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by Uglydog on 21 July 2009 - 20:07

3 Steel Building collapsed that day...Jagggirl.
Not 2.

2 planes supposedly  'knocked down' 3 Buildings, dont forget WTC #7.  It "Fell' 8 hours after South and North tower.
Which according to NIST, who took 6 years to reach a decision, concluded it was an 'office fire' that brought down a 47 story  Steel building in 6 seconds, at free fall speed. 
An engineering and physical  impossibility, not to mention they fell On themselves, not 'Over' as any building that loses structure, would.   They were Demolished by Pros, Israelis being the experts on demolitions..


Secondly, airplane fuel is 4/5 Kerosene. It doesnt burn very hot.
X Navy Seal and Underwater Demolitions Specialist Jesse Ventura also confirms this.
Those believing otherwise dont have a pulse.

The WTC building was built to withstand airplane impact and all building had operational sprinkler systems.

This is All the Proof in the world that Israel DID 911. 
This wasnt the first time. 
USS LIBERTY, Lavon Affair and other false flag attacks as confirmed by former Mossad Agent and defector Victor Ostrovsky.


by jaggirl47 on 21 July 2009 - 20:07

I know more than 2 buildings fell.  I am discussing the WTC buildings.  I believe I even said WTC buildings in my post.  Also, I believe it was 4 buildings total that collapsed on that day if I remember correctly.
I also know what jet fuel consists of.  It's what we had to mix to burn the shit in Iraq.  You let it burn long enough with other items contributing to the heat of the fire, it can get alot hotter than you are saying.  Or is nothing in a building able to catch on fire when a plane crashes and explodes into it?

You guys on here seem to be very hate filled.  Did your momma's not love you enough when you were a child?

by Uglydog on 21 July 2009 - 20:07

Yes, WW2 was also fought For World Jewry and Banking interests.
A UN was 'Created' and Israel stolen from the Palestinian Christians and Muslims. Not to mention that Bolshevik Communism Spread TO 11 Nations.
Youre Ignorant of history it would appear.  I have years of research on the topic and will gladly share it.

"Attack Was Expected"
NY Times in its 12/8/41 Headline on Pearl Harbor

"Everything that the Japanese were planning to do was Known to the United States."

"We knew well in advance that the Japanese were going to attack. It was a lie that we didn't have direct radio communication with DC."
-Lt. Col. Clifford Andrew

"I have believed that our best entrance into the war would be by way of Japan."
-Oct 18 -entry by Sec of Interior Harold Ickes

"Judea Declares War On Germany! Jews of all the World Unite!"
- London Daily Express, March 24, 1933

"Hitler will have No war but we will force it on him, not this year, but soon"
- Emil Ludwig Cohn Les Annales, June, 1934 "The New Holy Alliance"

"We Jews are going to bring a war On Germany."
- David A. Brown, National Chairman, United Jewish Campaign, 1934 (quote "I Testify Against The Jews" by Robert Edward Edmondson, page 188 "The Jewish War of Survival" by Arnold Leese, pg 52

"For months now the struggle against Germany is waged by each Jewish community, at each conference, in all our syndicates, by each Jew all over the world
We will trigger a war of all the world against Germanys ambitions, to recover lost territories. Our Jewish interests demand the destruction of Germany. Collectively & individually, Germany is a threat to us"
- Vladimir Jabotinsky (founder of the Jewish terrorist, Irgun 1934 quoted "Histoire de l'Arme Allemande
J. Benoist-Mechin Vol. IV

by jaggirl47 on 21 July 2009 - 20:07

Do you think what you are saying about Pearl Harbor I haven't already been informed of?  I have learned first hand from the people that actually fought in the wars and I will listen to the way before I listen to you and Raymond's propaganda.
And, if I was Jewish, I would have declared war on Hitler too, so I don't look down on them for that.

Jessie James

by Jessie James on 21 July 2009 - 20:07

Uglydog to you have ANY kind of training reguarding terrorism explosives or fire? Looks to me like you just go look stuff up on the internet  think it looks good then copy and paste links. Yes it is possible for those planes to bring down those towers and in fact planes DID bring those towers down.You really should do more research and not just go with what one person/group says. I'm sorry but what the hell does X Navy Seal and Underwater Demolitions Specialist Jesse Ventura know about the towers? He works with UNDERWATER demolitions. Above water and underwater things will fall differently.

by jaggirl47 on 21 July 2009 - 20:07

Well said Jessie, well said.

by Uglydog on 21 July 2009 - 20:07

'Is a war that replaces Hitler's domination of Europe with Stalin's and Japan's rule in China with Mao's a "good war"? We had to stop the killers, says Cohen. But who were the greater killers: Hitler or Stalin, Tojo or Mao Zedong?
Can a war in which 50 million perished and the Christian continent was destroyed, half of it enslaved, a war that has advanced the death of Western civilization, be truly celebrated as a "good war"?
When the British celebrated V-E day in May 1945, Poland began 44 years of tyranny under the satraps of Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev.

Hilter was warred against for Throwing out the Jewish Central Banks.
The German economy in  shambles as a result of WW1, The League and the Versaille Treaty.

Britian declared war ON Germany for land disputed with in Poland, the Danzig, where many German civilians were slaughtered by Bolsheviks.
60,000,000 Died in a Needless War over a border skirmish.

Britain declared war on Sept. 3, 1939, to preserve Poland. For six years, Poland was occupied by Nazi and Soviet armies and SS and NKVD killers. At war's end, the Polish dead were estimated at 6 million. A third of Poland had been torn away by Stalin.

Was World War II "a good war" for the Poles?
Was it a good war for Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, overrun by Stalin's army in June 1940, whose people saw their leaders murdered or deported to the Gulag never to return? Was it a good war for the Finns who lost Karelia and thousands of brave men dead in the Winter War?

Was it a good war for Hungarians, Czechs, Yugoslavs, Romanians and Albanians who ended up behind the Iron Curtain? In Hungary, it was hard to find a women or girl over 10 who had not been raped by the "liberators" of the Red Army. Was it a good war for the 13 million German civilians ethnically cleansed from Central Europe and the 2 million who died in the exodus?

by jaggirl47 on 21 July 2009 - 20:07

More quoting from propaganda.  Can you form a thought for yourself?

by Uglydog on 21 July 2009 - 20:07

'I'm sorry but what the hell does X Navy Seal and Underwater Demolitions Specialist Jesse Ventura know about the towers?'

More than you and I and 99% of Americans.  He was a 'Demo' Specialist.
Demolitions Specialist Blow Sh*t up for a living.  Buildings and structures.

Underwater or  above ground is largely irrelevant. Physics is physics. 
Working with explosives is a science, how its applied, overlaps. 
Seals/UDTs dont just take to water, They are trained in all temps, all conditions, all arms and weapons. They are versatile fighters and very lethal.
Straw man argument.  Youre a Shillstein. Im wise to it.

Demolitions experts Agree 911 was a Demo Job.
Here are  Side X Side comparisons in Video if youre too stupid to make the connection.

by Uglydog on 21 July 2009 - 20:07

Iraq war veteran and experienced demolitions expert blows the cover on 9/11 inside job
Meet Torin Wolf.
He has a broad and varied background as a US Army Combat Nurse during Operation Iraqi Freedom,….

…building construction contractor, certified structural welder, certified asbestos and hazardous materials worker, experienced demolitions expert, teacher, radio show host, and well studied 9/11 truth activist. Torin knows how to put a building up, and bring the same building down in its own footprint. Torin’s free presentation, “Taking the Red Pill” was hosted by Brave New Books on 1904 Guadalupe in Austin last Saturday, June 23rd at 7 pm.
With Torins impressive list of qualifications, his unwavering voice holds a power that shatters the lies of 9/11 sold to us by the government and mainstream media, “The official story we’ve been told about 9/11 is absolutely, physically impossible.”

Those words are not just backed up with his qualifications because his presentation goes through the hard physics as well. The presentation starts out with a serious warning that reminds us the state our country is in after the false flag attack and ensuing tyrannical hijacking of the government on that September morning. A hijacking not by Bin Laden, not by Al Qeada, but by a group of tyrants that orchestrated and benefited from 9/11. “Unless you want to be charged as a terrorist, I suggest you leave the room now. This is technically seditious material and you can be charged under section 802 of the Patriot Act just for being here.”

“But the craziest, most truly unhinged conspiracy theory for the towers falling on 9/11?” Torin asks rhetorically. “Fire.” The official story cannot be recreated by any experiment.
NIST is the government agency involved in attempting to model what happened to the world trade center on 9/11, and they fail horribly. NIST never models what happens after the collapse initiation, and even what they do model before that is easily debunked.
NIST created 16 separate physics programs to simulate the WTC 1 & 2 collapses and only got 1 to collapse partially. Torin adds, “When they did, [in the computer model] they removed 40% of the structural support.” The cross trusses that the towers received a significant amount of their strength from had to be removed to have a collapse in the computer simulation.
Torin then mocks the official story, “There’s no such thing as a ‘pancake’ collapse, but there is a progressive collapse”A few slides are shown of progressive collapses throughout the world. None of them are anything like what happened to the world trade center with its pulverized concrete 100 microns or smaller just seconds after the start of collapse, and then its complete destruction.
Torin uses his expertise to explain to the audience how and why a real progressive collapse occurs and subsequently why the WTC was not a progressive collapse. “The biggest problem with the argument,” Torin explains. “Time.”

Several slides are then presented that show the hard physics and observed time of WTC 2 falling. Worst-case scenario would require 0.5 seconds per floor for collapse. “The absolute minimum amount of time for a progressive collapse would be 43 seconds.” How long did it take for the building to fall in reality? About 8.6 Seconds.

“For the towers to fall at so close to free fall speed, over 110,000 separate and independent structural support points had to fail simultaneously. ‘Pancake theory’ does NOT explain the failure of the cores.” Torin explains passionately, obviously upset with the lies being told to the American people. “Nothing is ho


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