This is cruel!! - Page 5

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by angusmom on 16 July 2007 - 01:07

how about msnbc and the bbc. no local stations because they report on paris hilton and that's about it. i'll get bits of fox (that's really all i can tolerate) and then go on-line and check things out. i can tell you watch fox because you "yell" alot as if being loudest and most obnoxious will somehow make you right. and the name calling is right out of their playbook. duh


by DesertRangers on 16 July 2007 - 01:07

Both extreme liberal newscasts. What did you think about the BBC website asking people in Iraq to post troop movements of the American soldiers? 

Also, as for Muslims drinking don't forget the 911 terrorists went out drinking and to strip clubs the night before hijacked and crashed the planes. Guess that is also in the Koran??



by DesertRangers on 16 July 2007 - 01:07

There is no such thing as un-biased news reporting, NONE what so ever!!!!11

That is why I take in alot of different news orgs.. 

Fox News does not claim they are un-basied but have put on both liberal and conservative people such as Hannity and colmes. Thats why they say fair and balanced as they show different view points.

Challenge to you: name one major un-biased news org????


by sueincc on 16 July 2007 - 02:07

I am proud to say no one in my family judges anyone one way or the other based upon their religious beliefs or lack there of!!!  And THATs the truth.

by HB92649 on 16 July 2007 - 05:07

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

Mahatma Gandhi

by ProudShepherdPoppa on 16 July 2007 - 14:07

I have up to now refrained from joining in this.  Because of these vermin my wife got to watch the plane plow into the Pentagon from her office window and goes to work every day with the constant reminder of a mandatory gas mask in her desk frawer.  Try living with that for a while.  I am ex-Navy missile submarine sailor and my solution to this would be to make one city disappear for every terrorist attack.  Before I hear about innocent lives lost I have three words, WORLD TRADE CENTER.  How long must we all live in fear?

by zdog on 16 July 2007 - 15:07

considering that this type of stuff has been going on for at least the past 2000 years or longer, i'm going to guess that you'll live in fear as long as you chose to.  This stuff has never gone away, and will never go away, when it isn't muslims, we'll fear something else, maybe China or the Russians again, or maybe Aliens.  Fear is easy to use and control people with, but I don't buy into it much.  As much as this so called war on terror has brought the war to the terrorists, it has spawned the mentallity of hating and killing Americans in thousands upon thousands of new terrorists that are just little kids today.   wait till they grow up. 

by ProudShepherdPoppa on 16 July 2007 - 15:07

"it has spawned the mentallity of hating and killing Americans in thousands upon thousands of new terrorists that are just little kids today.   wait till they grow up. "

And that is different how?  If you have a nest of snakes in your house you don't worry about haw the baby snakes will grow up, you just get rid of the snakes

by zdog on 16 July 2007 - 15:07

Now, that isn't how I'd do it, but is kind of a mute point now, we're there and need to be there, or it will get much worse.  Not only thre, but the whole region could become unstable and that would be bad for everyone.  Where we are today is a tough spot, i don't have the answers.  But I do know that forever, we've feared something.  I can deal with things, and a little fear is healthy, but not to the extent some people try to use it to control the masses.  That's all i'm saying

This thing with muslims and christians has been going on for thousands of years.  The fueding the middle east has done among itself has gone on for thousands of years.  In just our short history in the US, we've feared the british, each other, nazi's, communists, and now muslims and mexicans take center stage.

and if I had snakes in the house and everytime I went in and disturbed the nest 100 new snakes were born in each of the nests around the house I didn't know about, I'd think twice about disturbing the nest, if confronted by one, i'd kill it.


by Kalibeck on 16 July 2007 - 15:07

All I can say is, this is an international board, and we are truely being 'ugly Americans' when we are disrespectful and use profanity on it. As far as the original thread, you can't tell much from one picture. If anyone saw my house right now they might think the same of me, we are trying to renovate an old house, and it does look '3rd world' at times. Noone who drives by, who might be turned off by the exterior,could guess at the love and happiness held within. The reason we love dogs, is because they will share a scrap of bread with you, and as long as they  get petted once in a while, they are happy. ( not my pups situation, they eat Origen, and are right now playing 'king of the mountain' on my bed with my husband's clean underwear) So, think about what Chistianity says,and 'judge not'.....JMHO. jackie osborne


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