The Obama Youth - Civilian National Security Force - Page 10

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by keepthefaith on 09 October 2008 - 17:10

There will be no draft !!

I wish that I could be as sure as you are. I am convinced that if McCain is elected it is a matter of time before some form of the draft is reintroduced. McCain is so militaristic with his policies regarding Iraq, Iran and more than likely Afghanistan, Syria and Pakistan down the line that it will be impossible to pursue military action with our existing armed forces.

As far as resistance to the draft, never lose sight of the ability of politicians to whip up a frenzy and get the country behind them with jingoism. After 9/11, if Bush had asked for the draft, he would have gotten it in a heart beat - the country was so united behind him about dealing with terrorism. I am sure that he regretted later not pushing for the draft - he thought that Iraq would be a cake-walk and that it could be done quickly with the existing armed forces.

I have two children who would be eligible for the draft and and the idea that they could end up being drafted because McCain and some neo-con nuts decide to invade various countries sends a chill through me.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 09 October 2008 - 17:10

The draft was brought up and then dropped.

They still remember Vietnam and the sixties, the riot's and the march's.

I hope everyone remember's.


by sueincc on 09 October 2008 - 18:10

 " Not sure how one can be so opposed to forced community service  while supporting McCain's plan to stay in Iraq indefinitely.  I'd much rather see an 18 year old required to complete x number of hours of community service than lined up at Dover AFB dressed in cammies carrying a duffle heading to Iraq."  (Blitzen)

Well said Blitz, I agree 100%.  I think mandatory community service could also be used to off-set portions of student loans.  It's my understanding the reason we don't have school in summer is from the old days when kids were needed on the farm.  Why not require a couple of summers for community service instead?

by Blitzen on 09 October 2008 - 18:10

Two Moons, think about it. Where will the manpower come from if we stay in Iraq indefinitely or even another 4 years? I think you can forget volunteers. I do remember Nam and the draft and that's why I want to see us get the hell out of there and tend to our own business in our own country. Just think about how we could have made use of the billions we have already shoveled into Iraq. Maybe provide health care to mostevery man, woman, and child in the US? Do you see anyone rushing to our aid?


by Liberalandy on 09 October 2008 - 18:10

rat you should come up with your own material, copy and paste from right wing blogs sucks.


by hodie on 09 October 2008 - 19:10

 So much for critical thinking from our pal RPK heh? LOL

I voted today....have you?


by Liberalandy on 09 October 2008 - 21:10

hodie, no, I am old fashioned lol. I like voting election day.

by hodie on 09 October 2008 - 23:10

Liberalandy, I cannot stand in line for more than a few minutes because of a disability. So I vote by mail. Much easier, but glad to know you will vote, one way or the other. I hope this is a record turnout.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 10 October 2008 - 02:10


Hopefully some of this will change soon.

My boy's are not going to war.  Unless it's by my side here on my own ground.

If we are ever invaded I will be on the front line's with them both, but not over this bull shit.!!

We are the invader's here and we need new policy, I don't blame them for wanting us out.   I would too.



by Blitzen on 10 October 2008 - 03:10

FUBAR for certain. Moons. If the draft is reinstated, take your boys out of the country.  If Obama wins I doubt it will happen.


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