Time to Enforce the Rules for the USA Sieger Show - Page 16

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by Deejays_Owner on 09 May 2008 - 13:05

Oh Blitzen, I think you hit the nail right on the head with this one

"What are you afraid of? Can't use their stud dogs, the ones that can't bite? Can't buy a puppy from them out of parents with fudged titles and  bogus breed surveys? Now there's a big loss to the breed."



by sunshine on 10 May 2008 - 02:05

bump.  Too important to let go so far down the list.


by Stonehaus on 10 May 2008 - 19:05

Over 10 people from our club have signed this petiton.The only ones that haven't are not members of UScA.They have seen these videos as well and have concern too.Why should they join this organization?The only reason is to compete and that they have young dogs now so there is no hurry. 250 people is a number that should increase.I challenge people who believe in this petition to email this out to all of there club members and contacts in the sport.I have been to several other boards where working dogs are the topic.These video's are quite the laughing point for many.Why do others that work dogs choose other breeds now. Proof is in the video.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 10 May 2008 - 19:05

Blitzen"  You indeed hit the nail on the head.....Yes, beern going on so long    the Bullies"   threaten everyone,,call everyone names , run thru practice fields, get in fights on and at trials, pay off the helpers,,,list could go on and on.....No one wants to throw the first stone.   Glad the Louise , Hodie and Molly , and Dee Wolf are not afraid to step forward and listen and take each complaint to the top....

Lots of previous emails and letters have been thrown in Drawers , hidden in the file cabinets , somewhere in the organization....It is time to   DO SOMETHING   to redeem our honorable members who work   365 days  of the year, sweat , blood and tears, and money to get to the SS show and do their best....with out the yearning to pay off, or kiss ass of someone in the Judges reahlm.



by bgstout on 10 May 2008 - 21:05

I find it amusing how all you non USA members have so much to say. 

 The same people that are breeding and selling puppies on this site that have no working ability whatsoever, but have no problem in posting lets enforce the rules.  What rules do all you non-USA members follow in your breeding program?  Please tell.  I get tired of reading my friend signed it or my partner signed it, while I go feed the puppies and list them for sale on this board as schutzhund puppies.

I am a working dog person and could care less what the show people do, was I ever planning on buying a showline for my next sport dog, let me think about it.....NO.   



by Trailrider on 11 May 2008 - 14:05

Bump!  I have noticed that some peoples signature has appeared twice. So my guess is there aren't quite as many signatures as there appear to be.  Maybe I should join again under a different name so I can sign again!

by Patiala on 11 May 2008 - 17:05

I have been readig this thread for a long time, finally today I have some time to express my opinion on the protection test of the dogs entered at the Sieger show.  I agree with everyone, it is time we enforce the rules, rules at BH, SchH1, SchH2, SchH3, because a lot of these dogs showing at the Sieger show have SchH3 titles.  How they got them is anyone's guess.  Let's take a look at the scorebooks and find out who the judges were for some of the dogs who had very questionable protection test.  Let's track those judges down and see if they are awarding titles to questionable dogs over and over again.  Let's video tape the trials conducted under these judges and send them to SV and let them take some action.  i agree that we should clean up our breed and eliminate the dogs with questionable character from the breeding program, but it is everyone responsibility, not just the one USA judge who was there at the Sieger show.  I checked out the websites of the kennels where these dogs are standing for stud and saw that some of them have high SG scores in SchH3.  How in the world could these dogs get those scores.  Believe me, it happens more in other countries than U.S. so before you get your prized puppies from highly touted V and VA dogs, make sure that the titles are real, and be prepared to be disappointed after you find out the truth. 


Ajay Singh


by hodie on 11 May 2008 - 18:05

 AMEN Ajay!

by eichenluft on 11 May 2008 - 18:05

I'll second that - AMEN Ajay!



by Louise M. Penery on 12 May 2008 - 05:05



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