OT - "Is Barack Obama Crazy?" continued......... - Page 21

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by MaggieMae on 09 June 2009 - 16:06


by SitasMom on 09 June 2009 - 16:06

by SitasMom on 09 June 2009 - 16:06

Colin Powell is a kiss ass oppertunist.....look at his record.


by trace755 on 09 June 2009 - 16:06

 Instead of insulting me stick to the facts. How did Barney Franks block anything without republican help. Under the rules of the House? Your party aided and abide Franks. Without their help. He couldn't have blocked anything. Look at that list above do you see some familiar names. Spencer Bachus, Roy Blunt,Jon Boehner, Tom Davis, Tom Reynolds, Debra Price, Johnny Isakson, Eric Cantor and Mike Crapo they are all house republicans. Tom Davis is retiring. But the rest are all leaders in the republican party. They included former speaker of the house and his underlings. They all received more money than Barney Franks. With the exception of Debra Price if they wanted something passed it would have gotten passed under the rules of the house.


by ziegenfarm on 09 June 2009 - 16:06

my conservative friends,
it does absolutely no good to try to reason with liberals.  all it accomplishes is to make you angry.  they have their mantras, you know, the rubbish they keep repeating over and over and over.  all they do is recite their mantras each time you try to discuss something with them.  jim switched the t.v. on this morning and it made me so angry i had to get out of the room.  some democrat gal was going on about how obama "inherited" this finanacial mess.  HA!  i am so sick of that, i'm ready to slap the next idiot that spews that shit in my face.  obama has done nothing but make things 4X worse.  some day they are going to have to suck it up and admit that their beloved is in fact a snake, but for now, they have their mantras and their blame game.  i say we forget trying to salvage these losers and get down to the business of trying to salvage our country and turn our eyes and efforts toward 2010 and 2012!  roll of your sleeves.  we've got a lot of work to do.


by MaggieMae on 09 June 2009 - 16:06



by trace755 on 09 June 2009 - 16:06

 I love the way you republican morons shit on Colin Powell. If it wasn't for Colin Powell and Ollie North your God Ronald Reagan would have live his last years in prison with Bush 41. Colin Powell has done more than played soldier while living at daddy's palatial estate. He wasn't a chicken shit draft dodger like Dick Cheney and Rush Limpdick. He is damn sure more man than Sean"I'd be water-boarded for charity who chickened out" Hannity. 

Keepthefaith, I hope you are right. I'd love to see the right-wing kooks eat the republican party. They haven't learned anything for history. When a party goes for idealogical purity they die. But the dems are no better. They have stated talking about getting rid of the DINO's just like the repubs getting rid of their moderates.


by MaggieMae on 09 June 2009 - 17:06



by trace755 on 09 June 2009 - 17:06

 Did you answer:

How Barney Frank a member of the minority party of 6 out of 8 Bush years blocked reforming F& F under the rules of the House?  

by SitasMom on 09 June 2009 - 17:06

trace        watch and discover.....how barney and his ilk did it..............

The facts are out there - if you stop drinking the cool-aid long enough to open your eyes.........

The Fannie Mae testimony that will make you scream in anger - complete with great videos....





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