enforcement, as we saw in Katrina, will be overwhlemed in a Disaster. One is looming now on the financial front that will make Katrina look like childs play. Dont trust your life with a dog. Any dog. Its one layer in a defense barrier. Buy a Shotgun at the very least and embrace your 2nd amendment God given rights. Learn to appreciate the smell of gunpowder in the morning and the thrill of good marksmanshi,  and lastly,  the security offered by such arms.



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