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Alyssa Myracle

by Alyssa Myracle on 14 March 2009 - 22:03

There really is nothing further to do here, unless Mr. Funkman should happen to make a dramatic return in self-defense... and I don't foresee that happening.
I just wanted his post to include the truth, for posterity, so to speak.

Now, to answer Jenni's question, how do I know funkman is lying?  Lets assume that we don't have any idea "who" funkman is.  We'll operate under that premise.

First, there are no "short-tours" to Iraq.  Kuwait, yes.  Iraq, no.  In the Army, the shortest tour you are going to do is going to be 4 months, and that's if you are Special Forces or potentially an Officer sent for a specific staff job at MNC-I.

Second, stop-loss only applies for up to two years AFTER your ETS from military service.  It is not indefinite, as funkman implies.  The exception would be for commissioned officers, in very specific fields (medical, aviation, intelligence) who RETIRED from the US Army, and therefore are technically subject to recall indefinitely as a result of their retired status.

No soldier in their right mind is going to brag about bringing ANYTHING back from Iraq, seeing as how that'd be a FELONY, and an international WAR CRIME.
Aside from OIF I and perhaps II, it is near impossible to sneak things home, especially if you are an individual MOB augmentee as funkman claims to be.  Customs inspections are VERY thorough in Kuwait before you exit theatre.

Any soldier who has spent time in Iraq knows that military families actually make MORE when their sponser is sent to a combat zone.  Major pay increases, many times to the tune of an additional $2,000 per month.  Reservists get even more, because after their first mobilization, they are eligable for an additional monthly payment to resolve any pay disparity between their military and civlian pay.

I could go on...


by Scoutk9GSDs on 14 March 2009 - 22:03


      A guy I know personally who did serve in Vietnam...... there is no record of him anywhere. I know of others as well. You open your mouth and your brain apparently takes a little while to catch up. If it did catch up Im quite certain it would implement a gag order. Judging from your posts on this and other have a lot to learn about the military, MWDs and dogs in general. I could care less what you did in the service or what your clearance is so dont waste your time on a reply.  

Alyssa Myracle

by Alyssa Myracle on 14 March 2009 - 22:03

My  military service aside, anyone who claims there is no record of THEIR military service, is a liar.


Two Moons

by Two Moons on 14 March 2009 - 22:03

Please don't.
Start a new thread if you think you must and label it OT, off topic.
Your just pushing back other peoples threads.

Alyssa Myracle

by Alyssa Myracle on 14 March 2009 - 22:03

Agreed.  I invite anyone who would like to discuss phony vets, or why claims of "lost" or "classified" service records are sure-fire signs of a liar, to start a thread.
I'll be happy to respond.

Until then, my intent was to be done with this thread after I posted a clarification on funkman's claims.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 14 March 2009 - 22:03

Sounds great.
BTW, my brother worked for the VA for many years, he just retired.   They lose shit all the time.
Just thought I'd throw that in.
I gotta go feed now.

by JimmyH1 on 15 March 2009 - 01:03

Wow this is an old thread . Good thing I read it all . It seems this guy is a con -man . I will have to be more careful before I post . I was going to welcome him home , seems he never really left . Oh well I will keep reading and learning .


by sueincc on 15 March 2009 - 04:03

Oh please, you dragged at least 2 threads back from the long time dead for what reason?  What possible purpose could it serve other than some weird ego trip of your own?  This guy hasn't posted on this board in at least a year, but you want to stir the shit.   What an asshole.   Let sleeping dogs lie and grow the fuck up. 

Alyssa Myracle

by Alyssa Myracle on 15 March 2009 - 04:03

Yeah... if that was the case, I could have just started my own "back from Iraq" thread.  To stoke my ego.


by sueincc on 15 March 2009 - 04:03

The truly funny part is if the day ever comes that you do grow up you will truly be embarrassed by all your blow hard bullshit. 


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