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by Sunsilver on 27 March 2009 - 16:03

Mystere, where I live is none of your goddam business. If you're dying to know, check my old posts.

The majority of the Shiloh owners are GSD owners/former owners, who got fed up with the health and temperment issues of the American lines, and wanted something better, but chose not to get into the German lines, because the roach backs make them look like freaks. Many of these people still have GSD's and they make me feel very welcome when I attend Shiloh gatherings.

Which is not something I can say about the people on this board...

Now, I could try to tell you once again why I like the Shiloh Shepherd, but I know I'd be wasting my breath, and anything I say will be ripped to shreds and/or misinterpreted....

So, let's all go back to worshipping the only dog in the universe, the Almighty German Shepherd, in whatever form you chose to worship him: Show line, working line, DDR, and yes, for the lunatics on the fringe, even Alsatians and American line GSD's....

BTW, here's my female:


Not too shabby, eh?

Oh, and careful, if you dig back far enough, you might find a Shiloh or two.... (no, not Imp-Cen's Shiloh's Song. That kennel is not connected to Tina Barber.)


by ziegenfarm on 27 March 2009 - 17:03

not trying to be mean.....just being honest.  i would definately pass this one up.  sorry.


by Mystere on 27 March 2009 - 19:03


My only interest in your location, which I recall is Canada, is to confirm that you are no where near me : The fact that you pull this foolishness and then don't even have the grace or intelligence to be ashamed when caught, or  take at least a hiatus speaks volumes.  You are not a person I would want to have anything to do with.  I just wanted to make sure I would not have my enjoyment of some trial or show ruined by your presence.

I don't give a flying fig WHY you like shilohs.  Have at it.  I, and others, have simply gotten very sick and tired of you always using this manufactured freak breed to knock the gsd over and over and over on a gsd forum.  Spouting that neo-cult crap is sad.   But, it's certainly appropriate for a shiloh forum.

Again, to pull this idiocy, trying to "trick" people into, what, praising that oversized, blue and cream pup by claiming it was a gsd,is shameful.  You should be embarassed, especially as you were caught out so early on.    Is there anyone who actually believes your statement that you knew nothing about the pedigree?   Editing your post does not negate or undermine the fact that WE read the original.  Some of us have enough memory retention that your editing does not undo your action.  In fact, the attempt to cover up by editing just makes it worse. 

  Do you NOT get that you yourself have ripped any credibility you may have had to shreds?  Apparently, not, because if you did, you would be too ashamed to post her for a while.   Certainly, you would have the sense not to make that last post.


by sueincc on 27 March 2009 - 19:03

Are you really going to do this Sunsilver?  I mean come on, isn't it enough for you that your little charade with this thread was really pitiful and totally backfired on you?

First off, no one has EVER "misinterpreted" you when you start in on the bullshit about the legendary Shiloh.  Yeah we do call you on your shit because so much of what you toss out there about Shiloh's and protection work is frankly ridiculous and we all know it.  So yes, maybe you are too easy of a target, since it's evident you have no experience with regards to protection work.  But you keep painting that  bulls eye on yourself every time you parrot something you have heard as if it is some kind of gospel and then can't back it up because you have no personal experience.  So you get mad at us for ripping you to shreds.  It is not our job to support bullshit.

Everyone would have a lot more patience and respect if you didn't continue to make outlandish statements about Shilohs and maybe just took the time to actually learn for yourself  about protection work for yourself if you are so inclined.  Otherwise, maybe just talk about what you know for yourself.


by 4pack on 27 March 2009 - 19:03

I didn't "need" to "catch on". I didn't know it was a Shilo, hadn't seen that website or his pics anywhere else. Shilo Shep just popped into my head looking at him. The color was wrong, the wave on his back, rear end high, ear shape and bone structure, singly or a couple on a dog could pass as a GSD. Sometimes we get that color, or a high butt in a developing stage in a pup or that amount of bone (but the GSD's I see with that much bone have knobby ankles) or a GSD might have wavy hair on it's back but I could CLEARLY see what looked like Malimute in this dog. He probably more resembles that breed standard actually. When someone actually posted that link, I was floored that my hunch was correct and he wasn't just a poorly bred GSD.


by GreenEarthK9 on 27 March 2009 - 20:03

 Sound's good to me!  

Sunsilver quote:

"So, let's all go back to worshipping the only dog in the universe, the Almighty German Shepherd, in whatever form you chose to worship him: Show line, working line, DDR, and yes, for the lunatics on the fringe, even Alsatians and American line GSD's...".

Although, I do own a Jack Russell too - so we have to make a little room in the universe for him too..  :-)   but he is a little dog so I'm sure we can squeeze him in.......

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 27 March 2009 - 20:03

Its Friday !!
Whos up for a beer and some pizza?
Everything on it.


by sueincc on 27 March 2009 - 20:03

MEMEMMEME!!!!!!  A nice tall cold one would surehit the spot!

by happyday on 27 March 2009 - 20:03

I'll add my two cents....

ALL HAIL TO THE ALMIGHTY GERMAN SHEPERD DOG...  there is no other breed....


by GreenEarthK9 on 27 March 2009 - 20:03

 excuse me?  What about my JRT?  lol

Beer and Pizza?   Sign me up.


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