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by luvdemdogs on 07 June 2009 - 02:06

oh good lord.  The overreaction is ridiculous, but predictable.  Some of you posters' overreaction to language speaks loudly of your abilities to think independently and comprehend.  A foetus is a parasite - get over it.  You may not like the fact, but it doesn't change the fact. 

My parasites are now going to university.  Come to think of it - in a way, they're still parasites, LOL!

By the way, like suincc, most of my working day is involved in helping these former parasites - and often time - without pay - my dedication to making the lives of former parasites better has been a core part of my live for over 20 years - that's often why I am not as involved in my dogs as some of the other posters here - the former parasites take precedence, LOL! Sso take a f^&king pill, already - goddamn unthinking, reactionary self righteous morons.   The level of reactionary idiocy here is would be unbelievable if it weren't so pathetically predictable. 


by RatPackKing on 07 June 2009 - 02:06


The first sign of arguement is name calling,,,,,You take the 1rst prize!!!



by BabyEagle4U on 07 June 2009 - 02:06

"A parasite cannot live independently"   ---  I just can't get over the crap you people spew. Listen to yourself. You are a sickness to all that is good. 

YOU are talking about a little human being, ment to be's, wannabe's, life, purpose, meaning by God. Not some blood-sucking leech or inconvience. Where do you people come from ?

.. can I have permission to forward this thread ?


by RatPackKing on 07 June 2009 - 02:06

Permission granted


by luvdemdogs on 07 June 2009 - 02:06

ratpack, you will find my exasperation is targeted at the generic, not the individual.  You might want to make note.  It is also targetted at the lack of comprehension and overreaction, hence the term "moron" .  Big difference than the "you said something I didn't like so you're a bad person" ad hominem. 

at any rate, in one sense, I realize that it's much more fun to simply chuckle at the morons than try to enlighten them.  LOL!


by RatPackKing on 07 June 2009 - 02:06

Liberals here say.........

"The word "parasite" is defined both medically and socially as an organism which lives in and takes its nourishment from another organism".
Sounds like socialism.............LMAO!!!!!!



by sueincc on 07 June 2009 - 03:06

Wait,  RPK, you now have a problem with the definition of parasite, so that means it must be socialism.....uh huh, yeah that makes just tons of sense.......I see your AHAHAHA and raise you a HAHAHHHAHA!!!!!!! 

BabyEagle feel free to send anything here to where ever you want, though I have no clue what you think you will accomplish.   How dare you call a parasite a blood sucking inconvience! lol,lol


by RatPackKing on 07 June 2009 - 03:06

I have no problem with the definition. It closely resembles socialism. Is there a problem? RPK


by luvdemdogs on 07 June 2009 - 03:06

Actually, using his own language....  he's saying that all unborn babies are socialists!  hahahahahahaha!  oh! < throws back of hand on forehead....  >  perish the thought!  LOL! 

this just keeps getting funnier, LOL! 


by RatPackKing on 07 June 2009 - 03:06

Here's a good way think of it Sue:
The more capitalist the system is, the higher the rate of economic growth will be, the more wealth that will be created, the lower the jobless rate will be, the less taxes you'll pay, and the more people have to rely on themselves. The more socialist our system becomes, the lower our rate of growth will be, the higher the jobless rate will be, the less wealth will be created, the more taxes you'll pay, and the more we'll have to rely on government. On the other hand, there will be more ups and downs in a captitalistic system while we'll have a long, slow, steady slide into economic mediocrity under socialism.

Which of those options sounds more attractive? If you're a conservative, a logical person, or for that matter, one of our Founding Fathers who may be reading from beyond-the-grave, you'll pick the capitalistic system. If you're a liberal, ne'er-do-well who just likes leaching off of other people, or a power hungry government worker, you'll pick the socialist system.



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