Blondi, Hitler and Captain Max Von Stephanitz - Page 4

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by Do right and fear no one on 28 October 2007 - 05:10

People, UglyDog is a Jew hater who believes whatever anyone writes or says, that fits his already made up mind.  He believes in all of the conspiracy theroies put out by the people who hate jews, and can site a "link" or "article" to put forth any rumor or story ever imagined or created, to put jews down.  He is filled with hate and has a one track mind.  Any and every thread on this site can, according to him, someone be turned into a jew bashing diatribe.

The problem is that no matter what someone believe, you can find a link on the world wide web that will back up your pre-conceived notions.  Even if your ideology is "man/boy love is okay with God", ":the Holocaust never happened" or "girls above 8 years old are okay to marry".

Louis Farrakahn says that white people were created and invented by an evil black scientist, and there are numerous web sites, non main stream magazine and newspaper articles,  that will explain this and back it up.  Doesn't mean that it is true

UglyDog is just plain "touched"

Since I just typed this, I will not say to ignore him, because I did not.  But he is about three sandwiches, two pieces of cake, and four napkins, shy of a pick nic.

by Louise M. Penery on 28 October 2007 - 06:10

Don't feed the troll!

by dutss on 28 October 2007 - 14:10

It would be nice if uglydog were a Jew living in Berlin around 1939 or a little later.  I am sure he/she would enjoy the nice life the Jewish people had at that time.  I think many on this board would be all for him/her experiencing the vacation village where "work would set him/her free" - "arbeit macht frei".


I did enjoy the origial post...It was a very nice read about the GSD.  Thanks for posting that information.




by Trailrider on 28 October 2007 - 14:10

Geez I feel stupid, I spelled her name wrong, here is a link to Hanekke Ippisch . Wonderful lady..

by Uglydog on 28 October 2007 - 14:10

There is a recent issue of a Real Holocaust committed against Armenian Christians.. Who is Denying this?  Huh?

Why its the ADL & AIPAC.  Jewish Organizaitons that are blocking it from being labeled as such. Why?  Were they behind it? Who was really behind the young Turks, finacing & killing of 2 Million Christians in Arrmenia. Talk about hypocrites.

Working Dawg-Please print out this official International Red Cross Holocaust Record and present it TO your professors. Ask them for clarification.  Ask them about the Russian Revolution and the killing of 50 Million Christians, by Jewish COmmunist leaders. Here are the names of the Communist Leaders, compiled by a Jew scholar actually, Michael Hoffman though I pulled it from Jewwatch.


Israel is now cutting off power to Gaza Christians & Muslims and you have the gall to mention Im anti Semetic? . Thats simply a Smokescreen used by Isrealis to run their Concentration Camps in Gaza.  This is what 27 German Bishops had to say this year about life for Christians in Gaza.,7340,L-3373013,00.html


by Uglydog on 28 October 2007 - 15:10

DRFN-You want to talk about filth with children. Why its sanctioned in a favorited Religious text called the Jewish Talmud. Cardinal George of Chicago is openly asking that it be Censored, with Jews now protesting the Latin Mass, whereby we pray fo rthe perfidious Jews and their conversion,a s we've done for centuires, to not do so would be anti semitic. Here are some texts verifiable in any hypelinked Jewish Encyclopedia from the Talmud.


Jewish TALMUD:

"All gentile children are animals" -Yebamoth 98a

"If a man commits sodomy w/ a boy less than 9 both are guilty of sodomy" Sanhedrin 54b, 55a, p.371 

Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile. Baba Kamma 113a.

 "All gentile children are animals" -Yebamoth 98a

"If a man commits sodomy w/ a boy less than 9 both are guilty of sodomy" Sanhedrin 54b, 55a, p.371

Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may violate a 3 year old girl

Soferim 15, #10 "The best of the gentiles should All be killed"

Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."

"The non-Jews have been created to serve the Jews as Slaves" (Midrasch Talpioth 225

by glbtrottr on 28 October 2007 - 15:10

Uglydog, I gotta say, I'm with the lot here.

I have the special distinction of having been born to Jewish parents on both sides, yet I was raised in Europe and Mexico under Catholic auspices to the point of attending seminary for 4 years.  One of my interests has always been to learn about the cultures I lived in at the time.  I didn't learn English until I was 15 - though I was born in San Antonio, Tx.  I have seen bigotry in its most raw form, since despite all information, I tend to look a bit..."caucasian".  I have been in rooms where "Beaners" and "Kikes" are often maligned, and pride myself in helping set the record straight.  My Sephardic and Russian Jewish roots aren't readily worn on my sleeve, nor is my very long stay in Mexico (considering myself Mexican amongst many other things) apparent.

I found Abhay's post entirely...informative :) Often times when we take the dogs around certain ethnicities, I have found they're afraid - not because of the viciousness of the dogs, but as I have pressed, because of how "German Shepherds were bred to eat black people" or are an indication of someone's "Aryan" or "Nazi" traits.  Hearing this from people has been interesting.  One of the clubs we're beginning to train in is in downtown Chicago...having a very strong African American presence breeding, training, and competing with GSD's has been awesome, and having had the pleasure of meeting and working with the great Wallace Payne was a fabulous experience.

Reading Stephanitz' plight under Nazi rule is informative enough to share - and important as a GSD owner and breeder to know - gotta help stop the ignorance rather than feed it.

The continual invective against jews is distasteful and not congruent with a GSD Pedigree Database.  This board isn't moderated, for better or worse, but I'd like to "join in with the crowd" on the disapproval of your post and hate-inducing threads.

Abhay, thanks for the links, man.

by workingdawg on 28 October 2007 - 15:10

from now on uglydog i will refer to you as UP (stands for uglyperson)

UP, I'll bite on the redcross numbers. when the redcross went to germany during the war years guess who was showing them around. I'll tell you since you seemed to over look this little fact, it was the SS. now do you think the SS showed the redcross the nice stuff or the ugly stuff. thats right the redcross was very limited on what they could view, why because it was under Nazi control and they didn't want the rest of the world to know what was going on you moron.

 the redcross was only allowed access to concitration camps not the death camps. there is a big difference, concintration camps only held the jews until they were shipped to the death camps.

it was not until after the war, and we occupied most of germany, did we find out what was really going on in germany. the redcross had very limited access and knew almost nothing of the death camps and sodercommandos (sp is wrong, but it translated into death squads) prior to the death camps.

the proffesors at Penn State are more than aware of the numbers of the redcross i promise you, we went over them in class. due to the limited access the redcross, had those numbers have been proven to be very very inaccurate by all of the leading experts on the holocaust.

so UglyPerson go suck an egg you fascist pig.

by Louise M. Penery on 28 October 2007 - 16:10

Don't feed the troll!

by Uglydog on 28 October 2007 - 18:10

Glbtr-I've Jews in my extended family tree. Im anything but a Nazi. My wife is Sicilian, Im Irsh, German & Italian. I have a jewish aunt & brother in law, love them both.  The issue is that of factual, historical evidence. It is quite literally a THOUGHT CRIME to disagree with any of the "sys witness" testimonies, to which they are benefactors of billions in  Reparations. Truth doesnt need protection, Lies do.   Ernst Zundel, a scholar, sits in jail for concluding in his dozens of years of research that there were No 6 million killed.

Working dawg-Do your Professors Know that the Auschwitz Memorial was Changed once in 1989, from 4 Million to 1.5 Million dead.  A Mistake or lie?  Where do 2.5 Million less dead go?  Yet the 6 Million numbers were never revised. Look it up or I have it.   The ICRC made monthly visits to all German Work Camps, brought food & munitions.  Nazis allowed visits. Yet the Russian Did Not.   The Germans Kept Meticulous records for the ICRC, these have been sealed for decades, Why? The ICRC document was unsealed until it was under subpoena in Zundels trial. I doubt you discussed it.  Few know of it, you liar.

October 1999
For 6 days Australian Richard Krege, a qualified electronics engineer, examinaed the soil of Treblinka II camp in Poland, where it was alledged that 870,000 jews were killed. He used latest Ground Penetration Radar (used in archaeology & geology-expensive equiptment to test core samples)
His research suggests there were Never any mass graves at the Treblinka, No ashes, No groud disturbances for burials, bones, Nothing.
"Historians say bodies were cremated, but we found No indication that any mass graves ever existed. I don't think this was an extermination camp at all."  Here is the video of Krege's work & him testing the grounds at Treblinka. Feel free to share with your bogus professors. Norman Finklestein's parent were survivors. He disputes the official Holocaust story, and was Not offered tenure at the Jesuit college where he taught, he was asked to resign.

3 of the best known works on WW2 are: Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe, Winston Churchill's The 2nd World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols.,), & the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (3 vols.)In these 3 works:  Not the least Mention of Nazi "gas chambers" is found.  6 six volumes of Churchill's 2nd World War total 4,448 pages; one will find NO mention of Nazi "gas chambers," "Genocide" of the Jews, or "6 million" Jewish victims of the war. Red Cross Reports 1600pgs-No mention. Pope Piux 12th..No mention.



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