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by hodie on 28 October 2008 - 16:10

 Micky D,

I agree that the health care situation is deplorable, but believe me,  it is just as screwed up in the private sector as it is in the public sector. Why is that? There are a lot of reasons, but one of the reasons is Americans don't give a shit anymore about doing their job well, whatever that job is. Yes, there are bureaucratic tangles, and yes, money is at the heart of it all. Many of the systems we need for a prosperous and well functioning society are completely broken. They must be fixed.

I completely understand what you say about your daughters' tuition costs. You are quite right as they have become astronomical when they need not be so. The students, at whatever age, need a real education. Instead, they get a lot of frills and days off and incompetent teachers.

Money is being spent in wrong ways in practically every venue. This is not only the fault of Bush. It is the fault of all of us who have lost sight of what things are essential to a functional and strong society. It is the fault of all of us who care about nothing except oursleves. It is the fault of a society that worships all the wrong people, including professional athletes who have huge salaries. It is because a city manager, near where I live, can make $200,000 a year for doing administrative/organizational work, while the police department does not have enough officers.

I could go on. The point is there are many things that need fixing and so many of those things start right in our own backyards. But most of us are lazy and don't speak up or give a damn until somehow it hits us in the face. This election is a prime example. Some of the people who throw around their objections have done absolutely NOTHING to participate in the political process ever in their lives. Instead they take the lazy way out and parrot what some other idiot chose to make of something one of the candidates said. This applies on both sides.

We, the American public are to blame - for being asleep. But, at least some have seen they need to wake up and change things. Changing things from the top down never makes much viable change in any situation public or private, in my opinion, but it is election year, so yes, things are going to change up top. But if things are REALLY to change, then it must change from the other direction. Only time will tell if Americans have it in them to come together and seek rational solutions to the problems instead of talk about how many guns and how much ammunition they stocked up. These people are also part of the problem, but damn, it sure makes it sound good to talk about the Muslims, or the Jews, or Israel being behind everything that is sour.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 28 October 2008 - 16:10


I had dealing's with the NRA for many year's.     They are just another big business and money is their motivation.

Professional lobbiest's.    They serve a purpose but would not be needed if people did their own speaking up.

They are power broker's just like any other.    I told wayne LaPierre at the time to pound sand.

I am not a member needless to say.


by Preston on 28 October 2008 - 17:10

By Douglas Wellman Sr.
For The News-Sentinel 10-27-08
  "Obamamania" having swept the nation through the anointing of Barack Obama by the liberal media and the money from likeminded socialists, it is, indeed, possible Obama will be our next president. Obama's election will bring about an assault on many of our cherished American rights and freedoms.
I predict one of the first things we see will be the most draconian gun control bill introduced by Sen. Schumer (D-N.Y.) that will be supported by Obama. I predict this bill will make the unconstitutional gun ban enacted in 1994 and dubbed the "Clinton gun ban" look mild.
Obama's record on the Second Amendment is as follows: 
  1. He has supported a complete ban on handguns 
  2. He voted to ban most rifle ammunition
  3. He refused to sign a brief supporting an individual right in the "Heller" case
  4. He supported the lawsuits that were designed to destroy the firearm industry
  5. He opposes the right to carry for self-defense
  6. He supports gun registration (which in Germany before WWII was used to disarm the Jews and used in    Australia to disarm its citizens)
  7. He served on the board of the Joyce Foundation, a rabidly anti-Second Amendment organization
  8. He voted to allow prosecution of citizens for using firearms for self-defense in their own homes.
Some folks want complete disarmament of the public, like in Canada & Austrailia.  Most Americans are against it. I believe we need drastic change, but I also know that the police cannot protect us from home invasions or a tyrannical gov't that has declared war on the people.  The first thing upcoming fascist regimes do is disarm the people. Ask any Jew who who lived in nazi Germany and survived a death camp internement what they think of disarming the public.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 28 October 2008 - 17:10


More fear...


by Preston on 28 October 2008 - 17:10

Folks need to be ever vigilant in order to protect the US Republic. Sometimes history is a slow moving locomotive that cannot be stopped. No matter who wins as president, you can bet the same things will occur in any new administration:

1. draft will be instituted for males and females 18-36.

2. war in Iraq will be wound down and troops transferred for surge in Afghanistan.

3. War will bleed over into pakistan with India our allie.  A re-emergence of the "cold war" with russia. Conflicts may go nuclear. 

4. Continued and serious economic problems, with massive unemployment, underemployment, loss or retirement and retirement funds.

5. Continued efforts to build up an internal police state, militarization of the local police, maasive spying and harassment of US citizens. Complete and total destruction and disavowal of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

6. Increased efforts to form the North American Union.

7. Continued nationalization of banks as a part of the bailout.

8. Efforts to nationalize health care with increased costs, poorer quality, and less available in general.

9. Gov't will step up drug trafficking into the US to destroy as many souls of the minorities and weak as possible.


Two Moons

by Two Moons on 28 October 2008 - 17:10

Number nine sound's great !!


All these thing's and worst will come to pass,  as long as we just sit on our ass's.

God it's almost over !!


by Preston on 28 October 2008 - 22:10

Moons, the gov't specializes in destructive drugs like crack and heroin which destroy the soul, destroy black political power and kill the inner cities.  Pot should be decriminalized. It might function as a mild tranquilizer or sedative, or a mild intoxicant and may be harmful to those who abuse it to excess, but it is unlikely as harmful as alcohol when all aspects are considered.  Like with alcohol folks should not drive under its influence. The "company" likes to bring in drugs that carry a lot of value in a small volume such as heroin, cocaine, crack and that pack a whollup of brute destructive force against the community.   In addition, they like to use cutouts to push crystal meth because of its success spreading death and chaos in communities.  This helps with their overall plan to destroy America for the globalist Banksters, who have been fairly successful so far since 1913. 

Course, if people wake up, there can still be a ground swell of folks deciding to take back their country, but this is unlikely because folks are so deeply mind kontrolled by "culture war"and the television.  For actual documentation of my allegations here which are all based on intyerviews with actual retired and /or active intel, start by checking out Mad Cow Morning News by hollywood producer Daniel Hopsicker.  Then proceed to Rodney Stich (former FAA Investigator) and his book, "Defrauding America", then "Powder Burns" by Celerino Castillo (former DEA agent, highly decorated),   "Whiteout" by Alexander Cockburn (famed investigative researcher and writer),  "The Big White Lie" by Michael Levine (former DEA agent, highly decorated).   These are all based on actual verified information from the eyewitnesses involved.


by AhSighEE on 28 October 2008 - 23:10

Not gonna matter after Jan 2009      By the time Jesse Jackson stirs it all up , the neo natzi skinheads and all the other gangs and Islamic and anything with a gun will have all us packin"

Better get ready..Im building a bomb shelter...Got my kool aide and my pop corn already packed in mold proof bags and my vitamins in my camper jars.


by Chisum on 29 October 2008 - 07:10

Blame for the housing credit crises lies mainly with the banks and regulators, Seriously. The first discarded finance basics in their rush for more profit, and the regulators (rating agencies included) - after creating requisite market - resolutely ignored abundant warning signs. Only to be left with Greenspan expressing shock/horror/surprise in Congress! What was he paid for all those years!

I’m not laying all the on the Republicans. Outside factors like rocketing oil prices were clearly beyond their control. Still, the Bush administration enjoyed eight long years to prove their worth but failed abysmally on various counts. Let’s not even drone on about the Iraqi war, various social programs and issues, tax cuts for the rich, or the housing debacle. McCain probably means well but apart from soothing band-aids, I do think he basically equates to more of the same. And putting aside party ideological differences, I simply don’t think he’s the right man for the job.

Hodie is spot on with my drift on the inequality issue. And what then were the real causes leading to the Civil War? I’m also sure that those who hold the Constitution in high regard accept that sentiments like ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ or ‘promote the general welfare’ mean to apply to all Americans. They surely weren’t aimed at creating a situation where the top one percent controls one third of the country’s wealth whilst a working class kid leaves secondary schooling barely able to write or read because of inadequate resources, lack of support generally, and overworked, underpaid teachers. As I read Obama, he only speaks of redressing some of the more extreme imbalances in a minor way: hardly what you’d call socialism! Also sympathize where hodie speaks of the knee-jerk, rabidly defensive and instantly personalized antagonism exemplified on this very board. At times you’d almost think our litters receive better socialization than some of the posters ever did!

Another fixed election, Ugly? The ultimate power – at least to this point - still lies with the people. Shared awareness is the key … he cries forlornly! If nothing else, Stalin does exemplify one alternative …

I understand your objections to death duties, Mickey, but still maintain it’s one of the best taxes for redressing extreme inequalities (for one thing, you can’t take it with you!) Common law has recognized for centuries that enabling ever greater concentration/accumulation of wealth in few hands is bad public policy, against the public welfare – which is also why trust law places time limits on asset transmission. Any transfer of family home (and/or other income provision) involving surviving spouse etc should of course always be exempt. In many jurisdictions the family farm is granted special consideration as well.


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