Impeding a Club Trial - Page 5

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by cledford on 16 May 2008 - 15:05


This DOES NOT address or automatically mean that violations of organizational rules aren’t actually violations.   I make this post not to judge any party involved, but as a member of a national organization going through a difficult time. I care about the USCA and believe it should be bigger than any individual party. For this reason I think all member need to be aware of their public behavior as it reflects on the sport and if they conduct themselves in a manner that is detrimental to the organization (whether the impetus for the behavior was just, good, or “heart was in the right place”) the person should face administrative action.   -Calvin

Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 16 May 2008 - 15:05

As usual, there is another side to the story. I've known Gary and Pam for years, too. I knew there had to be more than what was on the video. I don't see Gary driving across the street to bother anybody without a darned good reason, let alone any farther.

Just shows to go ya, few issues can be taken at face value. Maybe someday I will learn to keep my mouth shut till I hear both sides... and then keep it shut because I wasn't there and its probably none of my business anyway.  You'd think I'd get tired of pulling my boot out of my mouth... LOL

Memo to Shelley- "Please be sure brain is engaged before releasing brake on keyboard." Ha ha ha.


by dutss on 16 May 2008 - 16:05

It sounds like the two individuals had prior disagreements.

I would have to think that the guy who drove across the tracks knew they were using the tracking field at least a day prior to the trial.   So, the decent thing would have been to contact the property owner prior to the trial and let him/her know the club intended to use the field.  At that time the field owner should have taken care of the situation.  

If two people have problems they need to take car of it between themselves.  Kick the crap out of each other....stab each other...shoot or hang one another...but dont drag innocent people into an argument that they have no knowledge of.  That probably ruined the trial for alot of people.

I have only been in the dog world a couple of years and cant believe the politics and lack of respect handlers show each other. 

I know if I would have been there I would have drove away never to return to another trial.







Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 16 May 2008 - 16:05

This is hilarious.  I have a few thoughts.

Did the club have permission to use the field?

If yes, then Gary acted like a big baby and was completely out of line.

If no, then Gary should have done one of three things.

1.  Call the cops because you are a big baby.

2.  Politely ask them to go elsewhere.

3.  Get out of your van and watch the dogs track.  Be a polite spectator and a role model for the sport.  After all of the competitors were done, you ask them to kindly find a new area for tracking.  As an Ambassador to the sport, you are happy to see others training their dogs.  After all, it is not like they were riding dirtbikes on the field.


by eichenluft on 16 May 2008 - 16:05

I'm with Don.  There is NO, absolutely NO legitimate reason why anyone should be thought of as "in the right" for driving their vehicle over tracks in front of spectators, competitors and the judge - at a trial - no reason at all.  Gary H was wrong to do it.  His personal vendetta could have been worked out in some other way. 

by joonbug on 16 May 2008 - 16:05

I have to agree with Molly and Don. As a relatively new member to the USCA, I am shocked and appalled that anyone who's a member, much less a person who competes at such a high level would do something as disgraceful as deliberately running over people's tracks.

Whatever the problem is between the parties, there is still no justification for doing something like this, and I'm surprised to see people saying "Oh, now I see why Gary was upset. So in this case, it's okay to disrupt a trial in this manner." Perhaps if you were a neutral participant at this trial, you wouldn't find it so easy to swallow.


by Steve Leigh on 16 May 2008 - 17:05


by bicolor on 16 May 2008 - 17:05


You're a legend in your own mind (or what is left of it). 


by Bob McKown on 16 May 2008 - 17:05


In my humble opinion:


                                The perfect retaliation would of been for competitors to go ahead and track and still pass.But hey thats just me I,m not a big "points" guy 

by Steve Leigh on 16 May 2008 - 17:05



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