OT-McCain angrily Condemns POW/MIA Families - Page 7

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by RatPackKing on 09 September 2008 - 04:09


I would just like to add that every time you post on this forum, an angel gets its period.


by Micky D on 09 September 2008 - 04:09

by Uglydog on 09 September 2008 - 12:09

RPK..Glad I could help.

Henry Ford said "Thinking is the hardest work, and the reason why so few engage in it." 

Im just trying to get people to think outside the box, think beyond what a corrupt, controlled, censored media feeds us daily.

All People..of all races & religions Must come together. Thats what I work towards. For there to be harmony, there must be justice.

Everyone knows I condemn & criticize the Policies of Israel.     Not every German supported the Nazi regime, & not every Jew supports the Apartheid & Crimes of Israel.  But their silence is acceptance. Same with the Neo CONs in America.

This country is on a Titanic course, More War is planned  in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Georgia/Russia (Wag the dog scenario), along with a possible financial implosion with our worthless,  fiat currency...this isnt conspiracy theory anymore. 

We just witnessed the Largest Government Bailout since the Great Depression Monday with Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac. Its just getting started.   Ive been ridiculed for months.   Im not ridiculed too much anymore about these matters.   Ive never been wrong, just early.

Stay Well Friends.

by Uglydog on 09 September 2008 - 12:09

Baby Eagle...UFC Heavyweight Jeff Monsoon at the RNC-Protesting.


Monson said......"I want to push us coming together and stopping the war and bringing the troops home so we can focus on how we're cutting the education budget and pressure people who are officially in charge of that."

I never knew he had a Masters Degree & is working on a PHD.



by Uglydog on 09 September 2008 - 12:09

Dr. Ron Paul brilliantly nails the prospect of more war, US/Israel Sabre rattling with Iran




by BabyEagle4U on 09 September 2008 - 13:09

Great photo Uglydog !!  Love the dude on the far right's expression.

Although I must say, the Policeman in my neck of the woods would be shakin' Jeff's hand with an invite for the weekend's EDIT **** gathering.

Gotta love the Keystone State.

DNC/RNC  video ...  this should be in the MSM ... but it isn't.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66rGjsla1cg   This is in America people.



by keepthefaith on 09 September 2008 - 17:09

I chose to check out Acorn myself and for a start went to their website and this is what I found:

"Voter participation:  Since 2004, ACORN has helped more than 1.7 million low- and moderate-income and minority citizens apply to register to vote.

ACORN is a non-profit, non-partisan social justice organization with national headquarters in New York, New Orleans and Washington, D.C.  To maintain independence,
ACORN does not accept government funding and is not tax exempt."


I also found links about the voter fraud that was mentioned in your link. But to suggest that Acorn is itself a shady outfit because a few members have acted illegally is a stretch. It really is the equivalent of suggesting that the Republican party is corrupt because some of its members have been found guilty or been indicted because they took bribes or that the party is full of gays because Senator Larry Craig has a "wide stance" or that Republicans are pedophiles because Mark Foley liked to diddle pages or that Repubs get their jollies from prostitutes because Senator Vitter had an affinity for hookers!

Here is more about Acorn.org from a more neutral source:


I know that you made a point of emphasizing that your links had nothing to do with Michelle Malkin but surprise, surprise - Malkin has commented on Acorn:


Malkin contrary to what Acorn states on its website writes :

"This left-wing group takes in 40 percent of its revenues from American taxpayers -- you and me -- and has leveraged nearly four decades of government subsidies to fund affiliates that promote the welfare state and undermine capitalism and self-reliance, some of which have been implicated in perpetuating illegal immigration and encouraging voter fraud."

If I had to choose between the credibility of Acorn - a group that I am not familiar with - and Malkin who I know is a fruitcake of the first order, I know who I would believe.

I get inundated with information from left wing groups and right wing groups - one needs to be able to discern between those who are somewhat rational and those who are not.

Since you seem to have a proclivity for unverified sources of information here is a letter from someone who claims to know Sarah Palin well. I checked Snopes to see if this was a fabrication and it appears that there really is an Anne Kilkenny and that she did write the letter. I don't know how accurate her allegations are but it makes for interesting reading but even if it is wholly or partly fabricated it appears to be the type of sourcing you like to read - as long as it is critical of Obama and the Democrats:



by BabyEagle4U on 09 September 2008 - 20:09

Dr. Ron Paul today at 4pm on FOX. Yes, here's the video already ..  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTCskE1m3kI

Look Paul's smiles the whole time ... gosh Cavuto is wanting to know what's up for tomorrow's Press Club announcement, their supposed to be discussing Fanny and Freddy. ... Ron Paul doesn't break. I love it.



by Micky D on 10 September 2008 - 00:09

"Since you seem to have a proclivity for unverified sources of information"

Ok, the last link I posted belonged to a blogger, but surely you don't want to imply that The Wall Street Journal, station KMBC in Kansas city and Fox News are suspect, do you?  Come to think of it, you're probably going to whine that Fox News is some right wing whacko outfit, but you're entitled to your own reality, I suppose.

I had to chuckle over that link you provided from a site tantalizingly named "thepresidentialcandidates.us".  My, my.  Presidential candidates, yes, but only The Messiah has any positive qualities on that particular corner of the web.  I'll pass, thank you.

by keepthefaith on 10 September 2008 - 13:09

Ok, the last link I posted belonged to a blogger, but surely you don't want to imply that The Wall Street Journal, station KMBC in Kansas city and Fox News are suspect, do you?  Come to think of it, you're probably going to whine that Fox News is some right wing whacko outfit, but you're entitled to your own reality, I suppose.

Actually, the links from KMBC and the WSJ focused on the voter fraud - about which there is no argument. As I said, if people have participated in voter fraud they should be prosecuted - it has nothing to do with their political leanings. The point I was also making was that  one should not condemn an organization because a few members indulge in illegal activities.

Re Faux News - oh, I meant Fox News - I don't think they are a right wing whacko outfit. I think they lean right in their reporting - which is fine though it makes their "fair and balanced" slogan a bit of a joke. I watch Fox News as I do MSNBC which leans left.

I had to chuckle over that link you provided from a site tantalizingly named "thepresidentialcandidates.us".  

Ah, but the difference is that I specifically stated that I did not know how accurate the assertions of the writer of that letter was - I did not present it as the gospel truth. But here is more about her and the letter she wrote in one of the Alaskan newspapers


....... only The Messiah has any positive qualities on that particular corner of the web.

Hmm! Re your reference to "The Messiah" gives you away as a Rush Limbaugh ditto-head. I know that because a good friend of mine is also an avid listener of RL and also being a ditto-head uses that term. Remind me again, was this the same RL who exalts throwing the book at criminals but then wanted a pass when he was illegally involved in prescription narcotic drugs? Or was this the same RL who is all gung-ho about the neo-con agenda of invading foreign countries and placing the lives of our young men and women on the line - but when it was his turn to serve in Vietnam, he sought to be excused because he suffers from a cyst near his ass-hole? 


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