Does Pannus run in the Eichenluft dogs? - Page 6

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by steve1 on 27 March 2008 - 15:03

It seems  some of you guys have no morals

If i am interested in finding out about any Dogs breeding or whatever, or in any other form of Live stock i do not post it on a Forum,

I Go to the person i am interested in finding out all the information i require and getting it first handI,

It is a personal matter for the one being asked, not for it to be bartered around on a website

It is not for anyone with  any ethices, to post on a forum the way this has been done, its not good manners or is it right

Its now becoming another one of those threads, i sure do wonder where some of you are coming from, each thread that goes on here winds up with some one being put down

I thank my lucky stars i do not live over in the USA if  life over there is all this way


by eichenluft on 27 March 2008 - 15:03

ramgsd writes: "Yet with the 30some posts on this topic here NOT ONE PERSON WITH A DOG DOWN FROM THIS LINE HAS COME FORWARD AND SAID "NO MY DOG DOESN'T HAVE PANNUS". Where are all the offspring from those 30 litters?"

here ya go ram - I keep in touch with all of my puppies and puppy buyers.  ONE of my females had Pannus developed as an elderly dog - this problem is prevalent in the BREED and not unexpected in the older dogs.  Of all offspring in the other "30 litters", there is no "young dog" or genetic Pannus in my lines.  Is that good enough for you?  If not, keep on with your research.


von Hayden Sheps

by von Hayden Sheps on 27 March 2008 - 15:03

I think some you guys have way too much spare time to sit around on this board and bash people for no apparent reason. Personally majority of my time goes to my dogs, not sure about all of you!   My personal experience with Molly and Eichenluft dogs are good. I have had several breedings to Eichenluft dogs, and all have produced extremely well.   I don't think it was necessary to get on a public forum to ask a question like this, you could have easily googled 'Eichenluft' and come up with Molly's kennel which would give you all the contact information you needed. Then, if she didn't respond you could have simply asked anyone who has had experience with Molly or Eichenluft dogs, please e-mail me directly. Or ask, is Pannus a hereditary disease, that runs within certain lines, if so what lines? .......You should always consider the source of your information as well. Either way it doesn't matter, these types of thread are to hurt certain peoples breeding programs, for NO reason - And there is absolutely no need for it.   It's so sad to see what jealousy will do to people, in the dog world.

by ramgsd on 27 March 2008 - 15:03

Shelly LET'S GET REAL. You know when I stated LINES I wasn't talking all the way back to Fero... I was talking full of half bro. sis. to the dogs in question. The dogs up close and to see if it's true perhaps it's just a combination thing with certain breedings.... Nearly everyones dogs go back to thoughs lines. SO THANK YOU FOR STATING THE OBVIOUS AND TRYING TO MAKE IT SOUND INSITEFUL.

As for "Let's see... 30 litters x say, an average of five pups per litter, = roughtly 150 pups.  1-2 unhappy owners = roughly 99% satisfied owners. I can live with that. "   Thanks for the remedial math lesson., but that is EXACTLY what I'm asking for. Those are the ones I want to hear from. Not you folks on here kissing ASS. The ones that actually own these dogs and see if their is a pattern I wish to stay away from or is it isolated cases and I can be realitively confident that I won't be likely to acquire a pup with issues.

As for "Do you think I would have bred me best producing female to Eagle if I hadn't done my homework?"  

I could care less what you breed your dogs too. You could breed it to the neighbors pug for all I care. You did your research on possible studs, great. Now I'm doing mine on the possible acquisition of a pup/young dog.

You're kidding, right? Anybody here wanna list the location and details of every puppy they ever produced here for some person who just wants to stir up trouble for a single individual they don't happen to care for? Be my guest! 

YOU IDIOT, DO YOU NEED LESSONS ON COMPREHENSION? I stated I wanted to here from the actual OWNERS of these dogs. Not have someone list anything.

Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 27 March 2008 - 15:03


What's the problem?  You have questions about Molly's lines and breedings, so stay away from them.  There are millions of other breeders out there. Move on. 

Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 27 March 2008 - 16:03

Sorry. My 160 IQ came with ADHD. My apologies if it annoys you.

Add a spelling lesson to the remedial math: INSITEFUL  Insightful.

I wasn't talking all the way back to Fero... I was talking full of half bro. sis. to the dogs in question. Again, my apologies. I am one of those annoying breeders who looks at 5+ generations of a pedigree, especially concerned about potential negative issues  amplified by  linebreeding. Its a very popular subject in some circles... Silly me.

I could care less what you breed your dogs too. You could breed it to the neighbors pug for all I care Lucky for me, a lot of people on this and other boards DO care, and are paying close attention in hopes of aquiring their next competition dog from my breeding program.  I'll bet you will too, but only if I produce any faults or health issues. You'd beat me to death I'm wagering, right here on this board!

I stated I wanted to here from the actual OWNERS of these dogs.  As van Hayden intelligently suggested, better (and classier) to do a search on  "Eichenluft... "

BTW: I don't kiss anyone's ass.  I don't have to at this stage of the game.  My credibility is EARNED, HARD-earned, NOT BORROWED...



by ramgsd on 27 March 2008 - 16:03

Molly you stated I should have asked thoughs that knew you. Now that I state that I did ask the ONLY 2 PEOPLE I KNOW THAT KNOW YOU AND HAVE HAD DOGS FROM YOU, you state I should have asked more than 2 BIASED people. I would have had I known any others. LET'S BE REAL HERE, anyone who has dogs from you are BIASED one way or they other.  It just so happens that of the people I contacted 1 had an issue the other that did the breeding mentioned a few things but stated that it could have just been the combo of the 2 dogs when bred. So nothing truely negative there.

Again sorry you took offense at what I view as a legit question. Since Kougar isn't being bred, what's the next best thing? Going to his breeder. So even after all this "PROTECT MOLLY AT ALL COSTS" tirade and I compile all the info and there seems to be no genetic issue who do you think I'd be coming to to obtain a dog from the lines the Kougar dog was from????

I never viewed this post as negative. to me it could only have a POSSITIVE OUTCOME. If what I had heard was ture, finding out what combos produce it and staying away from that combo with a breeding from Molly= POSSITIVE OUTCOME. (doesn't mean all her breedings are going to produce it) If it wasn't true and was an issolated case I wouldn't have to worry that it would likely happen to the pup I wanted, again= POSSITIVE OUTCOME.

To Von HAYDEN SHEPS as for jealousy I understand where you are comming from. Although it doesn't apply in this case. I am not jealous of Molly. to the contrary. I have never bred Shepherds and don't intend to start anytime soon. So there is no need for jealousy there. Secondly as I have stated many times I'm new to the sport and hope to one day have the success that Molly and many others have achieved. Since I am still acquiring new stock and getting the existing dogs to be trial ready, again there is no jealousy.

Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 27 March 2008 - 16:03

So WHO ARE YOU anyway? ...and who are YOUR friends and affiliates? I hate it when people hide behind screen names.




by Ceph on 27 March 2008 - 16:03

Ram - I am sorry you took offense...I was just stating my opinion.  And I also mentioned that a friend has a dog from Eichenluft who does not have pannus (or at least that I heard...I talked to her last month at a show).  Are you looking at Molly's pups or lines to get a dog from?  If not, or if you are that worried about the lines, I agree with what Don had to say.


by eichenluft on 27 March 2008 - 16:03

ramgsd - "Now I'm doing mine on the possible acquisition of a pup/young dog."

here's my recommendation.  Don't get a puppy from Kougar because he apparently has Pannus, which could be a genetic problem in the BREED.  I am breeding his full littermate (who doesn't have Pannus, neither did his mother, grandmother, 1/2 siblings, full siblings or any other relatives) but I recommend that if you're worried about Pannus, that you don't get a pup from Kaos since his brother has Pannus.   My lines are well-known for excellent health, temperament, drives and have many many happy people to back that up (reading my testimonial page may be worth the time if you are interested in having lots of puppy owners all on one - or 10 - pages).  But maybe if you are worried about Pannus you should look into another breed, as Pannus is a problem in this breed.

Also, don't bother contacting me about a pup, even if you were interested in my lines - because I am certainly not interested in dealing with people like you.


Eichenluft Working German Shepherds


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