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by RatPackKing on 01 November 2008 - 02:11

The Con Continues

Talk about the "Great Set-up",with attempts at lowering expectations. Joe Biden recently explained that the rich are now those making $150,000. Bill Richardson takes it down another notch:

by UFOH1 on 01 November 2008 - 02:11

You go Jade, Blitz and Sue!

Why defend Iraq?  We shouldn't even be there! Where is Bin Ladin?  Huff and puff and do nothing to hide your incompetence.  We can track down 1 cow with "mad cow disease" but can't find Bin Ladin?  Bush doesn't want to...

I am ashamed.  This administration has sent out loved ones to fight under false pretenses, lies, distortions when sanctions were working to contain Saddam. This country, under Bush, condones torture, murder, imprisonment without representation or charges, spying on US citizens under the sheltering arm of the repulsive "Patriot Act".

The fresh air here is Obama.  He is "hope" and McCain is the "same".  I cannot take another 4-8 years of this total ruin of this country. 

McCain has no redeeming qualities to govern.  26 years of being a member of the Senate does not give you a "pass" into the White House.  Being a POW does not give you a "pass". Making commercials for the VC does not give you a "pass".  Dumping your first wife for one younger, more bucks, while still married -- does not give you a "pass".  Not supporting the troops 488 times does not give you a 'pass". Eating birthday cake with Bush while New Orleans dies does not give you a "pass".

And cute -" I can see Russia" is a travestry!

I don't want, regardless of party, a 6 pack buddy or soccer mom to run this country.  I want some one that is brilliant, a H of a lot smarter than I am and most of his/ her acquaintenances.  A person that surrounds themselves with brilliant advisors and is willing to listen to them and weigh all the options.

We will all get that result this Tuesday.  My prayer is that it is Obama. The Republican neocons have raped this country,The Constitution enough with a blank check and no accountability.

Flame Away...





by Blitzen on 01 November 2008 - 02:11

Flame away? Not me, UFOH1.............................. you ROCK !!!!!!

by Preston on 01 November 2008 - 03:11

Good post UFO1.  There is much that needs to be immediately corrected.  Patriot acts & FISA need to be repealed, Nafta, Cafta, Gatt and WTO need to be repealed immediately.  The phony "war on drugs" and the phony "watr on terror" need to be stopped.  They ae really cover for gov't drug tyrafficking into the USA and a covert war declared by the gov't against the US citizens.  War criminals of this regime need to be prosecuted for torture, violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, war crimes, high treason, mass murder, illegal spying.  Fed Reserve needs to be taken back from foreign ownership and all our money must be printed and distributed interest free by our gov't as required by the US Constitution, not a private incorporated bank with 75% foreign ownership, as Rep. Ron Paul has pointed out so many times. The fed. reserve needs to be immediately "nationalized" and fully auduited and as Rep. Ron Paul stated, bernake and paulson need to be arrested for financial crimes against the American people.  The secretary of the treasury needs to work for the US gov't not the world bank, which needs to be repealed along with the IMF and UN, all are Rico criminal organizations according to our RICO laws.  We need to put every American to work, the infra structure needs to be rebuilt and no more free handouts.  Even handicapped or disabled can do some limited work even if done by computer at home.  No more free lunch for anyone.  All of our corps who mioved out of the country should be forced to move back or pay huge fines and extra duties in order to be allowed to sell products here in the USA.  No more corporate welfare insanity.  All dc lobbying must be stopped, no more lobbyist payouts or contributions.  Political consributions must be limited to small amounts from private citizensd only and no pac money or corporate bribes.  No more corp junkets or free trips and prostitutes.  No more tax exempt foundations, strict rules on family and corporate trusts.  No more tax free trust games for the ultra rich.  Strict limits on corporate executive and director/ceo salaries and benefits.  No more bankster frauds and derivative/junk bond/hedge fund pozi schemes.  SEC needs to be toughened up and banking and investment laws too.  Absolutely no more presidential signing statements to laws from Congress.  And no laws allowed to be "made" by any judges anymore.  Complete repeal of all national security laws which provide false cover for RICO crimes by intel.  A complete invasion of area 51 and all secret bases and libraries (including hanger 18 wright patterson AFB) and labs using our our military with real time TV media exposure to the public of everything found there including any crashed alien craft. Langel library of secrets seized and opened to the public with all intel crimes prosecuted, especially tweps and JFK Assassination.

You get the idea.  I hope and pray these changes will be made by our next administration. Let us insist on it.


by RatPackKing on 01 November 2008 - 03:11

I've seen the light!!!!!!!!! I will now vote for Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why you ask?

Because If help him, he’s gonna help me.......................sigh


by steve1 on 01 November 2008 - 07:11

For all our sakes over in the USA and here in Europe, Let us hope you Guys choose the right one of the Two Standing for the Job Because it will affect the whole world


UglyDog You say it is not the ones casting the Votes but those that count them, are you saying there could be a possible false count on the outcome Some other countries try ii but surely not the USA


by Chisum on 01 November 2008 - 07:11

Maybe I was wrong thinking that getting the kind of government people deserve would automatically amount to a McCain win – going by last bunch of good posts, posters with memories and minds, it mightn’t mean that al all! 

You got it in one, Jade. You’d wonder whether most of the middle class, personification of the Dream and yet perhaps veneered behind material comfort, have any real idea of what’s unfolding here Their lifestyles are about to undergo major change, with the easy money, buy-now-pay-later years fading fast. Twelve million face either foreclosure, owe more than their homes are worth or have lost their own equity therein - across the country abandoned streets and decaying suburbs. Meanwhile the top ten percent own eighty percent of the nation’s riches. Personal bankruptcy rates up fifty percent. Not the mention implosion of financial institutions (representing billions of lost asset value) and shattered lives. A shrinking economy, one historically predicated on constant growth and ready finance and abundant cheap energy and other basic staples; capitalism, the free market and Wall Street now reliant on Government bail-outs.

All against the backdrop noted elsewhere: a world set for serious recession (depression?), with benchmark interest rate cut to fifty-year low of one percent - a true current budget deficit exceeding one trillion dollars - decreasing government revenue with simultaneous rise in welfare payments - trade deficits since the 70’s: 1.5 trillion for last two years combined - federal debt at 10 trillion - unfunded social security and Medicare commitments of 60 trillion - ongoing yearly military expenditure of one trillion.

Who’s up for eight more years of the same or worse?

Different opinions keep democracy virile, Mickey; keeps us on our toes and more worthwhile than preaching to the converted! What some term hypocrisy others term professionalism (as always, it’s all in dem words!): objective professional advice free of personal prejudice, open to all, and only subject to two cardinal provisos: you pay my fees, and it’s got to be legal.

I’ve got no answer to your ‘freedom of choice’ comment – philosophers have struggled with that one since civilization began! Just between us, my personal cynicism toward politicians of all persuasions, and governments, gets worse with the years. Elections but some competitive mock-plausibility exercise, magically transforming the exceedingly humble pre-election servant into lord and master. I’d even question whether today’s politicians even really know what the social compact entails! Resorts to demagoguery and public hero-worship chill my spine. We’ve probably got more in common than you might think, Mickey. Nevertheless, living in any society automatically means trading off its benefits against rights foregone and obligations imposed. Once again a question of finding and keeping the right balance?

by Micky D on 01 November 2008 - 14:11

 " Elections but some competitive mock-plausibility exercise, magically transforming the exceedingly humble pre-election servant into lord and master."

I won't argue with you here.  I think we do have a lot in common philosophically.  And, just to set the record straight, I don't have a problem with all percentages of death tax.  I just have a problem with a confiscatory one (and 1/2 or more of someone's estate, for example, isn't reasonable, despite what the class warriors brainwash Joe Six-Pack to believe).  Heck, they're the richest fill-in-the-blank-percent, so the class warriors convince the hoi polloi that it's perfectly logical to tax their estates as much as the politicians want.  Gotta fund those entitlements, so they get elected time after time.  John Galt here we come!

I love the "get us out of Iraq, we've killed all of these people" arguments.  They fall flat when you take into account the Democrat God, Bill Clinton's, death count from our irrational entry into the Bosnia/Serbia/Kosovo thousand year conflict.  Where, for heaven's sake, is the Democrat sheeple outrage over THOSE thousands of deaths???  I guess the slaughter of white Europeans (resulting from our meddling in something not our business) isn't as appealing as a protest platform, hmm?  Yeah, they were just inconsequential Christians, and anyway, it was your side's war, so those dead people don't count.  Saddam Hussein was just as big a murderer as old Slobodan, or however you spell his name.  And, by the way, we're STILL bogged down (NATO) in the Balkans.

How do you think we're seen in the Balkans, today?  Oh, we're just their favorite people, let me tell you.  But that's ok, it got the sheeple's attention off Bill Clinton's shenanigans in the Oval office.  Something to do with a cigar, as I recall?

Has Bush been a great president?  No.  But, Obama, at least in my estimation, will be another nightmare, and coupled with NO checks and balances, with total one party control of the Legislative branch of the government, we may face potential damage from which we may never recover.  But, it's ok, what did those old guys who lived centuries ago, those Founding Fathers, know about setting up a government, anyway?

Is McCain the perfect choice for president?  Not necessarily, but he's what we got, because we've devised an open primary system, and many non-Republicans voted out the other candidates, like Romney and Huckabee, both governors with executive experience.



by RatPackKing on 01 November 2008 - 16:11

Did My Patriotic Duty

I got to send me an Obama sticker, costing the organization $.42 postage, an envelope, sticker production costs, and labor costs - all of which money can no longer be used for spreading Socialist propaganda on Obama’s behalf:

Minor moral victory aside, this sticker makes a larger political point which I hope will not be lost on the general public:

Hippies can’t do anything right.

First, if you’re going to use the color blue, use the deep, rich, patriotic blue of the American flag, not this washed out, limp-wristed pastel that’s approximately the shade of a VW Microbus that’s been cooking in San Francisco sunlight for the last 40 years.

Second, quality matters. If a print isn’t true because, say, the D in Biden has a misshapen tumor of white on the upper left curve so that the letter resembles a talentless artist’s caricature of John Merrick, then throw it in the trash and try again.

If they can’t even make a bumper sticker, what will happen when they try to run our country?

Happy training today!!



by keepthefaith on 01 November 2008 - 16:11

If they can’t even make a bumper sticker, what will happen when they try to run our country?

That does it - I am voting for McCain!






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