The Obama Youth - Civilian National Security Force - Page 9

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by justcurious on 09 October 2008 - 04:10

so the choice is totalitarianism or socialism; too bad we've sat back and allowing democracy to slip through our fingers, but then again that was just a dream some of us had, well still have:)

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 09 October 2008 - 04:10


Your a trip.

I forecast Obama will win,  and  Palin will end up a talkshow host while McCain goes back to the same ole same ole.

I do not believe the economy will improve much for year's to come, we will continue to be raped by the money changer's. 

But America will alway's look like America, even if we don't own it.

There will be more war, and man will continue to destroy the planet.

Nothing will really change and no one will even notice.

Better day's are coming...LOL






by Sam1427 on 09 October 2008 - 05:10

I would have liked to hear a Q&A session with the two candidates being asked questions like:

What role, if any, should current foreign law play in American legal reasoning and why?

Does the US Constitution mandate a "naked public square", that is, one free of religiously informed moral argument? Why or why not?

Do you believe unelected bureaucrats should be making tax law? Or any laws?

Do you believe there is a place for war in the exercise of statecraft? Why or why not?

How do you regard the Supreme Court's recent decision on rights for alien (non-US citizen) terrorist suspects in US custody?

How would you define the phrase "moral hazard"?


I can think of more, but those would do for starters.  Yeah, I know. Dream on. Never happen with this 5 second sound bite media we seem to be stuck with. I have an idea at least of how McCain would answer all of them. I have no idea what Obama would say or if he would say anything meaningful.





by sueincc on 09 October 2008 - 05:10

Well said, RPK, I couldn't agree with you more. 

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 09 October 2008 - 05:10

Ask them where all the money's coming from.

by Blitzen on 09 October 2008 - 11:10

Obama is a Marxist? How about some documented FACTS backing up that accusation? Not just your personal opinion please.

You have an idea how MCain would respond to your questions? Are you kidding? That old man doesn't have the same answer twice for the same question. His and Palin's rallies are starting to look and sound like KKK meetings. I was looking for the white sheets and burning crosses when when the Florida  police officer (who BTW almost resembled a skinhead in with his shining dome and military-style uniform)  spewed his racist garbage. Nice to hear he's under federal investigation. Do you really feel that any candidates who would endorse such behavior and condone people in the audience shouting  "treason" and "kill him" would be looking out for your best interests?  If Obama's life is threatened or worse after he is elected, McBush and Palin may have some real soul searching to do. Frankly her behavior alone is inexcusable and a slap in the face to professional women everywhere. McBush is just plain frustrated and desperate, but that doesn't give him license to ignore thus condone racism from the audience at one of his rallies.

by hodie on 09 October 2008 - 13:10


Your idea of real questions, including those concerning the ethical framework in which a candidate would live his/jer life, are questions EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN should be able to answer about themselves. How many people in this country do you think have ever thought of such issues? You must be joking.....I took an ethics course last year and we discussed similar questions, but believe me, it was like pulling teeth from most of the students who could not think critically about any of these kinds of issues. Why? Because they had learned nothing about this from their parents or society in general. 

Like I have already insinuated, we get what we deserve. The American public does not want to tackle the difficult issues. They would rather, as a whole, let someone else do it, but, when they do not see or hear what sound bite they want to hear, they go off disappointed. The truth is, most people cannot even think about these kinds of issues. It would stretch their mental capability and they would have to do some real work to consider such issues. But many of these issues are at the heart of who we are as a nation and members of the human race. 

As for Sammie saying Obama is a Marxist, that comment is so ridiculous it does not deserve a response. 


by sueincc on 09 October 2008 - 14:10

On the Original Topic:

Rarely are teenagers "selfless" on their own.  Requiring community service would go a long way towards instilling this principle in the youth of our nation.   Many countries require service to country of one kind or another.  I am not in favor of mandatory enrolment in the armed services, but would like to see a broad range of community service options available, including  military.  Many countries require some sort of service of their youths:


by Blitzen on 09 October 2008 - 15:10

If the war in Iraq continues much longer, the draft will need to be reinstated. There will be no other choice. How many times can we ask the same men and women to return to that country? Not sure how one can be so opposed to forced community service  while supporting McCain's plan to stay in Iraq indefinitely.  I'd much rather see an 18 year old required to complete x number of hours of community service than lined up at Dover AFB dressed in cammies carrying a duffle heading to Iraq.

TwoMoons, I hope you are wrong about the economy not improving and nothing much ever changing. I guess you're one of those - the glass is half empty sort of guys. I can't think that way; I need something to believe in. My glass is half full. Here hope will always spring eternal.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 09 October 2008 - 16:10


Everyday is a new day, I alway's have hope.   But this mess is world wide and even the best senario put's recovery a few years out.    Nothing's gonna happen over night.   People like me with no 401K who plan on making some kind of income till they die will be ok.   But the older baby boomer's now retiring with money's tied up in the stock market will have to rethink their golden year's.

There will be no draft !!  Not over this shit !!   Or I will join the Weather Underground myself !!  

If they try to reinstate the draft there will be civil unrest in the street's and violence I'm sure.  Let the politition's fight if they really want more war.    Or start a professional army and pay in cash, charge countries for our service's like mercenary's.

They will have plenty of young men and women joining anyway because there will probably be no job's for them, no other option's. 

Drafting kid's into the military is the same as slavery except they don't have to work in the field's, they have to die in them.

No Fucking Way !!    It's not unpatriotic to say no to war !!

They will learn again what domestic terrorism is all about in my opinion.

Teach your children well.



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