OT - How things really work in the USA - Page 6

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by Preston on 20 September 2008 - 21:09

Pat Buchanen says "the party is over" for the USA:    http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article20809.htm

The last year and especially the last week have been the worst for wall street banking since the great depression of 1929.  So far the bailouts by our gov't officials have only protected the assets of their elite brothers in the banking business (gov't offcials all come from the same banks being propped up now).  The bailout of Fannie and Freddy will cost billions and so far no mortgagees in trouble have been helped, and their homes are still being repossed by the banks.  What is needed right now is a five year moratorium of foreclosures just like during the great depression.  What this current fed reserve bailout means in actuality is that the American citizen takes a double hit:  first many lose their house, and all wil then pay for these banksters to be bailed out with higher future federal taxes.  Like the head of freddie just got a 9 million dollar bonus upon it's collapse and bailout (given a performance reward instead of going to jail for financial fraud and mismanaging and ruining the company).  Folks, there is no accountability and once again everything the gov't supposedly does to help us is actually more stealthy, covertly provided benefits for their elite criminal cronies.  Surprise, surprise. Not.

by Uglydog on 20 September 2008 - 22:09

Pat is a good man...

Derivative Time Bomb, according to Bill Gates & Warren Buffet.  Financial WMDs & we havent ever started.





by Preston on 21 September 2008 - 05:09

It is really mindboggling to me how so many gov't officials will not even answer to basic questions that remain about the 9-11 attacks.  They just get furious and reply, conspiracy theorists and nutcases.  Their response shows a bullying attitude and is the use of brute power to prevent the uncovering of high gov't based crimes, misdemeanors and treason.

Bottom line is this:  TRUTH  DOES  NOT  FEAR  INVESTIGATION,  DISCUSSION  OR  EVALUATION  BY  ALL  SECTORS  OF  SOCIETY.   Truth-tellers should be proud to proclaim the truth and accept all questions and investigations, otherwise they are hiding something.  All investigations should be done by independent balanced commissions.  They haven't been in regard to the JFK murder, the RFK murder, the MLK murder, the Murrah Building attack, or the 9-11 attacks.

The only reason gov't officials won't release all the evidence and secrets is to protect their own butts from being prosecuted for high crimes and misdemeanors and treason, that's all.  It's like with the murder of our populist President Jack Kennedy, all investigative files were sealed until 2029.  Why???  Because they they showed without a doubt that the jcs, dod and shadow gov't officials orchestrated it, and some of them are still in power at the helm of the shadow gov't..  Of course by the time the JFK murder files are released they will all be cleaned and cherry picked to leave nothing of significance.  During the House Assassination Investigation and the later records release efforts run by Judge Tunheim as mandated by law, it is a well known, verified fact that certain intel organizations (the ones responsible for the assassination and cover-up) blocked the release of most "smoking gun" records that would have directly implicated them.  Intel agencies spent massive amounts of money sidetracking the House investigation by stacking the committee with their folks who would rendr the investigation incomplete and useless.  And of course many now realize that they did a lot of wet work to eliminate any key witnesses such as Oswald, Jack Ruby, Dorothy Kilgallen and her neighbor to which she gave copies of her interviews with Jack Ruby after she said she was "going to blow the whole story wide open".  Over 100 key witnesses were twepped including a couple of senators to keep the lies going about the JFK murder.

by Preston on 21 September 2008 - 05:09

Here it is folks.  Finally the army admits it is going to "help police" with publ;ic safety and hopes that it will not have to "shoot civilians" in doing so.  It will supposedly start out innocently, helping car accident victims.  Already most large urban police dep'ts have been "militarized" and have signed "special secret cooperation agreements where they now must yield to the "feds" in any matter.  In return they receive heavy duty armored cars, automatic weapons and flash-bang munitions, etc.  Of course by now you can see that Naomi Wolf's google videos and book on the rapidly coming fascist takeover of America was accurate and the nazification of America is almost complete.  And as we all know, this is all completely unconstitutional, a total violation of our Bill of Rights, and high treason by our domestic politicians, military and bureacrats who are actually the "enemy within" which our Constitution warned us about.  The current administration has used the 9-11 attacks as a pretext to institute a phony war on terror, an unjustified invasion of Irag (who our intel and state dept built up in the first place), and as a phony pretext to pass the so-called "patriot act", trash the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, institute COG, debase our currency, and convert us into a police state run by military and intel who are actually puppets of the "shadow gov't". 

If you want to save our country start speaking up about this to your friends and neighbors and do whatever you can to get the truth declared accross our great land.



by Rainhaus on 21 September 2008 - 07:09

Well,Its all coming down and the majority have no idea.Stay safe Preston.

by gefauhr on 21 September 2008 - 11:09

The big question is what did we do with all that money we were supposed to have spent going to the moon?

by Uglydog on 21 September 2008 - 13:09


by RatPackKing on 21 September 2008 - 17:09


   What I see happening here is twofold. The Left has been using 'race' as an excuse in the event Barack Obama loses. This entire election cycle, to date, has been permeated with undertones of 'white' racial rejection of Obama. Bigotry and prejudice have been suggested as 'the real reason' why Obama might not succeed, either in the primaries or the election itself. Seems to me that Obama's success to date counters that suggestion and furthermore - if the Left is so convinced they have a winner, why on Earth would they build in an excuse for him to lose?

   The second aspect of this is much more troubling. The dividing of America along as many lines as possible - the one tried and true tactic of the Left. This has allowed them to divide and conquer over the last half century, despite their abysmal failure at delivering any significant improvement into the lives of all those subgroups they so vigorously agitate. Truth is, it has been Democrats who've kept minorites wanting and begging since just after the Civil War. This constant racial inflamation serves as cover for their actual intent, deeds and historical fact. More importantly, it gives minorities an excuse to fail - to lose.

   Case in point - the current 'economic crisis'. Mortgage lenders were coerced into providing home loans for people unable to afford those loans - the poor, the disenfranchised and minorities. It was only a matter of time before reality set in and those people defaulted on their loans. Thus setting the stage for even more governmental intervention and the creation of even more bureacracy to 'fix' the problem - the very life's blood of the Democratic party. To further their own agenda and to increase their political power - they set those people up to lose.

   The answer is that the Left has never, is not now, nor will they ever be the least bit concerned with the plight of minorities OR Barack Obama's quest, so long as it gains them more power. If Obama loses, the Left will use that as justification to agitate even more stridently along class and racial lines to further divide this nation - a proven political strategy and their best hope at gaining more power. The result of this reprehensible deception will be that we all lose.

   By no means am I suggesting that bigotry, prejudice and racism don't exist in this country. They do, but it is getting better, despite the machinations of the Left. A nation of 300 million doesn't suddenly wake up one day and find itself without bias, no more than I can wake tomorrow and find myself black. But great strides have been made and the situation will improve. The very real, pervasive and most virulent forms of racism are to be found in the paternalism of liberal quilt, the political aspirations of the Left and in the scab-picking screeds of a facilitating media - losers all.

by Preston on 21 September 2008 - 22:09

Golden parachutes for the big boys that mismanage the largest wall street banks:



by RatPackKing on 21 September 2008 - 22:09

Maybe it's just me, but the ugliness and the manic urgency of the Left shows no signs of letting up - to the contrary - I see it growing with each passing day. Nothing is sacred, all the rules were cast aside long ago and I am beginning to get worried. Some of the things I have seen over the last few weeks tell me that they will not accept anything less than total victory in a little over a month. I am begining to wonder if they'll even wait for the elections and if they do, I know in my heart they will contest any outcome other than victory - the election resuts will most certainly be tied up court for weeks if not months. Of course, we've already seen that, but this time is different. This time they are foaming at the mouth rabid. And there are other considerations. The world is watching and if we are perceived as faltering, there are many who'll see that as weakness and a signal to do great mischief. The 'economy' is tumultuous to say the least and any perception of instability will only amplify that on an order of magnitude - perhaps over the brink. The Left does not care about such trivialities - they demand and will accept nothing short of the complete eradication of 'the Bush Era'', all its participants and absolute victory.

It's good thing the election is in November, when it's cold - if it were summertime - I would fear all out war in the streets if they lose. As it is, it could still get very ugly on many fronts and fast. I suggest you take a sober assessment of your own situation regarding security and preparedness. Pay attention - things could get dicey in the coming months.


But then again - maybe it's just me.





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