Keeping Your Dog Safe from Law Enforcement - Page 6

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by BabyEagle4U on 02 May 2012 - 02:05

I am a farmer and racehorse trainer. I don't know any of the dogs I posted or their owners or anyone involved. 1. I have passion for everything that is unconstitutional in this country 2. I love all life .. sorry that bothers you.


by ggturner on 02 May 2012 - 02:05


by ggturner on 02 May 2012 - 02:05

1. I have passion for everything that is unconstitutional in this country 2. I love all life     


by BabyEagle4U on 02 May 2012 - 02:05

Okay I'm finished with this thread. I don't want my dog my child or myself shot because somebody thinks I'm talking smack. Unbelievable, I'm tired of taking the heat all the time .. where all the so called animal lovers on this board. Apparently nowhere. Whateva.


by Slamdunc on 02 May 2012 - 03:05

Get a thicker skin if you are going to make erroneous, incorrect, and inflammatory statements.  You really do not know what you are talking about.  I changed that first sentence several times to be kinder in responding to you.  I have posted my thoughts on this topic several times, I'm not going to do it again.  Use the "search messageboard" feature and you will find a few threads similar to this one.  

There are over 500,000 Police Officers in this country responding to calls every day.  Thousands of calls for service handled each day by LEO's.  Exactly how many unfortunate instances are there with friendly pets and Police?  I would love to see the real numbers. I would say one is too many, but let's be realistic.  Exactly how many friendly dogs in their yard are shot by Police each year?  Compared to the  number of dogs that are allowed to roam free each day and get hit by cars by neglectful owners?  How many dogs are shot by citizens, hunters and farmers each day?  BE would be the first to shoot a loose dog on her property that chased her chickens.  A member of this forum bought chickens just so they could "legally" kill their neighbors dogs when they stepped foot on their property and bragged about it.  Not one person, except me complained about that.  That member has killed more dogs than I can count on two hands, either by PTS "problem" dogs, letting them hang themselves or shooting them.  That is way more than any Law Enforcement agency I know and I don't work for a small PD.  But, they are a GSD breeder now with high end(?) GSD's.  

When do we put some responsibility on the dogs owners for not properly containing their dogs.  Countless times I have been charged and approached by loose dogs while working.  I respond to aggressive dog calls all the time to evaluate and confirm that the dogs are aggressive before Animal Control will respond.  I have had dogs charge my K-9 partner who is very dog aggressive.  I have never shot a dog.  I have made over 100 entries when I was in Narcotics on Search Warrants.  It was always the right house and we never shot a dog when I was there.  We have used alternate means to deal with pit bulls guarding the drug houses we were about to hit.  I remember one Search warrant where 3 pit bulls where chained outside guarding the approach to the house.  I can assure you that those dogs would bite and tried, one dog got very close but no dogs were shot or tased.  We have other more creative ways that do not harm the dogs at all but keep them at bay.  Since I have experience in this area, I have a problem with your arm chair quarterbacking and innacurate statements.  

 I was on a swat call out yesterday, a 6 hour barricaded hostage call, third one this week.  I was assigned to the reaction / rescue team with my dog.  After being on the side of the house waiting for 6 hours to make entry if shots were fired; suspects gave up and we cleared the house and I went to put my dog away.  Some old lady wanted to bring her poodle mix up to my dog to say "hi."   She approached me from the side just as I had taken the leash off my dog and put him in my car.  I was adding water to his bowl and the car door was open.  This nice old lady said my "Bonnie" wants to meet your dog, I'm going to let them say hello."  She then proceeds to walk right up to my car door.  I was hot and sweaty and told her "NO, my dog is not friendly. Don't come any closer!"  I often wonder what people are thinking when they do some of the things they do.  I find myself wondering the same thing on threads like this.  One thing about these threads that I really enjoy is getting to know some of the personalities on here.   I really like BE and I understand where she is coming from even if we disagree on these issues.  Others, well not so much.  

I read the article you posted, it had some good information.  It is a shame this thread couldn't stick to the points of the article, this could have been productive.  


by darylehret on 02 May 2012 - 13:05

Do you automatically assume when someone doesn't like you, it's because of your profession?  Get real.

by beetree on 02 May 2012 - 14:05


Jiust one correction about this statement: 
Not one person, except me complained about that.

You forgot me!


by Blitzen on 02 May 2012 - 15:05

I didn't read that thread, but I'm pretty sure I know who did that. Bigger caliber bullets make a cleaner kill.

Slamdunc, thinking people don't judge every Leo by the deeds of the few bad ones. If I ever fall down and can't get up and my GSD is of the mind that no one should get near me, I hope that the cop who answers the call is like you. 



by Gigante on 02 May 2012 - 15:05



Please point out one of those erroneous, incorrect, and or inflammatory statements if you will. Im ok with being called on the carpet when Im wrong, look above. You don't have to pull any punches, if you are coming with your thoughts and or facts. My skin is great, the ouch was not for me. 


" I have had dogs charge my K-9 partner who is very dog aggressive.  I have never shot a dog"


I can deal with people blowing the crap out of any living creature that presents a significant threat to them, and theirs. Even if its a split second error. Some people and some things need a more permanent time out..  Im ok with that.


Your statement above is the perfect argument for those few of us on this board that think extra training and experience will save a lot of peoples pets and a lot of PR nightmares. Theres a reason you have not had to shoot a dog as of yet, Im guessing its not because you don't encounter aggressive dogs ever. It's that reason that should be force spread around. IMO 





I began this thread because the article in the first post had some good advice from LEOs on how to help protect our dogs.  Slam and alboe, I appreciate your service to the community.  I did not start this thread to criticize or bash LEOs, but to help all of us to protect our dogs.

Why is that we must learn how to protect our dogs from the police on our property, in our homes and we are not allowed to discuss with the police the seriousness of the having to do so. Insert sheep bahhhh here. 


by Slamdunc on 02 May 2012 - 17:05

Go back an read your own posts and you might figure it out.  Then go back and read my posts.  I will finish by saying it is not worth my time to debate the ridiculous statements you have posted.  The pervasive attitude that runs rampant in Law Enforcement regarding peoples pets and what is discussed in roll call and in locker rooms according to you????    Simply idiotic.  I am open to a discussion with someone who either asks an intelligent question or makes an intelligent clearly thought out statement.  I have seen few of those from you on this topic.  I have explained how we handle aggressive dogs and it is rarely lethal, it is very unlikely for members of my PD to shoot a dog.  Keep in mind many LEO's also own pets. 

Again, so we can discuss this accurately please provide the stats of freindly dogs in their own yards shot by the Police last year?  Then provide the stats for the number of dogs hit by cars running loose last year?  Then provide the stats for the number of dogs shot by hunters, farmers and citizens?  It is a widely accepted practice by hunters to shoot dogs running at large in the woods and farmers will do it in a heart beat.  But, that is ok?  Couldn't the hunters be trained to use other methods to catch or stop the dogs?  If the hunter was an off duty cop then it becomes an issue? 

Why is it people are not responsible for their dogs and their actions?  Please let me know how big of a problem this really is, how often does this occur?  Factually, not just another sensationalized event. 

Read the article, it gives some good tips.  How should people protect their dogs?  I would say keep them contained in your yard, don't let them run loose.  Have your dogs micro chipped so they can be returned to you when found.  Far more dogs are killed in shelters every day than I can even imagine.  Give your dogs heartworm medicine and some vaccines.  More dogs die for heartworm every day than have ever been shot by the Police.  If you see the police in your neighborhood actively hunting for someone use a little common sense and bring your dog inside or secure it until they leave the area, don't let it out.  Is it really that hard to keep your pet safe? 

We do train our Officers, they receive training in the Academy by animal control on how to appropriately respond to aggressive dog calls, how to read animal behavior and how to safely deal with aggressive animals.  It is a DCJS required training and mandatory.  We have a large animal control unit that is part of our PD.  In addition, I also train the academy classes on how to deal with dogs and how to react to aggressive dogs.  I also conduct training with our K-9's and the academy class.  I have developed a PowerPoint as well as a practical lesson where each recruit interacts, tracks and does building clearing with the K-9's.  I ask directly "who is afraid of dogs?"  I need to know this as it may jeopardize my life or my K-9's partner's life on the street.  I do get people who respond they are afraid of dogs, by the end of the training they are comfortable working around the dogs and the fear is subsided.  The K-9 training class is one of the highlights of the academy.  To supplement this I regularly do roll call trainings at each precinct with every squad to reinforce this training.  I also set up training scenarios and bring squads in to clear buildings with the dogs and even safely with out the dogs.  We teach movement with the dog and proper tactics.  There is a lot of on going training needed to stay proficient in this line of work. 


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