The Obama Youth - Civilian National Security Force - Page 4

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by Blitzen on 05 October 2008 - 21:10

I'm convinced and will be writing in Paul also. Is there also a write-in choice for VP? I've never done this before.


by justcurious on 05 October 2008 - 22:10

i'm pretty thick when it comes to this sort of stuff so i ran a search and found this site:


by keepthefaith on 05 October 2008 - 22:10

Considering the lunatics within our society, Obama may have just as great a life expectancy in office as McCain. The only difference is the "heartbeat" away from Obama is a bit more palatable than that of McCain.

You are right. 

Who would have thought that there are teachers with this sort of neaderthal thinking in the US in this day and age:


by RatPackKing on 05 October 2008 - 22:10

Justcurious says

"these techniques are certainly nothing new - in fact they are 'tried & true' -used by lots of religions, including christianity, to get and keep followers. and then you have the public school system; for example: every go to a football game - same crap"

You can try to compare preachers to teachers as much as you want, but you are still wrong.

A congregation can choose whether to listen to their preachers or contribute money to the church. Public school students CANNOT choose whether to listen to their teachers and tax payers CANNOT choose whether to contribute money to the school system.

The First Amendment gives preachers the right to make political statements. The laws that prohibit them from doing so are wrong. It is grossly unconstitutional for the government to dictate what preachers are "allowed" to say to their congregations. No one is forcing the congregation to listen, they can stay or go at their leisure. And no one is forcing the congregation to pay money to the church. Donations are entirely voluntary. Therefore, telling a preacher he cannot make a political statement to his congregation and keep his tax-exempt status is a blatant violation of both freedom of speech and freedom of exercise. If the congregation disagrees with the preacher, they can leave and/or stop contributing to the church. If YOU disagree with the preacher, you can choose not to attend or contribute money to that church.

Churches are private institutions. Public schools are not.

Public schools are set up by the government, paid for by the government, and administered by the government. It is highly unethical (and possibly illegal) for public school teachers to "proselytize" their students.

A person with an ounce of integrety would avoid the subject instead of displaying their stupidity as you do.


by keepthefaith on 05 October 2008 - 22:10

Blitzen, Ron Paul is an appealing individual but quite frankly he does not have a chance of being elected. So your vote - or that of anyone else - becomes a protest vote.

I am not overly enthused about Obama but since either McCain or Obama will be the next president and since I live in a swing state, I will vote for Obama - not so much because I think he is the best individual but compared to McCain, it is a no-brainer for me.

I believe - based on a prior post of yours - that you also live in a swing state, so how you vote will help determine whether McCain or Obama gets elected.


by RatPackKing on 05 October 2008 - 22:10

The Associated Press provides one of their best "gee, ya think so?" headlines of the year:

First, they still can't get over Bush's two presidential wins. Sad, really.

Second, it always seems to be the case that giving felons the right to vote helps Democrats, and it is not just because so many are Black. A good guess would probably be that criminals know that punishment for what they do is much less under Democrats, usually along the lines of a short sentence, which is then reduced as "time served," and some therapy.

Third, have you ever noticed that the Democrat Party keeps up the pressure to register the most politically clueless, along with those who are offering nothing to society? Felons, the homeless, college kids who think they will get free drinking money, illegal aliens, etc. If someone was really interested in the issues and in voting, well, they would get their butts out there and register themselves. It really isn't that hard. If you do not have the will to go register yourself, maybe you should sit on the sidelines and watch.

Oh, and in Ohio register-and-vote land 

Maybe if people would be required to show ID, it would only be a tiny problem. You know, that thing you need to show to pass a check, use your credit card (not that companies taking your CC look at them that much anymore), and are required to have on your person when you drive. Something that is rather easy to get and not that expensive. But, we can all infer why Democrats do not want people to have to show ID to vote.

I'll continue to report...........You decide




by justcurious on 05 October 2008 - 22:10

 A person with an ounce of integrety would avoid the subject instead of displaying their stupidity as you do. - RPK

interesting reply:)  btw you completely missed my point  - i was referring to technique not content.



by RatPackKing on 05 October 2008 - 22:10

So that makes it right...I get it now

"btw you completely missed my point  - i was referring to technique not content"


by justcurious on 05 October 2008 - 23:10

 no just talking about different things.  the obama video showed a classic brainwashing technique that's all nothing new it happens everytime you watch tv, go to pub. school, attend church, listen to a pundit  ... it's so common it's become a way of life.  if we stay polarize - i'm right/you're wrong (as i said divided and then conquered) - we can never work together and come up with something better. you can choose to get out from under it or you can continue to 'play the game'  - now that's freedom:)


by RatPackKing on 05 October 2008 - 23:10

Fair enough justcurious......BTW it would be new if the MSM  would report it.........Sorry for being rude earlier

Have a good evening



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