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by liztom on 27 October 2008 - 15:10

we just found out he is dead and half  his size.

we are  gonna do everything we can. We also got peta involved so far.

by eichenluft on 27 October 2008 - 15:10

So sorry about your dog.  That would be just awful, to see those pictures and know how this scumbag tortured your dog.  I would be going nuts as I'm sure you are.  I hope you do press charges and make every effort to see that this person (and I use that term very lightly) is put away for as long as possible.



by susanandthek9s on 27 October 2008 - 15:10

I am so sorry about your dog.

Molly, she can't press criminal charges. Only the prosecutor can, and he doesn't seem to care. She can go to civil court, but the lawyer's fees will be through the roof and the monetary value of the dog is about zip as far as courts are concerned.

Going to PETA was smart! I will say it again: Only national attention can produce some real consequences for this bastard.

I tried to get this on www.petconnection.com, but they weren't interested. If a bunch of people email them at petconnection@gmail.com they might run it. liztom, please email them your story and ask them to run it. It will get you a national audience if they do.



by liztom on 27 October 2008 - 17:10

Thank you i emailed me, if you have any more thoughts of who to contact please let me know.


We are contacting every agency we can think of - bc like you said the only way anything will happen is if it is public.

by susanandthek9s on 27 October 2008 - 18:10


With your email and my follow-up email to petconnection, we did it! It's now on petconnection:


Please post a cooment there telling your story.

Also, please find out the phone numbers and email addresses of the prosecutor and judge and post them here and on petconnection.

by liztom on 27 October 2008 - 18:10

The name of the prosecutor is Jay Macejko 330-742-8791



Yes I emailed them, im glad they published the story. The dog in the photo on the website was put to sleep because he was "aggressive" - but he wasnt - these are not  just "normal" dogs - they are police and protection dogs as well.

by GoldenElk on 27 October 2008 - 18:10

As I read this horror I just kept calling my own dogs over to me and petting them and hugging them...I couldn't imagine if this had been the fate of my own animals.

Liztom - I am sorry beyond words for what became of your dog.

More than the tragedy itself, I am STUNNED at the "things" defending this creep's inexcusable neglect on the Valley website. "He's a good guy who fell on hard times" - but he's still taking in $400 payments for boarding dogs that he's letting starve to death????

You know what I would do if I couldn't afford my girls anymore? Bring my ass right on here and TELL you all, to hell with my pride, I would go to every dog fancy website, explain the ordeal and let people know my animals needed HELP. Here's another genius thought, call back the owners of the dogs your boarding and give them their animals back since you were too inept to actually care for them you FREAK! Every cretin defending this subhuman brute should be drawn and quartered and left out for the rats and coyotes...

by liztom on 27 October 2008 - 19:10

The judges name is Judge Robert A. Douglas Jr  i found this website that has an email for his assistant


Thank you for your wishes.

by liztom on 27 October 2008 - 19:10

This is Ohio State Attorney General, give her your opinions please Her name Nancy H. Rogers

by susanandthek9s on 27 October 2008 - 19:10

Contact info for the prosecutor:

Joseph "Jay" R. Macejko

PHONE: 330.742.8791

FAX: 330.742.8794

Email for the Judge's (Judge Robert A. Douglas, Jr.) assistant:



Contact info for the Ohio State Attorney General (Nancy H. Rogers):


PHONE: 877-244-6446






It doesn't do any good to talk to each other--tell it to the people in the court system!


As for the "illegal" entry "issue:" the prosecutor is talking out of both sides of his mouth about this. He says it would have been legal for a private citizen to enter the property because of the acute distress of the dogs, but one of the investigators was a private citizen. And, gosh, the prosecutor sure doesn’t want folks getting all emotional about this. He’s far more upset about the entry onto the bastard’s property than he is about the horrors inflicted on the dogs.


There are circumstances when a warrant isn’t needed to enter property—for example, if you see a badly beaten, starved, half-dead child lying in a yard. The prosecutor could have taken this approach but chose not to.


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