The Obama Youth - Civilian National Security Force - Page 8

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by justcurious on 08 October 2008 - 21:10

there are some truly amazing people is politics but unfortunately they are a minority. i guess there is a lot of blame to go around and this includes us - the american public - and our complacency. but we know there is a lot not being told to us and we have yet to find a way to get this information. 

we also know there are people who are harming and threatening harm for power and profit and some of these people are politicians.  we know that the elections are not clean; the processes has once again been corrupted and though we've known this for at least 8 yrs nothing has been done about it.  why i have no idea and frankly i wish i did, but i do know bush was never rightfully elected and who knows if this will happen again. i for one believe people should vote regardless of these issues.  at the same time i have no faith in the system. i honestly wish there was a way we could verify the results.  i wish we could revamp the whole system both government & elections who knows maybe more folks would get involved.


by RatPackKing on 09 October 2008 - 02:10


When guilty as sin the democrat spin machine can be depended upon to say one or more of the following:
1…You misunderstood
2…We (or I) were not aware
3…Its another republican smear
4…We have moved past that
5…Let’s talk about when the Republican…yada yada
6…Bush and Rove policies yada yada
7…We have modified our (my) position
8…Its out of context again
9…Its due to the past 8 years of
10.We have already responded

We live in a political era where just getting a straight firm clear answer is nearly a miracle half the time. The media is so inept at followup research questions. So inept due to bias. So inept due to some false sense of the mission of the media (get to the truth). So inept because they think its about them instead of the country and the voters. So inept because questions should be the same as possible for all candidates. So inept because they want sound bites for the next 2 weeks.

Will any lib media ask about the BHO alliance with Ayers? About ACORN registering cons, illegals and the homeless? About what BHO actually did in congress? About the fact thug dictators and Hamas prefer him to win? About how taxes reduce gov-ment income? About how small business does not pay capital gains? About the fact that pointing at other bad behavior never excuses yours? About the fact BHO is rated the #1 liberal and Biden #3? Fat chance.

And you wonder why Fox News is stomping the TV lib media into oblivion and conservative talk radio is doing the same while biased papers decay?

by hodie on 09 October 2008 - 02:10

The media is no different than the majority of Americans, poorly educated, and lazy. They too fail to think critically and no, the venue does not select for critical thinking. If it did, no one would watch. People would rather have titillating sound bites rather than substance. One might have to think a bit if news or anything else has substance. But painting a broad brush and suggesting that drug dictators and Hamas want him to win, or that he is responsible for ACORN illegal activities (and some were prosecuted for same) is irresponsible and silly.

As for bad rude can one man be when he points at a man sitting next to him and refers to him as "that one", seeking to marginalize another human being, a Senator, and a Presidential candidate....

As for papers decaying, what century are you in? This is inevitable and has nothing to do with bias. Fox news is a joke and so are many of the conservative take radio hosts.

Some of you better stock up on your favorite libation now. You will be crying in your beer on election night. Obama will be elected. And then, let's hope that he and the others WE elect can, in fact, begin to try to solve some of the monumental problems facing our country.


by RatPackKing on 09 October 2008 - 02:10


"or that he is responsible for ACORN illegal activities (and some were prosecuted for same) is irresponsible and silly."

Who suggested that again?

"The media is no different than the majority of Americans, poorly educated, and lazy."

Wow!!!.............Liberals know best I guess.....That explains why we need a big Gov



by Sammie on 09 October 2008 - 02:10


  I fear that you may be correct with regards to the out come of this election.  There is little to be done now except pray that this country is able to survive the next four years and that afterwards the country still resembles the USA.  I find it unfathomable that people are so naieve that they will elect this man to power.  One question though: When was the last time that a Marxist "Reformer" relinqushed power willingly after obtaining it?

  Forget stocking up on beer, you would be well advised to stock up on arms, we may truly need them. 



by sueincc on 09 October 2008 - 03:10

I  apologize for my "fox in the hen house" remark.  It was a cheap shot and uncalled for.  BOTH candidates have much to offer this country, but neither is perfect.  I realize we become even MORE polarized than USUAL,  the closer we get to a presidential election, but it makes me really uncomfortable.  I think it's truly a large part of why very little ever gets done in Washington any more.

RPK, I agree with much of what you have to say, except I think you are wrong if you think you can blame this all on the democrats.  It's pointless to blame either party when both parties have fucked up so royally so many, many  times!  

If we can all back off of the inflammatory remarks,  exagerations and personal attacks I believe we have a better chance of understanding someone with a point of view different from our own and therefore actually learn something and who knows, maybe even make some progress someday. 

Sammie get a grip.  You sound like Chicken Little.  I mean some of that shit is so stupid  it's funny.

by hodie on 09 October 2008 - 03:10

No RPK, we do not need big anything...we need honest, ethical, well educated, critical thinking, hard working and honorable people, from the Joe and Josephine Q. Citizen up to the President of the United States. We need people who are educated and can think critically rather than smear without cause or good reason. We need people who can make intelligent decisions based on risk vs benefit concerning, for example, whether and where to site nuclear power stations, how to protect our national interests, how to interact with the rest of our allies in the world without alienating them and going off half-cocked to fight in some damned desert country that has helped bankrupt our country.

We need people who see the folly and wrong in building a $500,000 swimming pool in Sadr City when many American cities have nothing like that for their youth. We need people who will find a way to secure the borders and make reasonable entry requirements for those who want to come here and work. We need better funding of education at all levels. Hell, it is not only the media who too often are lazy and incompetent.  How can it be any different when some of the teachers in the school of the children who live here with me, as an example, cannot write a complete sentence in English, let alone spell (and so many who post here cannot either).

We must find a way for all Americans to have access to health care. We need attention to our social services in the country. We need infrastructure development. The people affected by Katrina and Ike deserve more and useful help rather than BS. I could go on and on and on, but I won't bore you with these real issues. We need people who will sacrifice and not let greed eat them up so that we can rebuild integrity in our corporations, banks and even sports.

Of course, each candidate has worth, and both have valid ideas to consider. But continuing to talk in the vein as has been done so often here is useless and serves no purpose. McCain would stay, in general, the course of the Bush administration. In my opinion, I believe the Bush Presidency will be remembered as a failure on many accounts. We need to find a way to exit Iraq, just as they are already asking us to do, and bring our troops home. Sadly, thousands and thousands will pay for their service the rest of their lives with having to live with serious disabilities from injuries received. For what? And the American public will have to continue to pay for this stupid war by supporting those wounded troops for the rest of their lives. And don't make me puke that it was about "defending our freedom". That is pure propaganda is there ever was propaganda. We have an entire country to look after and help and that country is the United States of America. It will begin with new leadership devoted to changing the course of this country.

Those who want to continue to bring up bullshit, do it. If you want to debate with substance, that is another matter.


by RatPackKing on 09 October 2008 - 03:10

Fair enough Hodie and Sue

I agree with much that you both wrote

I Have 4 Words For all of us though: "We Can't Afford It."

Let me tell you what else it means.......

* It means the first question that should be asked about every government program is, "Can we afford it?"

* It means we need to stop shrugging our shoulders at wasteful programs that only cost "a few million dollars."

* It means that we need a freeze on the growth of the federal government, not just for a year, but for the foreseeable future.

* It means we literally can't afford any new social programs, including socialized medicine.

* It means that both parties, for once, need to put aside partisanship and actually cut the costs of Social Security and Medicare.

* It means that, yes, we conservatives are going to have to agree to cut military expenses. We need to spend less on the military, less foreign aid to allies, and we need to start scaling back what we're doing across the world as soon as feasibly possible, with as little disruption as possible to our allies.

What it all comes down to is that voters in this country -- conservative, moderate, and, yes, for the first time ever, even liberals -- should have 4 words that they keep repeating over and over to politicians, "We can't afford it." It means that politicians should have to justify every new expense, really justify it -- before we spend the money.

It's not enough to nibble around the edges anymore or even merely shoot for erasing the deficit. What this credit crisis has alerted us to -- or should have at least, is that the problem we are creating now with our spending has the potential to literally destroy the future of this country within the next 50 years if we don't change course.





by hodie on 09 October 2008 - 03:10


I have no quibble with using those four words, and critical scrutiny should go to every budget item, to every program, to the military etc. We will destroy this country without stabilizing the economy. I agree 100% as does history show the same. And let me add again one thing that seems to be missing....we cry baby Americans who think we all deserve every thing our heart desires, including luxury this and that, have to get real too and reassess what is important in life. It is NOT that second home in Tahoe. It is making sure our children are educated, that people don't suffer needlessly from lack of medical care, that children have good meals to eat at school instead of the crap served, that all people who want to learn can choose a career path and study and work hard and attain a goal that will provide them a reasonable standard of living. 

And, while we are at it, we better get used to the idea that other emerging countries, including China and India will place tremendous demands on what heretofore was ours almost for the taking.....oil, gas and other energy sources, as an example.

But yes, at the heart of all of this must be the question "can we afford it?", no different than how we all should be asking that question in our personal lives.

And Sammie, sorry, but your comments are simply outrageous and ill-informed. I wonder what boogey man you will look for after Obama is elected and serves as President, just as others have before him, without activating all the conspiracy theories that seem to haunt the internet. Geez, some of you belong writing scripts for fiction....

by Sammie on 09 October 2008 - 04:10

Neither outrageous nor ill-informed.  It is simply a fact that he is a Marxist, he can not be called anything else. 



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