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by Mystere on 31 July 2008 - 23:07

Bob, It took SEVEN years to get a felony prohibition for USA officers adopted. To institute a screening process and background check for local clubs and local club officers, as a mandate of USA, will require a bylaw amendment. That is how the felony prohibition came about, too. Those who feel that this is the route USA should take need to draft a proposed bylaw amendment to such effect and submit it to the Bylaw Committee between now and mid-September, so that it can be included in the mailing 30 days prior to the GBM in a timely manner. Then, make sure that you or someone else who shares your concern attends the GMB to help in discussions and its adoption. There is nothing to prevent individual clubs from screening out "undesirables" with criminal records. Clubs screen people out all the time, based on much less. :-)Perhaps you should start with your local club, if you have not already. Any organization is what its members make it.

by Bob McKown on 01 August 2008 - 04:08

I,ll take that as not a shot at our club,and we do look at the background of our club members before instating them as full members, and have waved off a few because of questionable thinks they have done. the reason it takes so long to get any thing done in USA is because it is so dam top heavy,  to many cooks in the kitchen. A orginization with just 4000 members doesnt need the bloated board that it has. it needs to make meetings easier to get to not in the middle of the work week but on a weekend away from a major event. It needs to be less beholding to the SV and take a stronger step in the right direction to promote the working abalities of the dog. Stop worring about world events (that will leave us with a mountain of debt) and worry about cleaning up our own back yard.the orginization should put the clubs and the dogs first and the examples the clubs set will raise the quality of the orginization.   

by hodie on 01 August 2008 - 04:08


I think most clubs "screen" people, but what is being talked about here is a required formal background check. Are you saying your club does that? We don't but then yes, we are very careful about matching people to our club and vice versa. For a lot of reasons we do not have much trouble with new members being ethical types.

I agree with you about the top heaviness of the organization. I especially agree that meetings are impossible to attend as they are now and have and will continue to advocate for a different method of doing business. I believe that the WUSV event is very worrisome and could leave the organization crippled. I hope I am wrong on this.

And I especially agree that the organization as a whole must clean itself up, police itself and its' membership more effectively, and abide by its by-laws. Officers who claim moneys to which they are not entitled, as an example, should be removed. The SS bite work standards should be enforced, more done to aid the small clubs and assist clubs who wish to participate but have no helpers. There are other issues too, but this would be a good start if an honest effort were made to address them.'

None the less, in this situation, nothing can be done until proper procedures are followed and I do hope this time there will be no more excuses about why it was not done.


by grimmdog on 01 August 2008 - 14:08

I saw my name popped up.

I did receive email correspondence from Bill Wanke and was asked then to keep the video private and not public, that it was for demonstration purposes only.

I can post those email exchanges if he gives me permission to, that detailed my position and USA's policies very clearly.


                                  Nate Harves
                                  Assistant Mideast Regional Director


by Avorow on 01 August 2008 - 16:08

Ugly, I think that Hodie has made some valid points to you and I hope that you take the time to listen. Your constant repetition of the fact that no trial was held as per USA by laws does not address the fact that a club can obtain a waiver and not hold a trial. If the club in question is only affiliated and not a full member club, I am not sure that the requirement applies to them anyway. Your complaint about the filing fee for BOI charges is something that I find fairly funny for someone who is so loudly protesting that USA is only about the money. The fee is refunded if the charges are substantiated. I think that the fee is a great idea to limit nonsense charges. Without some type of penalty, there would be hundreds of hours spent defending and investigating claims from people with nothing better to do than moan and complain. Remember too, the BOI, the Board and all officers of USA are volunteers, they too have lives to live and dogs to train. Submitting the fee indicates that you are willing to lose the money if you are proved to be wrong. Lastly, I only know Tim Helser by the posts on this board. I don't like what has been written about him and I think that I will avoid him at all costs. That said, even he is entitled to due process. If the shoe were on the other foot wouldn't you want the same assurance? Too quickly something like this can become a witch hunt with someone tried and convicted in cyberspace with only hearsay evidence. But just as with the last Seiger Show, most of the hue and cry comes from non-members who consider themselves "interested parties". Sorry, while you are entitled to your opinion, you are not entitled to bitch about something that you have no stake in. At least not to bitch and expect it to go anywhere. Send the money for your dues, support the organization and work from within, it is the only way you will ever make a difference in USA.

by Uglydog on 01 August 2008 - 16:08

Im glad we have 'Due Process' in the USA.  

Actually we dont anymore, with Presidente  Bush' signing of the Patriot Act & MCA Act,  but that's another topic.   Everyone should have a right to address their accuser in a court of law.  Agreed.

But Being a Member of any Respectable organization, any organization,  is a priveledge, imo & comes with a responsibility from the organization & those involved in running it.   It has little relevance with regard to 'due process' when one is a Criminal & a Habitual offender.

Violating The Law with criminal conduct, by being  Charged/ Convicted ie  B & E, Trespass, Dangerous Dog citations,  While being a member of a 'Respectable' dog organization & (if one to research just a little bit,  Animal Cruelty with a charred puppy & filthy conditions) is by my definition,  a member that any responsible club would immediately take steps to BAN & distance themselves from..

If I ran or wanted to run a Class organization, Id make sure I was Proactive, Rather than Reactive,  with regard to officers & those empowered & entrusted with monies & in working with the public.

Not having any Responsible Screening Process for criminals, convicts & Cons in your organization,  is not altogether a responsible way to conduct any type of a club, imo.   Of Course, some like Helser & others, might disagree with that.

Again and for the last time, Paperwork for this was sent in along with a fee,  by a member.  It was sent to the wrong address. We became aware of it, after speaking to Nia,  after giving her the address of where it was sent . It was  then corrected/ steered me properly.  But conversation with her was disheartening.   She made reference to fear of 'retaliatory lawsuit' from the accused  & their Reluctance, Desire & Inability to do anything short of a case, By a member,  & with 1 year limit.   And even then, with not much optimism.

Nate, its a dead horse, but if you want to post our correspondence, you may.   Michele Scarberry also outlined the protocol for BOI, which was followed when the paperwork was initially sent to SchH USA, only to the wrong address.  I had hoped that you would share the video with the USA Officers, & not 'make public' to those on the outside only.  Its been taken down by me, but I still have on CD and am glad to share to those holding positions..


by Mystere on 01 August 2008 - 17:08


   What color is the sky where you live?

   You continue to misrepresent what is said to you.    You have posted very selectively and even then, you  have edited parts of the posts.    So much for all that "personal responsibility and accountabilty," huh?  You have YET to post the entire email exchange, including the post wherein  you tried to threaten me with hearing from your attorney and I  told you that I would LOVE to hear from your attorney.  I still would love to hear from him/her!  Please have them contact me!! 

     Once again, and for the final time, USA has NO fear of lawsuits from miscreants and no reason to, so long as we FOLLOW our own rules.  Some idiot threatens USA with a lawsuit, directly or on some internet board, nearly every week.    In fact, you are one of them...despite not being a member.!!   

    You continue to misrepresent what I told you.   What I attempted to explain to you  in our conversation was WHY we had the rules we do and that denying Helser (or anyone else) due process would give them valid  grounds to sue.  Most people understand why the procedure must be followed at that point; others live in a world with a different colored sky and they don't get it, until someone else beats them into reality.  

      Obviously,  and thanfully, others have the sense and intelligence to discern from the email correspondence that you have posted that  from Octoberf 2007 to July 2008 , you were repeatedly apprised of the proper procedure and that you simply  (a) refuse to follow the rules, (b) aren't a member who could file in the first place, and (c) that you did not reveal your lack of membership until July 31.  To put it bluntly, you simply wasted the time of two USA members who volunteer their time and energy to serve the USA membership and organization to rant about someone with whom you have issues, including apparently personal issues that have nothing to do with USA.   Personally, I am finished responding to you and your  disingenuous posturing.

Please, feel free to have the last word, as I am sure it means much more to you than it would to me!!


by hodie on 01 August 2008 - 18:08

Let's all be clear in this. We have ALL wasted time with Ugly and he has not put up, so I for one, expect him on this account to shut up. IF and when a USA member files a bona fide complaint about Helser or any other member, I expect the USA BOI will look into the matter and make a decision. IF and when the organization as a whole decides to do "background" checks, whatever that means, perhaps people like Helser is reputed to be will be kept out of the organization (and no one has proven whether he is or is not a member at this time). Who knows, had such a background check been in effect, Ugly, by his own admission of being convicted of a crime in the past might have also been kept out of the ranks of the organization. I for one find it ridiculous to consider a background check as a requirement for participating in my club. We certainly do not attract the kind of person who has a criminal record and probably most clubs do not as well. Officers with access to organizational funds etc., must now meet such a requirement and that is, in my opinion, appropriate.

And yes, clubs can get a waiver, although the intent of a trial waiver is clear and, if abused, that too can be grounds for dismissal of the club from whatever status it holds. Unless a club is a full member club however, it is my understanding that there is no requirement for an annual trial.

Ugly, the bottom line is YOU say you were screwed over. Perhaps it is true, perhaps not. At least one person has emailed me with information that, if any of it is true, puts your complaint in a different light. But without proper procedure and evidence presented by a USA MEMBER to the BOI, nothing can or should come of it, however despicable many might think Helser is.

So Ugly, drop it. You have NOT prevailed here with people who are level-headed and have no use for people in the organization that are unsavory at best. But, because of your incessant whining rather than action nothing more can or should be done. That speaks volumes. People like you and Helser deserve each other. Take him to a civil court. a We are tired of trying to help someone (YOU)  who is as disingenuous as the person you claim wronged you.

by Uglydog on 01 August 2008 - 18:08

You need me to Prove a Criminal Is a Criminal,  because youre inept & unwiling to take a postion.

(Hodie this doesnt concern you,  so  kindly shut the hell up. Mind your own business, you ninny).

Nia, The only thing I 'edited' were some of the last names in the emails,  or misspellings in the emails.  I posted what was relevant and inluded old emails as well.

You said yourself paraphrase ..'we (SchH USA) could be counter sued for taking disciplinary action' and must proceed via the BOI, despite a criminal & repeat offender who is habitual in his ways.  

The County Offender search was given for all to see.  You want disposition & to  police members of wrong doings, why dont you do it? Havent enough people raised red flags?

The dispositions of Helsers' cases are posted by the County.  If the case was dismissed, it clearly says so. If not, it stands.

There are also 2 judgements against Helser.  One is mine, the other is his landlord where he ran his business & SchH club and hadnt made a payment in over a year, in addition to having another Trespass & Dangerous Dog violation.

You need me to prove that Im a victim, and are willing to disregard his criminal actions.  Its much easier to walk away and many victims of his have done just that.   Ive chosen not to. 

I waited & found other victims that want him barred,  and am being criticized & castigated by the likes of you,  with your feeble attempts to discredit me. ...

But alas, have no fear.  

The entire case for the BOI from a USA member  was just sent  today to Sara Wallick, Express Mail and with a Tracking number.  If she does not have by Monday afternon please inform me and we will track.

If some here want to donate to help with the $75 fee...send a few bucks to:  8050 Beckett Center 307, West Chester, Oh 45069.

Ball is in your court Mia, Nate, Michele, et al.   Lets see what youre made of.   There are over one half dozen victim complaints, affadavits, notarized signatures, vet letters from physical damage caused by Helser to a dog etc.  I also have video (not attached) that I can share.


by hodie on 01 August 2008 - 18:08

 Sorry Ugly,

It does concern me because you brought it up here and posted. It does concern all of the members of USA whom you malign as you have up and until the BOI takes on the case. I have repeatedly told you that I consider this person Helser about as unsavory a character as they come. But, that being said, I have nothing to do with him and unlike you, apparently most of us have much better sense in the first place that to be involved with people like him.

But, when you bellyache and malign people who indeed have proven time and again here and elsewhere that they tried to help you, tried to steer you into doing what must be done to file, and when, in fact, you did little or did it incorrectly and you were not forthright about some things such as being a member, then none of us have any sympathy for you. Because of the way you have handled this, I would not be surprised that people on the BOI whom you have unjustly maligned would not want a thing to do with anything you had your hand in. But, they will be professional and IF the complaint is filed properly, is timely and has merit, I am certain they will look into the matter and render a decision.

You owe people an apology. You want to live in a society that takes your word for things when in fact, your word means nothing at this point. You want to convict on your word alone and without proof. Your stupidity, in not sending materials to a correct address in the first place, is at fault here for a lack of a prior decision, assuming you met the time requirement. You are the one who is not a member of the organization and thus, you have little or no standing among the organization. You also have a criminal record. As I said, you deserve one another unless and until you can act in a civil manner. To date, you have not.


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