officer shoots dog a different prospective - Page 12

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by Uglydog on 29 May 2007 - 14:05


1 Head shot does the trick.  At 5 feet with a chained dog, there was simply NO Reason to empty a clip, this cop was Sadisitic..his priors also indicate a pattern.

Dog was chained, & no real threat.  There are no excuses for this cop, he is a rogue  &  should now be a security guard at Wal Mart night shift. He is an accident waiting to happen.

I feel for the family & this is no indictment of all cops. There are so many good ones. But there is a minority of bad apples. They must be weeded. It harms police community relations.


by allaboutthedawgs on 29 May 2007 - 16:05

Uglydog and ladywolf,

If I came upon a GSD who was tied I would definately be backing out in a hurry. Mainly because I would have no way of KNOW HOW LONG THE CHAIN WAS.  If you think you can do a TV show head shot on a moving barking dog while you have adreneling pumping through you I would say you are naiive. And you all have seen dogs that have so much courage toughness they would advancing no matter what.  The are covered by the blood in the pictures speak to how far the dog was moving while being shot.  Why do people think he shot Max, who crumpled and the cop stood in that spot pumping more rounds in?

Five feet? That rope was more than five feet according to the pictures. The point is, the cop had no way of knowing how far he had to go to get out of range of the rope.

Was he an asshole motherf*$#%er for not calling for animal control first? Sure, he was. But at least address the issue from a logical position.


by allaboutthedawgs on 29 May 2007 - 16:05


Thanks for making my point for me.  A wildly emotional post based on the assumption that this is the same person. Just because you see a parallel set of circumstances and make an assumption it still doesn't make it true.  I sure as hell hope you never get in a jury pool. To go into a frenzy on coincidence when it clearly hasn't been established to be the same person? It's nothing more than conjecture on your part. It may very well be the correct assumption. But, since you don't know yet, why don't you lay the hell off of GARD who has not gone beserk on you or anyone else. As a matter of fact, I hate cops overall, but he is gaining my respect for the profession(already had it as an individual) because of the reasoned way he is approaching the whole matter.  Though it obviously seems to annoy you that he won't join your headlong rush into a "hang 'em now, try 'em later" mentality.

Emotion and outrage do not equal truth and facts.

If it is the same guy, by the way, I hope he is convicted and raped in prison by a hairy man named Floyd.

by Blitzen on 29 May 2007 - 16:05

From what I have learned, an officer shooting a dog on the dog's own territory is nothing new and is not usually dealt with severely here in the US. I'm pretty sure it happens almost every week somewhere. I was talking with a dog friend in NY last  night and we were discussing this and she said a simliar thing happened in the Rochester area recently. This time it was a lab inside his own yard, shot by an officer who wanted to come inside the yard, again to serve a summons. The dog was protecting his own property, the cop shot him several times and the dog died. The cop was never disciplined.

This is more about this country becoming a policed state than about shooting dogs.  What sort of society do we live in where an offcer (or anyone) can murder an unarmed 18 year old (and his GSD) inside the victim's own home and have the charges dismissed because of a paperwork error?  



by sueincc on 29 May 2007 - 20:05

The charges were not dismissed because of a paperwork error.  The Grand Jury did NOT EVER indict the officer.  The error was in checking the wrong box on the form which relays the decision of the Grand Jury.  A Grand Jury is made up of regular citizens & insures an impartial decision on whether there is enough merritt to bring a case to trial.. 

by Blitzen on 29 May 2007 - 20:05

That's better, glad I read that wrong. I still don't think we really have much to complain about if our dog gets shot. Seems only we dogs owners care about that.


by VomFelsenHof on 29 May 2007 - 21:05

ProudShepherdPoppa said: "Since this thread is title a different prospective maybe somene could suggest a scenerio, that fits all the facts, where this shooting might be justified.  I can't think of one."

I feel very badly for the owners of the dog. Yes, it is certainly a tragedy to have your dog shot and killed, regardless of why or how it happened. My heart goes out to his owners who have lost their dog who was just doing what he thought was his job. The photos broke my heart, and he was not even my dog. Nothing anyone can do will bring their dog back, however, and sitting here typing up a storm and getting all worked up will not do anyone any good.

That being said, I think that without knowing all of the facts (and none of us who weren't THERE know all the facts), it is hard to sit and pass judgment. Should the officer have been in the back yard to begin with? I do not know. I am not familar of their state statutes and/or city/county ordinances.

Should the dog have been tied out? Many breeders have a clause in their guarantee that stipulates that the dog is not to be chained or tied out, and there are multiple reasons, this being just one of the many things that could happen to a dog who is tied. (Had someone call me to tell me their dog who had been tied out got attacked by a BEAR, because the dog could not run away from the bear. Owner got home and dog was laying in the back yard half eaten and still alive. If someone called you and didn't have a fenced yard, or can't keep a dog contained and others OUT of the yard, would YOU sell them a puppy??) As this dog's breeder, I would not be pleased to see that a puppy of mine had been left tied out for ANY reason, and left unattended.

I am also not pleased with the idea that the officer has shot multiple dogs. If those shootings were not justified, this additional shooting will not help his case.

I'll just bring up a couple of points for people to think about, and NO, I am NOT suggesting this relates to this specific incident.

If there had been a person who was a criminal who ran in the back door of a residence, with a GSD tied out back and the dog had nipped the officer, would it then be okay to shoot the dog to get to the criminal?

What if your child went into the back yard of a dog tied out? (Yes, you should be watching your child, but kids can move QUICK when you're not looking for 30 seconds!) Some large unknown GSD is barking and trying to bite YOUR child who has already been nipped. Is it THEN okay to shoot the dog?

Lastly, what if it had been a PIT BULL in the exact same scenario?????  How many people who are so zealously defending would then say that the dog SHOULD have been shot and killed?

Would any of these scenarios change the perspective of people? You're darn skippy it would. None of them are "fair" to the dog. The dog doesn't know any better. It is just a dog doing what it thinks it should by defending it's property.

Just some thoughts.........not blaming anyone or taking sides. Just trying to give more perspective.


by Uglydog on 30 May 2007 - 00:05

2 Sides..Correct. Theres Right & Wrong

Ive executed Wild Boar, dozens of deer & hundreds of small game animals. Many agencies  including rural animal shelters, put down dogs with a rifle. 

Id lay 100:1 that the dog was lunging & had a tight lead- pulling on it. The officer was probably within arms reach. A head shot is nothing..this isnt a running dog at 50 meters. Its a Tied Out dog, probably barking, growling, menacing.

The officer is Sadistic to unload a 7 shot clip and needs reassigned/demoted to Security detail at Wal Mart. Period. Take his gun and fine him.

He had lots of options, he chose the wrong one. Couldve tazed, called SCPA, gone to front door, knocked on neighbors door..anything. This was barbaric, hes a rogue & needs replaced.


yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 30 May 2007 - 01:05

Dawg: You better go read my thread again  Your barking up the wrong tree, my man  I want guard to do what he started and that was to find the truth and he said he was an investigating inclining kind of guy and wanted to took deeper,,,,,or I can read well....I am not off the walll, you are not reading my thread,,, I worked with Gal Co Sheriff and Houston Pct 4 and prosecuted Mike Franklin a dog trainer who stole 4 pups from Our officer in Galveston and my stud along with them...I proscecuted under Turbyville and I am after the truth.....we all want to know if this is the same officer...our tax dollars pay for all this excess problem that this shooting has caused and if it is the same Christopher M Long , the citizens and Sharon Mattia have the right to know.....If we dont care, then you dont care., but this is what is wrong in the Us today, sweep the thing under the rug and dont find out what really happened...sorry dawg u got the wrong impression about what I wrote...I want guard to get busy   He penned the thread , so he knows the ropes around here and hes a man that can go with it, I guess, since I dont know any of you, but DO RIGHT    Vrooooooommmmm and thats an inside joke only for DO riGHt  , SO DONT OVERACT   dawg.......AND DONT SWEAT AT ME   ..... I am on guard s side, and I respect him for this thread,,,,I was prompting him to go on with this as Im not where all of this is taking place or Id pull out my PI papers, pad and pen and get owe me an apoloy, sir , because you misinterpreted everything on my thread,,,we owe all of us the truth and there is nothing wrong with finding out the facts rather to assume any of this,,,and that s what I was asking all the officers and pd on this site to do...I dont have the resources to dig deeper,,,,they do, Dawg  , your forgiven.....dont do it again....DO Right and I have a private joke about VROOOOOOOOOOOMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


by DesertRangers on 30 May 2007 - 02:05

Actually I suspect we are over analizing this..... The policeman needs a fair hearing or jury and then at worst it is on his record if this happens again.

If a unjustified killing i would ask they fire him and if not take him to court any charge I could either criminal or civil. Plus any monetary gain would be donated to a local human society.


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