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by nugget on 30 March 2009 - 16:03

I said FORWARD do you have a problem with English?


by Pat Relton on 30 March 2009 - 17:03

Ahhh Hello? Nobody was laughing at Helmut Raiser two years ago or three years ago or when he won the Masters and gave the competitors the prize money he won


by sueincc on 30 March 2009 - 17:03

Well, it is my understanding Helmut Raiser for many years worked to effect meaningful change within the SV.  For his efforts this man, one of the greatest trainers, was treated as a problem or an embarrassment or worse yet, somehow disloyal for not going along with the party line.  How long does someone need to work for what he sees as a very necessary change within the organization before it is apparent those that are in power don't really care what he has to say?  Actions speak much louder than words, and by it's actions the SV has been very clear about the direction it wants to take the GSD.  This of course, is their perogative.  So he went in a different direction and started the RSV2000.   I see this as a very good thing, and surely there is enough room for both?   This way, those who feel the emphisis must  be placed on the work above all else, can have an organization that also supports this viewpoint.


by Mystere on 30 March 2009 - 17:03

The Masters was only last year. You are comparing apples to kumquats. What is being discussed here is the "dethroned" SV Nationall Breed Warden, who could not get the SV to move in a direction more valuing of health/nerve/working ability over cosmetics and money, who now heads a"rival" organization recognized by an international organization. One of the USA clubs in Washington has been in touch with Raiser for a seminar this year. It will be interesting to discuss this with him in person.

by Christopher Smith on 30 March 2009 - 17:03

 I said FORWARD do you have a problem with English?


I disagree that it is going forward. I was being polite by not tearing apart your argument and just addressing issue. I won’t make that mistake again.

by nugget on 30 March 2009 - 18:03

Well Mr Smith would you like to enlighten me on the no doubt lofty position of success and experience that you occupy? what doyen of the Breed am I addressing here....

I am merely pointing out that, from the perception of most people who would promote the Germanic type of GSD in the UK, things are certainly not as bad as the harbingers of doom (usually intrepid cyberspace warriors) would have us believe..... 



by sueincc on 30 March 2009 - 18:03

I'm confused Nugget.  Can you please tell us what  your last paragraph has to do with the RSV2000?

by nugget on 30 March 2009 - 20:03

Perhaps I have not made my point clear, for which I apologise. I have no issues with RSV 2000 or Helmut Raiser; (Which I made clear in my first post) what I am concerned about is the very negative perception that some on this board seem to have re the SV ; from personal experience, I know that many of the current hierarchy work tirelessly for the Breed; whilst is is perfectly apropriate to support Herr Raiser's views on the matter, don't feel it is fair to assume that people who do not follow him or his path are to be derided or insulted with such comments as "a kick in the Crotch sending them cascading into reality". "Them" , I presume, are some of my friends. The SV has flaws but it remains is a superb organisation which facilitates  magnificent events, and is also behind many of the current breeding practices we take for granted. 

I also get fed up with people  (especially on internet forums) who constantly critisise others, but do little to contibute to the solution.  



by Videx on 30 March 2009 - 22:03

 Nugget: an excellent post, your point is very well made, and I fully agree. The support the fledgling British Schutzhund Association (BSA) received from the SV over many tears here in Great Britain was crucial to its survival and its development. Far too many people forget the vast amount of excellent work the SV does for our breed and our breeds numerous sports, they focus on the negatives rather than the considerable positives. I do not know anyone who is not aware the SV have challenges to resolve, some are very serious, however the SV will be determined to make progress with all of these challenges, we should support each and every effort and every positive initiative. The SV will continue to be the major influence on our GSD breed, both in Germany and Worldwide, of that we can be certain. We should all be supporting the SV, and all other organisations that have positive progressive plans for our breeds future, including the RSV 2000, who will surely face some huge challenges themselves, and I wish them every success. Our breed, and all sports connected with our breed, need to pull together and work together much more than they do at present. Now is certainly not the time for fragmentation or self destruction. There are enough external threats to our breed and its sports, within each and every country, the last thing we need is to do is inflict any damage whatsoever upon each other, or any organisation within the GSD fraternity. Working together will bring substantial benefits for our breed and everyone connected with it, around the world.

by Mackenzie on 31 March 2009 - 06:03

Good Post DP.  I hope people take note.



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