OT - "Is Barack Obama Crazy?" continued......... - Page 7

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by trace755 on 06 June 2009 - 17:06

 Your comments, show your stupidity. You attack me and not the facts. If, you are doing fine then you are not living by Reaganomics. Try it. See, how long you have a home and how quickly you go in debt. Why don't you answer the real questions. When are you fiscal conservatives going to take responsibility for Reagan and the Bush's massive debts. Instead of bitching about Obama whose is trying to fix the mess Bush the retard left.


by trace755 on 06 June 2009 - 17:06

 Your comments, show your stupidity. You attack me and not the facts. If, you are doing fine then you are not living by Reaganomics. Try it. See, how long you have a home and how quickly you go in debt. Why don't you answer the real questions. When are you fiscal conservatives going to take responsibility for Reagan and the Bush's massive debts. Instead of bitching about Obama whose is trying to fix the mess Bush the retard left.

by Uglydog on 06 June 2009 - 17:06

The Biggest threat to World Peace is Israel and Zionist Jews..

"Jewish blood is not the same as the blood of a (Gentile) goy."
-Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg

"Everything about us is different," Wiesel boasts. "Jews are ontologically exceptional."
-Holocaust activist Elie Wiesel

"Kill All Christians"—Talmud

"Our race is the Master Race.
We are divine gods on this planet.
We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
-Israeli PM Menachim begin

"The body of a Jewish person, "is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world. Bodies of the Gentiles are in vain. An even greater difference is in regard to the soul...A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness."
-Rabbi Mendel Schneerson, the late Jewish Lubavitcher and friend of the senior George Bush



by sueincc on 06 June 2009 - 17:06

The original post is quoted from Stanislav Mishin.   Do you know who he is?  Are you aware of his qualifications as an expert on anything in the USA?  Actually, it turns out  he  is a Russian blogger who occaisionally writes for Pravda.  That's it.  The guy is a crack pot, with a grudge against the USA, regardless of who is our president.  In fact the guy has never had a positive thing to say about the USA - EVER!   Have you read what he had to say about your hero, George Bush?  I can only imagine what he would have had to say about McCain.  If you think he is anything but a crank you are sadly mistaken.  Here is his blog about Bush:

Stanislav Mishin: Bush has reached two great accomplishments
Source: Pravda.Ru (10-9-08)

[Stanislav Mishin is a blogger.]

Many of Bush’s critics have voiced the opinion that Bush’s presidency has accomplished nothing and has resulted in only failures. I disagree. Quite frankly, Bush and his Neocon enablers and world wide puppets have reached two milestones previously believed unreachable. The most interesting point of both is that they were reached with little conscious thought.

In the US there is a word that was coined specifically for the 911 and Afghanistan periods: blowback. It means the unintentional consequences that beset those who do various deeds without actually contemplating what may be the results.

The first of these unbelievable Bush accomplishments resulted from his misguided and mismanaged invasion of Iraq.

The Arabs, especially the Muslim Arabs, as a race are a very fractious and suspicious people, who mistrust each other’s clans and tribes, let alone nations. Saddam Hussein, a socialist dictator with a penchant for destroying Islamics in his own domain, was of course a “prime” target for ouster by the leaders of the Axis of Hypocrisy and their Farse on Terror. The invasion of Iraq, mandated on a mutable reason that is yet to be nailed down and continues to change as needed, led to the replacement of Saddam with an set of Islamic parties and the rise of Iran as the undisputed local power. These and other blow backs were minor, of course, compared to Bush’s main accomplishment.

In one fell move, Bush was able to unite the fractious Arab street against the US, but unite them he did. At no time, not even during the Crusades, have the Muslim Arabs been so united against one enemy or series of enemies. The US/UK invasion was heavy handed failed to involve other Arab regimes, with the exception of the leadership of the absolutely corrupt Saudi and Kuwaiti monarchies.

What unfolded for America and its allies was a long and bitter and still continuing war, where the Arab street has poured in fighters from across their sphere. What was supposed to be an easy walk through, a painless victory that Neocons dreamed off, has turned out to be a massive expense and a bleeding sore that has never healed and has defined much of the Bush presidency.

Never one to take such fame and success without trying harder and proving that more could be done, Bush, his Neocons and a local puppet named Saakashvili set out to again do the impossible. Thus started the suffering of a small people in a small land named South Ossetia...

by Uglydog on 06 June 2009 - 17:06

"Destroying Iraq was the greatest strategic blunder this country has made in its history. Unless we change course, there's every reason to believe the Iraq War will end up changing the United States more than it will ever change Iraq."
— Robert Baer, CIA case officer in the Directorate of Operations from 1976 to 1997, where he served in Middle Eastern countries

Now lets determine WHO Pushed us into war with Iraq...

by Uglydog on 06 June 2009 - 17:06


Israel says US will attack Iraq in May

Israel Says War on Iraq Would Benefit the Region

Attack Iraq soon, Sharon aide says

Israel Urges US to Attack Iraq: "Sooner, Rather than Later"

Israel To U.S.: Don't Delay Iraq Attack

Cheney Admits US will attack Iraq 'for Israel's sake'

AIPAC is pushing for the USA to attack Iran for Israel

AIPAC spurring Congress to pass sanctions bill against Iran

Israel says Iran close to having a nuclear bomb

Israel warns on Iranian "nightmare"

Iran the next nuclear threat

Sharon stirs up conflict with Syria and Iran

Iran, Libya, Syria are next?

Israel instructs America to attack Iran and Syria


Syria's Next

US Assures Israel That Syria And Iran Are Next

War is not in U.S. interest

Sharon Recruits US Mercenaries Against Syria

Sharon Wants U.S. Action Against Syria

Iraqi WMD 'possibly in Syria'

Sharon Says US Should Also Disarm Iran, Libya and Syria

Israel urges harder int'l line towards Iran

Israeli foreign minister calls for international action against Iran in light of elections

Israelis urge U.S. to stop Iran's nuke goals

It would be a “catastrophe” for the United States to pull out of Iraq, a leading Israeli legislator warned.

'Israel will take out Iran's nuke facilities if US does not'

According to al-Watan, Israel made it clear that it would only be able to wait until a certain date next year and would strike at Iran if no progress is made by that time.

Israel says Syria regime change in world's interest

Israeli officials call for changes in Syrian rule

Israeli leaders call for regime change in Syria after assassination report

Sharon blasts Syria-Iran 'axis of evil'

Israeli Says Rockets Shipped to Hezbollah

Israeli Says Iran Nuclear Race Reaches Point of No Return

Sharon: Israel will not accept nuclear Iran

Sharon: Iran nukes may require military response

IDF chief: Diplomatic pressure on Iran unlikely to succeed

Israel expands war arsenal to deal with Iranian nuclear threat

Israeli Aides Warn U.S. Not To Drop Ball on Iran

Zionists pressures Bush Administration to attack Iran's nuclear facilities

MK: Iran to have nuclear capability within 2 years

Israel Wants West to Deal More Urgently With Iran

Iran must be stopped before it develops nuclear weapons

Israel tries to make Russia approve sanctions against Iran

ISRAEL: Iran is world's most serious threat since WWII

ISRAEL: US not doing enough to stop Iran

Israel Says US Should Take Lead in Dealing With Iran's Nuclear Program

Kevin Zeese: “Hawkish Israeli Lobby Wants War with Iran!”

Netanyahu Beats Drum for U.S. War with Iran

Pressures mount on Bush to bomb Iran

Israel: Back to the preemptive strike

Olmert says Israel will not accept a nuclear Iran

Iran must be intimidated, says Israeli leader

Israel's Olmert calls for dramatic measures against Iran

Olmert declines to rule out military action against Iran


by MaggieMae on 06 June 2009 - 17:06



by RatPackKing on 06 June 2009 - 22:06

Speaking blow backs............When will inflation hit and America becomes as bankrupt as your fine state of California?

In Obama we pray..........




by RatPackKing on 06 June 2009 - 22:06


I know you heard about Obama's 'historic speech to the Muslim world' in Cairo . He made special effort to mention the plight of women in the Islamic world. He spoke of their 'education' and 'equality'. On the other hand, he went out of his way to NOT mention the words terror, terrorism, jihad, oppression or any of the things we have become accustomed to associating with the 'religion of peace'. Nor has his Justice Department referred to the murder of a Marine Corps recruiting officer in Arkansas in those terms. I saw an article stating that the 'post 9/11 era is over' - that the election of Barack Obama has finally put to rest the notion that we are at war with Muslims. I cannot count the number of times since his speech that I've heard a talking head or pundit applaud Obama's 'Muslim roots' and promise that will somehow change Islam into a kinder, gentler, more benign religion and usher in a new age of peaceful cooperation.

Islam fosters ignorance, promotes social regression, foments hatred and demands violence. It's a malignancy on civilization. Lest you think I'm bigoted about this - I do not hold any religion in much higher regard. But Islam is different in two key ways. It has never undergone a reformation in order to readjust its tenets to be more inline with modern society. All other major religions have and are therefore less inclined to be so primitive or uncivilized. Islam existed in near total socio-cultural isolation for almost a thousand years excepting a few clashes with the Crusaders, some territorial conquests and a couple of World Wars and therefore has never experienced the pressure to reform. The West, in its politically correct cowardice and endless apologies is only allowing - encouraging - this situation to continue. If we really cared about those 1.8 billion Muslims around the world - we would force Islam to reform - or crush it.

Barack Obama is an enabler of all that is wrong with Islam.



by trace755 on 06 June 2009 - 22:06

 RatpackKing, yo boys Reagan and the Bush's did a damn good job of putting us in bankruptcy. 70% of our national debt is from them cutting taxes and letting congress spend like there was no tomorrow. 8 of the 11.6 trillion came from their years in the white house


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