Sarah Palin on SNL tonight - Page 33

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by Do right and fear no one on 27 October 2008 - 05:10

I believe that you have unity confused with socialism.

Obama is pandering to the baser instincts of humans.  We all want to be taken care of and live on easy street.  He is promising everything to everyone, knowing that he can't deliver on his promises.

As silly as it actually is, his professing to be a fan of one baseball team when he is in that area, and then professing to be a fan of the other team when he is in that other area, is symbolic of how he "operates".  He panders to whatever crowd that he is in.  If he is with rich elitist in California, he talks about how those bitter Americans in Pa. "cling to their religion and guns", but if he is with those "bitter Americans" in Pa., he talks about taking more from the rich and spreading it around.

How dumb can ya'll be?  He is playing you like a fiddle.  The gullibility of humans never ceases to amaze me.

I am going to be laughing for the next four years.  Obama and that idiot Biden can't do anything to me that I can't deal with.  Some of you though, will be hurting, except for ya'll that NEED the government to take care of you.  You'll do alright with some extra "change".   

by TessJ10 on 27 October 2008 - 15:10

Not confusing the two at all. 

And all the pandering is being done by McCain/Palin, or excuse me, as Sarah is now introducing herself along with Hank Williams, Jr. "Palin/McCain."  Remaining quiet while their crowds yell, he's an Arab, he's a Muslim, kill him, abomination, terrorist....they know perfectly well to whom they're pandering.  Thank God it's backfiring on them, though.  More and more prominent Republicans, and even the Alaskans, are endorsing Obama now. 

A few of the prominent Republicans who have publicly endorsed Obama: Susan Eisenhower (granddaughter of Ike), former Republican Governors of MA and MN, William Weld and Arne Carlson, of course Colin Powell, and get this, Scott McClellan, who was Bush's press secretary.  And oh, yeah, National Review writer Christopher Buckley, son of William F.

And CC Goldwater, Barry Goldwater's granddaughter, who says: 

"Myself, along with my siblings and a few cousins, will not be supporting the Republican presidential candidates this year. We believe strongly in what our grandfather stood for: honesty, integrity, and personal freedom, free from political maneuvering and fear tactics. ..

[…The] Republican brand has been tarnished in a shameless effort to gain votes and appeal to the lowest emotion, fear. Nothing about McCain, except for maybe a uniform, compares to the same ideology of what Goldwater stood for as a politician. The McCain/Palin plan is to appear diverse and inclusive, using women and minorities to push an agenda that makes us all financially vulnerable, fearful, and less safe.....Nothing about the Republican ticket offers the hope America needs to regain it’s standing in the world, that’s why we’re going to support Barack Obama. I think that Obama has shown his ability and integrity."


by keepthefaith on 27 October 2008 - 17:10

John McCain in the year 2000 opposed the tax cuts for the high income earners that Bush was proposing. He wanted to keep their tax levels at the rates in effect when Clinton left office. This is exactly what Obama is proposing - eliminate the tax cuts that Bush gave to those earning over $250K and pass that to the middle class. Bush favored the middle class getting the tax cut that Bush was proposing.

I guess by McCain's current definition, he was a socialist in the year 2000. Check out these links to hear what McCain said at the time. It could be Obama talking:

First link:

Second link:

by keepthefaith on 27 October 2008 - 17:10

Will the REAL John McCain please stand up:


by sueincc on 27 October 2008 - 18:10

I love it.  First you accuse Obama/Biden and their supporters of not being in touch with the average American because they are "too cerebral'.  When that doesn't work, you accuse the same people of being "dumb", then you misquote Obama again. 

The problem for you is the average  American is too smart and too sophisticated. The reason Obama is so far ahead is the average American isn't falling  for  the lies, scare tactics and Carl Rove style dirty  "politics as usual"  practiced by McCain/Palin and their supporters.  

by keepthefaith on 27 October 2008 - 19:10

Sue, the simple reality is that about 30% of voters will vote Republican come what may. It could be GWB running against the most qualified and centrist Democrat ever and they will still vote for the Republican. In fairness, I would say that there is probably about the same percentage who  will only vote Democrat. So it is  the remaining 40% of voters who would consider voting for either party depending on the candidate and the merits of the issues.

I don't by any means take it for granted that Obama will win despite things looking very good for him but if he does - or for that matter if McCain does - he will inherit the most terrible mess imaginable. We have an economic mess that is the worst since the Great Depression, we are fighting two wars which are probably unwinnable, we have gigantic budget deficits, we have lost our moral standing in the world, etc. Compare our situation today with what GWB inherited when he took office in January 2001.

If there is any accountability the Republicans should be thrown out of office en masse.

Thank goodness that this economic crisis occurred prior to the election. If had happened shortly after Obama took office, the right wingnuts would have been yelling that Obama caused it! Ever notice how the Republicans will always claim that it was Reagan's leadership that brought about the recovery in the 80s' but when it comes to Bush, they argue that a president really has no control over the economy!


by RatPackKing on 28 October 2008 - 01:10


How can they continue to deny  to that he is a Socialist? .......I just do not get it....... <shakes head>



by sueincc on 28 October 2008 - 03:10

Then Mcain is a Socialist too:

 I see  DesertRanger has surfaced to show his support for McCain......Can it get any worse for you guys?


by Micky D on 28 October 2008 - 04:10

I looked at your link, Sue.  I don't think you'll find too many people who wouldn't love to do away with the income tax, until they realized such a move would cause a lot of change they may not have thought about.

Taxes aren't truly socialism.  Taxes to pay for roads, and to pay for defense, and other vital needs are part of the fabric of society.   I think the columnist is stretching when he makes the case for McCain being a socialist based on the income tax.

McCain does support some socialist programs, like Medicare and Medicaid, food stamps and Head Start, for example, and, only a small part of the population would really want to do away with such programs, especially since so many people now gain benefit from them.

That said, if Donald Trump, let's say, makes a million dollars, it's HIS money.  It is socialist to tax him at a far higher rate, in order to fund more socialist programs, like Obama's "Global Poverty Tax" for example.  GLOBAL, mind you.  This is insane.  Our economy is fragile enough as it is, and we do not dare increase federal spending.  We need to slash spending as much as possible.  We do not need to fund studies of Red Fox mating habits, nor studies on why kids are fat (they don't exercise and they eat junk food!).  We do not need to fund anymore buildings in West Virginia named after Robert C Byrd, either (grin).

If someone has a business that grosses 250,000, but only takes home 60,000, he will pay the higher tax rate.  He's going to have to lay off workers, and this will cause hardship right down the line.  

The way Obama is structuring his tax plan, he's going to tax "rich" people and then turn around and give money to someone who already doesn't pay income tax.  This is plain old wealth redistribution, "From each, according to his ability, to each, according to his need.".



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