(OT) American Soldier Honored - Page 6

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by Uglydog on 20 July 2009 - 16:07

You are calling those that Resist Occupation, terrorists, Rather than those that Are the OCCUPIERS.
Typical Israeli Dual citizen mindset.
Ive got some National Guard Enlistment forms for you, give me your address and Ill mail them.  Theyll take you up until 55.
Go fight for Israel, stop getting Americans to do your dirty work.


The entire world laughs at us. They KNOW 911 was an Inside job. German secret service, Russian and European intelligence. Some have even gone public.

Former President of Italy: 9/11 was an Inside Job

November 30th 2007, the former President of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, wrote in Italy's largest newspaper:

'Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Qaeda September [attack] to the two towers in New York [claiming to be] the author of the attack of the 11, while all the intelligence services of America and Europe ... now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA American and the Israeli Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic Countries, and in order to induce the western powers to take part ... in Iraq and Afghanistan.'


by Uglydog on 20 July 2009 - 16:07

Uglydog - Have you ever been in the Military?
No, I dont believe this government, it policies, military contractors or Israel, is worth dying or being disabled for.

So, Mr. Know-it-all, what should the U.S. have done after 9-11?
Brought to Justice the criminals in the Administration, CIA and Israeli Mossad, given them a fair trial and hanged or shot them publically.   Ceased all aid to Israel.   Dismantale 90% of the 700 Foreign Bases in 130 nations we now Occupy and Protect Our border from Illegal Invasion.  
'No Entangling Alliances is not a hard concept to understand.   Thomas Jefferson, he smart man.

Tell me your BIG plan/solution.
See above.  Also END the FED, Print Interest Free Debt, flat tax 15%.

Yes, I know 9-11 terrorists were Saudi, so don't start that B.S. w/me.
Yes, thats right. We found the Saudi  passports in 'perfect' condition on the floor of ground zero, but the black box and plane in smithereens. Only a fool believes this nonsense.

I don't think you are "playing with a full deck."
You call this Hate because You HATE the truth.


by MaggieMae on 20 July 2009 - 17:07

Uglydog -- yep, I figured you had never served this country....you just take up Space.   You are a pathetic soul.


by jaggirl47 on 20 July 2009 - 17:07

I agree with you Maggie.  Also Ugly Dog, there was video footage released on the plane hitting the Pentagon.  And , my Uncle who is retired Navy was a civilian at the Pentagon and on the Navy side when the plane hit.  So, don't start spouting out things because your ignorant little mind refuses to see anything that's really happened.  If you are so unhappy with my wonderful country that I myself serve and took an oath to protect, LEAVE.

by Uglydog on 20 July 2009 - 18:07

The Pentagon video was 5 seconds long, and showed nothing.   Certainly not a plane hitting a building.
Go ahead and Post if it it still exists.  I could use a laugh.

You served Israeli interests, Bankers interests, Contractors interests..in Occupying nations. 
Youre the Neo CON, the Neo CONs Bitch,  whose policies have us mocked and hated now around the world. We were once admired and loved,  with a peaceful foreign policy.   Now we are the biggest threat to peace, by backing Israel and warring for Oil and Israels interests. 
America is now siding with Me, with Liberty, with the Constitution and a humble foreign policy.   And ending the FED and Occupations that you PIMP.   Youre uncle should be angry with the NSA, CIA, Israeli Mossad, and government traitors.


The USA hasnt actually won a war in 100+ years.
WW1 - Armistice Only - USSR Is Lost to Leftist Jewish Regime
WW2 - End-Game Standoff - USSR Steals Poland & Half of Europe. General Patton calls it a 'defeat' and wants to ReArm Germany to Invade Bolshevik Russia.
China Kicks America Out Under Communist Rule in 1947
Korea - Not Won - America Pushed South - Armistice
Vietnam - Disaster - Lost - Americans Have to Escape by Helicopter
Lebanon - Disaster - Marines Killed - U.S. Flees
Somalia - Disaster - Americans Killed - Flee
Yugoslavia - Disaster - Split in Pieces
Iraq - Disaster - War Lost
Afghanistan - Disaster - War Lost


by raymond on 20 July 2009 - 18:07

I served my country in both viet nam and the  middle east! When I see with open eyes the stupidity of american citizens I will not shut up! the last war of freedom was ww 2! when we were deliberately attacked by a foriegn power! Saudi citizens attacked this country as you have been told yet Busch invades afganistan and iraq!  You people are complete morons! Read the facts of this attack and get your heads out of your asses! It is impossible for an airliner to crash on the upper floors of wtc and cause it to free fall collapse ! The probability factors and laws of mathematics confim that it had to be preplanned demolition for those three buildings to fall in such a manner. The when you got no plausable explanation you cry get out of our country if you don't like it! I say you get the hell out because you are too stupid to deserve someone to fight so you can be free! Oh jaggirl just what do you fight with ?a tube of lipstick and a law book? Passports on ground floor in perfect condition after a plane crash yet no black boxes ! All true and you who say no are just a bunch of moronic assholes! picture prrofed evidence of thermite explosives used in the lower floors and still you believe a lie!


by MaggieMae on 20 July 2009 - 21:07

Uglydog -- Now I have the picture -- you are A WIMP !!!!!!!   A Pansy !!!!

....and regarding how the Towers fell, you do not have the Knowledge/Education to make any determination -- that was left up to the Experts..... you are "light years" from being an Expert on anything.   You have provided no evidence of anything -- the crap you spew is from the Lunatic Conspiracy Sites.    What is your purpose in life???   What are your goals???  Why do you live in the U.S. since you HATE it so much???   Go away, faaaaaaaaar away.

Also, I don't give a damn what the rest of the world thinks.

Jessie James

by Jessie James on 20 July 2009 - 21:07

Ok Raymond so you say WW2 was the last deliberate attack so what do you call 9/11/01? I take you don't see osama bin laden and his group of terrorist as a forigen power? Do I agree with invading iraq? No i don't.
If you are indeed a Vet like you say you are then you should know that as a soldier it's nice to have support from home.  Tell me how did it feel being over in Vietnam fighting for "nothing" knowing people back home don't support you? How did you feel getting called to go fight. Did you want to go? More then likely your answer is no you didnt want to but guess what you did. You went because you were told you had no other choice. Did you ever stop and think thats what the soldier today are going through? I'm betting you felt kinda shitty knowing your over there fighting and people here are protesting you cause frankly thats what YOUR doing to these soldiers. As a Vet. You should know what the feeling is like being hated by your own country men because you were forced to go to war. Personally  I'm supporting the soldiers not the war. I would love to see things from your point of view but frankly I can't get my head that far up my ass like you do. I hope people are there to celebrate your life when you die even though you commited murder to.

You can call me names and say that I'm America's problem and bitch about me all you want but what good does it do? Your not going to hurt my feelings Your not going to break me down. It doesn't change the fact that
This thread was started so we don't forget our soldiers who are dying in a war (weither we agree with it or not).
They deserve our respect because they died doing what they were told to do


by raymond on 20 July 2009 - 22:07

Maggie , Maggie ,Maggie ! the laws of probability have dynamically and irrefutably proved that there is no way in hell those two buildings would fall upon themselves from two different airliner impacts that occurred at different places in the bldg! Then falling at free fall speed without any lateral movement  or momentary pause in falling ! Truey I find it difficult to believe anyone could be that blind!The investigators tell us that the collapse was caused by metal fatigue from the fire!!!!! Bullshit the underwriters labs certified that steel to withstand temps far hotter than recorded at the fire ! Several engineers were fired from underwriters who tested the dam stell and started complaining about the lies! Read the damn engineering reports on the steel testing conducted by underwriters labs concerning the steel and heat temp fatigue!

by Uglydog on 20 July 2009 - 22:07

Heres Video proof.. or Freudian Slip

Former 9/11 Commissioner Tim Roemer slips & says a 'missile hit the Pentagon' on 9/11.
George W. Bush also slips up and describes explosives in the World Trade Center towers.
Donald Rumsfeld slips up as well saying that United 93 was 'shot down' in Pennsylvania.


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