Why Do we Own Guns? OT - Page 6

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by steve1 on 30 September 2008 - 22:09

Ugly Dog

I did not mean i sat with a Glass of Brandy along side of my Dogs for them to protect me. of course a bullet would put pay to them, But i do not even need the Dogs, what i do mean is i can sit inside my house or outside it and not be bothered by anyone at any time, it could happen but the chances are remote

Of course there is Thieves and robbery and murder going on everywhere including Belgium,

What i am saying is that is Guns were Banned then although the Hoodlums would still problably carry them it would not be as bad as some say

Now a Civil War and it has happened in the past

What did someone say on this forum 80,000,000 hand guns in the USA, Let's say things which are now going on not only in the USA but nearly everwhere in the World including Belgium the Financial crisis

If it got that bad in the USA and the People revolted against the Powers to be what would happen with those Guns it would be the Govenment and the USA Forces against the People who carry 80,000,000 Guns and more besides and the people would use them

Let us hope to God it never happens but the possibliily is there

I know you folk have been bought up with Guns but sometimes things do not work out the way we expect them too and they alone could be the downfall of the USA


by HarleyGirl52874 on 30 September 2008 - 23:09

We have guns as I stated before, and a 14yr old that also shoots, but he works at a fish and game club and has gone through several gun safety course. And when we are not home, there is to be NO other kids in our house. A rule that if broken my son knows he will never be allowed at home by himself ever again.


by Uglydog on 30 September 2008 - 23:09

Steve,,, I differ with you slightly. Or in a  major way, whichever you prefer.

THE PROBLEM WITH AMERICA IS That THE PEOPLE HAVEN'T YET REALIZED WE OWN 80 Million GUNS and there are only a few hundred thousand troops here to protect thisTyrannical, out of control Government.  Our Founding Fathers well knew of the potential tyranny. Absolute power, corrupts absolutely.  And it has.

Hell, the IRA Freedom Fighters,  with 400 Members,  Defeated an Occupying Force of 35,000 of Britians Finest, including SAS Special Forces, Killing 9xs the Number...these same Occupiers  that tried to 'colonize' them for 800 years.  Sold 300,000 Irish Catholics  as slaves.  And Banned Catholics from Owning Land, Voting, Receving an Education, Practicing law, Bearing Arms, Custody of Orphans, Intermarrying Protestants, inheriting land from Protestants,  not to mention the Millions more  deliberately starved in the Potato Famine.

The 2nd Amendment in the US Constitution (Right to Bear Arms) ,  is to enforce the 1st Amendment and the other Amendments, if all else fails.  It is coming to that point.


by blueshep on 01 October 2008 - 00:10

s252.photobucket.com/albums/hh19/blueshep/     I would give up all my guns just to have this one.

by carebear on 01 October 2008 - 00:10

All I am reading is how most of you are justifying owning a gun and the fact that you seem prepared to use it against another person.  Maybe living in the USA you should consider that the very fact you can own guns willy nilly has lead the country to the state of violence it is in today.  

by Uglydog on 01 October 2008 - 01:10

The Crime rate is the USA, carebear is not dramatically worse than other nations in the world, worse than some, better than many others.

Criminals use all sorts of weapons, as Britain is now learning, Australia too, now that theyve banned guns

Guns dont cause crime. Smith & Wesson did NOT invent the Drive By shooting.  Crimials commit crime, not guns.

 Just as Swimming pools dont drown people.  THere is a human element you so conveniently omit.

More people die from many other types of accidents, including car accidents. Should we Ban cars too?

How about  bee stings, improper medications & presecriptions, these all trump  gun homicides....Use your F*ckin head or dont type.

And youre right, if someone attempts to harm me or my family, Ive a GOD given right to defend myself. and they will be plant food.



by BabyEagle4U on 01 October 2008 - 02:10

"All I am reading is how most of you are justifying owning a gun and the fact that you seem prepared to use it against another person.  Maybe living in the USA you should consider that the very fact you can own guns willy nilly has lead the country to the state of violence it is in today."

.... ahhh America is now at 120 million registered private firearms .. the 80 million is months old. That said, to this date ... you have never seen America use the power of the 2nd ... there for, you have never seen the damage to a populous with 120 million ... and I'm gonna go ahead and estimate the total of guns in private ownership I think would be in excess of 500 million. But I'm just guessing. I bet there's 200,000 cannons still in private ownership.

I did the figures before .. and I'm too lazy to do it again, but only 4% of private firearms account for private registered firearm deaths. All the rest are police shootings, homicides, murder, mishaps on the street etc. Thugs.

So, why should the people who own guns due to the 2nd ... be subject to the 96% thug rate ? Just who may I ask is gonna defend Liberty ?  WTF !!!

The 2nd is the reset switch for the 1st. Americans know these things. "we the people" are the last and final defenders of Liberty (in this country). Some appreciate that .. some don't. Yes, owning a gun in America is justified by the name.

Yeah, for those of you that want to know what we're all about. It's like this y'all.

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name ! ~ Fort Minor


Two Moons

by Two Moons on 01 October 2008 - 03:10


I'm sorry you got shot in the leg by a nieghbor, your mother was to blame.   

Your right about kid's, thats why you never leave a firearm laying around.

You have to be responcible and follow the rules.   There are those who have no business operating a motor vehicle, much less a firearm.  Rule's are rule's.

Did you leave the room and go tell an adult when your friend grabbed your mother's gun?   Did you tell your friend to put it back and get out?

Oh well, I'm not going to argue with you about it, your better off without a firearm.   It's your choice thats the main thing, we have a choice.  Thats the point isn't it?

I've seen my share of accident's involving firearms, it's less of a concern for me than driving a car in a major city or interstate highway.  

I will say this, there are too many idiot's among us, it's really sad, and scary at the same time.




by Zahnburg on 01 October 2008 - 03:10

"The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He, who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, and what he possesses; else he lives precariously, and at discretion." (James Burgh, Political Disquisitions: Or, an Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses [London, 1774-1775])


And to those proposing "gun control" in the name of public safety I leave Ben Franklin:

"Any people that would give up liberty for a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin



by KariM on 01 October 2008 - 03:10

Ever since I was in security when I was in the Navy and used to carry a Barretta 9mm, I have enjoyed having a gun.  I currently have a very cute Sig P224 9mm, and enjoy going to the range, and shooting off a few boxes of ammo!  I often say if they can get passed the two GSDs good luck getting passed the Sig.

When my ex-boyfriend was over a lot with his kids my gun was in three pieces in three different places.  Now that he is gone, it's loaded with one in the chamber and next to my bed.  Only three people have a key to my house, and they all know there is never ever a reason for them to come into my bedroom period. 


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