Sarah Palin on SNL tonight - Page 6

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by alaman on 19 October 2008 - 19:10

Actually Hodie, I know quite a bit about the legislative process. Lived in D.C. for a while and got to know a number of those involved in the process and know my senators. A close friend that I grew up with dad was a very powerful congressman

It's easy to introduce a bill. Simply draw it up and submit to whichever House you are a member of.  It may never get heard of again but getting it into the hopper is very easy. Thousands are introduced every year. Hussein has not submitted one bill on any of the topics he says he knows all the answers to and knows how to solve our problems. NOT ONE. It's either because he is a liar and has no answers or he is a socialist/communist (remember his childhood mentor that he discusses in his book and credits for a lot of his growth, is a communist) and is trying to hide that fact. Joe the Plumber's question helped show Hussein's socialism with his spread the wealth comment (Marx "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs").

The problem with the Chosen One's policies are in the details. General blather fools the great unwashed but if he is elected, they will be shocked to find out what they elected. Add his socialism to a congress run by the liberal demoncrap leadership and the future of our country is something to be seriously worried about.  Even now we read of those few in the media who dare criticize him being attacked and it will only get worse when he has power. Fear for the future 

by alaman on 19 October 2008 - 19:10

Oh and Hodie, I'm not a fan of Bush nor would McCain be my choice either but McCain is the lesser of two evils and will do less damage to our great country than Hussein will. We can recover from a McCain presidency as we can from a Bush one. But with a demoncrap congress and a Hussein presidency, the damage will be great


by sueincc on 19 October 2008 - 19:10

RPK:  I have no problem with people bringing up the past,  however, like WAR HERO General Colin Powell,  I and apparently most other Americans (if you look at the polls) do have a problem with McCain, Palin and their supporters who resort to out and out lies, innuendo and scare tactics about Obama since they have been unable to come up with any proof regarding their outlandish claims regarding Obama.


by sueincc on 19 October 2008 - 19:10

By the way, this constant, childish  referring to Obama by his middle name is really stupid and only serves to solidify peoples opinion about you.  In the western world it is customary to call people by their entire name, or their first or last name, no one soley uses a middle name.   Is this your sad little attempt to scare people by making sure everyone knows his middle name is one commonly used amongst muslim people?  Well here's a clue:


by Blitzen on 19 October 2008 - 20:10

Joe, the plumber:

"Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?"

Barack, the next President of the US:

"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everyone who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success too. My attitude is that if the ecomony is good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody".

Alaman, can you see DC from your house?  Just curious, do you hate all people with the middle name, Hussein, or just Obama?



by hodie on 19 October 2008 - 21:10


Yes, I have concerns about the future, but not the same ones that apparently so many paranoid people have. Neither Obama, or McCain alone could fix all the problems that exist in our country as of this time in history. And even if the person elected was the greatest statemen and visionary we ever had as President, they could not do so. Why? Because of the process itself. "We the people" have not done our job, have not educated ourselves or our children and are damned lazy and care only about what life (and that includes the government) can give to us. To hell with the other guy. We have lost our way as a nation.

Another part of the problem is that people cannot discuss issues as is demonstrated over and over again, not only here but in other places. Instead, one prefers to denigrate someone because of  a middle name, BS they read and so badly need to believe. Pathetic. 


by Blitzen on 19 October 2008 - 21:10

Hodie, did you hear any of Obama's speeches where he said that - parents must put away the remotes and the computers and get involved too if their kids are to get a better education?

by alaman on 19 October 2008 - 22:10

There has been enough said about Hussein to reveal his true leanings and beliefs if anyone really wants to find them out. However, most don't want to. Nothing has to be "proven". It's all public knowledge.

His mentor as a young boy, and whose advice he says he treasured, was a communist who publically said he wanted to overthrow the U.S. Look him up. A communist as a mentor.

He is friends with Ayers as he admitted before something was made of it. He has never once condemmed Ayers or his wife for their acts. Simply says he was eight years old when it happened. Reckoned he would use a similar excuse about Hitler or Wayne Gacey? A terrorist as a friend?

Rev. Wright preached hatred of Whitey for the 20 or so years Hussein sat in his congregation. Hussein said he was his spiritual mentor. A man preaching hatred as a mentor?

Michelle's thesis is full of hate for the white person whom she blames for the ills of society. Read it and find out.

Tony Rezco was a friend and mentor as Hussein says in a book. The man is a crook and has been convicted as such. Hussein got deals for him while an Ill. senator and there is a question about Hussein getting some property next to his home. A crook for a mentor.

As a community organizor, he was in deep with ACORN which he tries to downplay. He was their attorney and advisor for years and helped them set up many of their programs which are under question or investigation.

The list goes on and on for anyone who really wants the truth. For those that don't, they will simply say rumors and nothing proven. They will depend upon the main stream media for their info and the MSM has NEVER investigated their chosen one as Palin has been investigated.

Everything I said above can be proven and has been. Also, if my calling him Hussein causes someone to vote for him, doesn't say much about their discernment. Maybe Barry Seweto his adoptive name would be better?

Just think. The man says he has the answers to our problems (as he perceives them). The demoncraps control both houses of Congress and Nan and Harry would do anything to get him elected. If he called them and asked them to pass a bill that would help him get elected, they would call congress in session to do so. Yet he has, in his two years in congress, never introduced one bill to solve the problems he sees. NOT ONE. Why? He either has none and is lying or he knows people would see him for the socialist he is.





by hodie on 19 October 2008 - 22:10

 Hi Blitzen,

Yes, I heard a lot of Obama's speeches and conferences, including where he said parents have to get involved, put away the remote etc. He is right on.

I have three children here who live with their mother and me. I make every effort, including at dinner each night, to ask them what happened in school, ask them about what they learned, quiz them, help them learn outside the school and outside the box, and yes, TV time is limited and monitored. We make sure their homework is done and help if they need it. We make sure that their work at school is reflective of their abilities.  

Computer time is also limited and we have no X Box or otherwise. They do have the Encyclopedia Britannica on their computer and on-line, as well as access to other excellent reference material. For every minute they spend playing on the computer they must spend two minutes doing something educational at the computer. They must do so much reading each week and give a verbal report about what it was they read. Each week or so they must make a presentation after dinner on a subject they choose or that is assigned. One was assigned Obama and the other McCain for a relevant topic. Their presentations each week have matured and have now turned into some pretty nice powerpoint presentations (from children under the age of 16). Each presentation is critiqued and they must also make a bibliography.

At dinner and other times they are asked questions about real issues of the day and asked to think about them and we also try to present the alternative views as well. They are required to do a lot of things they should be doing in school but don;t because there is so much time spent by teachers on classroom management and discipline of other students.

So yes, it can be done and these kids will grow up thanks to their parents excellent work and the help of others, including me, having the skills to critically evaluate issues, not simply call names or vomit some right wing or left wing or other extremist line. Their reasoning skills and sometimes their knowledge is greater than many adults whom I know.

There are a lot of things each of us needs to do to make our country stronger. Instead, we too often squander what opportunities we have. And that begins with squandering away the minds of our children.

by Blitzen on 19 October 2008 - 23:10

Get some new material, Alaman. It's all old news. If you think that I couldn't dig up the same on McCain on the net, then you are naive and have a terminal case of tunnel vision.   Ever hear of Liddy? Just in case you haven't got that far, here's a link that will tell you all about their relationship. When asked about Liddy by Letterman, McCain said - I've MET him and then changed the subject. It took me about 3 seconds to find this site on the net. Get it?

Vote for whomever you want, Obama doesn't need your vote. I assume that your hatred for anyone with the name Hussein is not limited to Obama. You seem to have plenty of that to go around.


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