The Obama Youth - Civilian National Security Force - Page 5

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by RatPackKing on 05 October 2008 - 23:10

Blitzen, using your logic, to its illogical conclusions...............

Has anyone brought up the fact that Obama smokes, and both his parents died at an early age. Plus, Biden has had two brain aneurysms which could of killed him. If they both died in office, that would leave Nancy Pelosi as President.

I can not think of a better reason to vote for McCain

by beetree on 06 October 2008 - 00:10

 I agree with what the Don Said. 

Before you vote on what is promised, think hard about how YOU think they will accomplish it. Remember the goal is to get elected. Promises can be fulfilled or forgotten or just plain unobtainable after that.


by justcurious on 06 October 2008 - 01:10

 Sorry for being rude earlier Have a good evening - RPK

not a problem, this whole thing has everyone very stressed out - as the saying goes - 'no shame no blame' -  imo as long as we all keep communicating we might find some light at the end of this very dark tunnel.


by Blitzen on 06 October 2008 - 03:10

RPK, I think it's illogical to think that a 47 year old male who smokes will not survive another 4 years. Odds are more likely that McCain won't make it for another 4, Palin could die in childbirth or from a bad botox reaction and we're back to Pelosi again.  If you want to talk logic, then we should probably not even think about voting for either of these candidates. Neither seemed all that concerned about our welfare when they voted to bailout Wall Street, did they? Oops, did I say bailout? I really meant to say "rescued". Damn I hate it when I'm politically incorrect. I've been getting therapy for that.

I guess I was under the impression that the President of the US had a lot of influence. Didn't Bush say - "I make all the decisions"? Don't tell me he fibbed to us.

by hodie on 06 October 2008 - 03:10

I received my mail in ballot and I will fill it out and mail it in tomorrow. I will be voting for the man who will be elected the next President of the United States. And I will base my vote on the failures of the past administration and on the real issues that face this nation, not some of the idiocy spouted on some of these threads. It is really scary that people cannot intelligently discuss real issues....

by Sam1427 on 06 October 2008 - 03:10

These people vote, Hodie. That's what's scary.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 06 October 2008 - 04:10


That's my word for the day.

Remember there are other people on your ballot that need to be considered as well as the top spot.

They all sold us out and need to find a new career...  then the courts need to go to work and prosecute the criminal's who actually did this to us.

Maybe when people have no job's they will find the time to go to the street's and be counted.

Or maybe they will just wait for the government to help them out and be found in their home's by worried relative's stuck to the carpet.

The word is SCARY.   It mean's up the creek without a snowball's chance in hell of anything working out anytime soon no matter who you vote for.


by beetree on 06 October 2008 - 15:10

I was wondering about Obama's healthcare plan being funded by taxing the rich, (250K or better) to pay for the poor. And then I thought with all this financial turmoil, that number will have to be smaller today, than when he first thought of it. And how can you fix a dollar amount and not see a real problem coming up when you are faced with the option of not making a penny more, to avoid extra taxes?

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 06 October 2008 - 16:10

Why hasn't anyone ever considered a flat tax rate on personal income regardless of what you make without loop hole's?

Wouldn't that be fair?

And business's,

As I see it there are too many exception's (loop hole's) for larger business's who can afford the Lawyer's and Accountant's, and have the power to lobby, which must also be done away with.

The biggest problem of all in my opinion is the waste and deception in government spending.  We're not getting our money's worth.  If the Government had to run spending past my wife we'd be in the black with a surplus in the bank..

I still want to see these criminal's who made this mess in court and in jail (that includes politition's) and all their asset's frozen until the courts can sort this all out.   And the Government can keep their greedy little paw's out of the market place.  OOp's  To late for that huh?

Wouldn't it be nice if anyone could run for office based on their merit's and not having to be a millionaire to participate?

And maybe the two party system done away with.    There should only be one party in my opinion.

I hate Monday's.


by beetree on 06 October 2008 - 17:10

There was a story in our Sunday paper talking about how the Feds are gearing up for the big take downs. Mortgage brokers have been convicted regarding schemes to defraud IndyMac and Wachovia of $12 million. Investigations "have netted only individuals at the bottom of the feeding pool." 

So hold tight, let 'em do their homework, and we'll all demand to make the guilty pay. It could take up to next year to get their ducks in row, the paper trails and complicity are just so widespread.



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