2010 USA Sieger Show, Lake Geneva WI. - Page 5

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by hodie on 08 May 2010 - 02:05

Probably so, but it does not change anything, except potentially the quality of the dogs.....Of course, quality is defined in a lot of ways that all too often have left out whether the dog can REALLY do the work.

by TessJ10 on 08 May 2010 - 03:05

I just meant that the numbers will be gotten - won't matter the quality, they'll be able to say entries (as in # of dogs) were decent.

Like the numbers of how many clubs have left USA?  Anybody know?  Anybody get the latest magazine issue (mine hasn't come yet)?  I've wondered if it's up to date on the clubs that have left.

by hodie on 08 May 2010 - 03:05

 I agree with you Tess. I wish it were not so, but they have really hurt themselves. Of course, those who would never have a chance ought to show now......who knows who can be Sieger......

Haven't seen a magazine or looked at the web site and I suspect they are not keeping track of membership very carefully either.

by crhuerta on 08 May 2010 - 03:05

I can't understand why anyone would send entries for dogs they have no plan on showing???  The entry fees are EXPENSIVE....and with a late fee??!! OMG!


by ShelleyR on 08 May 2010 - 05:05

How much you wanna bet that entries are being drummed up, and you'll see a few people entering EVERYTHING they own in order to boost numbers?

Too bad they don't judge on the curve. I'm guessing there will be a lot of G dogs in the Working Dog classes this year.

by kegelbrecher on 08 May 2010 - 12:05

USA Sieger Show Working Dog Entries = 59 (Extracted from Practice schedule database In No Particular order--- please note--- Gender assignment may not be accurate)
Pirka vom Huhnegrab Ally vom Kavihaus
Buddy de Renaudloup Jade vom Wustenberger-land
CANTO Thunder Nikola vom Wustenberger-land
Cruz von Clarksburg Eliza vom Kuckucksland
Gento vom Banholz Enya von Rikah-Haus
Nikolas vom Wustenberger-Land Gina vom Roten Acker
Cuervo von Huerta Hof HELGA VOM POLARKREIS
Dante Haus Juris III Prudence vom Wustenberger-Land
Ivan Von Huerta Hof Ritzy vom Wustenberger-land
Jaro von Avenir Gucci vom Mittelwest
Jingo vom Mahlsdorfer Grund Nelly Veracruz
Juneau vom Haus Tyson Teela von Schneiden Fels
Odin vom Gold-Berg II Mirka vom Emkendorfer Parker
Paako vom Baerental Onja vom Dromlingsrand
Quartz vom Wustenberger-Land Vix vom Polarkreis
Will vom Hutberg Tatianna von Huerta Hof
Xandro vom Bauhofer-Land Zahara v TeMar
Pegasus von Aducht Beate v Bullinger
Varick vom Mittelwest Eura v Bullinger
Zam von Schneiden Fels Lo v Bullinger
Ork Von Der Werther-Muhle Vista vom Mit

by crhuerta on 08 May 2010 - 14:05

There are more entries for the working class than shown above......Mittelwest (for one), have several more dogs entered.
I looked at the schedule last night.
I've seen many of these dogs in person.....Shelley...I don't think I've seen any of them G-rated..
Even with all the conflict, and hostility regarding this show.....I still wish the best of luck to it's participants.

by hodie on 08 May 2010 - 15:05

I thought Mittelwest was DQed for her alleged breaking dog's tails, coloring etc......maybe time out has expired?

In any case, I agree with Robin. This is not about slamming those who will participate, but it is potentially a message that will be sent to USA when entries are way down. Probably most in the organization don't care because they hate the show lines anyway. The presumed reason for the drop in entry numbers is the Johnannes amendment and the requirement of the pledge of loyalty and belonging only to USA and no other GSD organization. Of course, no one will check that at such a show. And who will enter and say, oh, hey, I also belong to WDA or.......?

I think it is clear that this amendmnet does not set well with a large contingent of members and clubs, many of whom have left the organization. Of course, we cannot know for certain because no one keeps records that are public. One could never even get a membership list.

Purely on a principle, it reminds me of what occurred in Germany as the Nazis insidiously at first took hold of the country. For example, if you were a professor, you suddenly could only belong to certain organizations or else soon you found yourself not allowed to teach. It got much worse of course. Most people said nothing, and by the time those who sat on the fence decided it was time to speak out, it was too late and if anyone spoke out, they were awakened in the night, taken off by the Gestapo and perhaps never seen again, or imprisoned. So few spoke up then.......................

So, just to be clear, many people I know who would otherwise have participated, will not do so because they object to the requirement now in place that one be only a USA member. Of course, you will see late fees waived, and you will see a lot of tap dancing trying to raise entries and a "don't ask, don't tell" policy with regard to membership. Not everyone will put their money where their mouth is.

A show is only as good as the numbers and quality of competition. I see in the list dogs who have been repeatedly shown, all in an attempt to get a good ranking........less entries = better chances. This is exactly why many rankings mean nothing.....the system is flawed but it cannot be any other way because it never can be objective.

by crhuerta on 08 May 2010 - 16:05

We are a breeder with a  small group of "family & friends".....no politics, no big finances.....we continue to show our dogs, because it's what we love to do....like some others in this sport.
We stand behind our dogs.. period....whether they place well or not.  We have never received a placement that we didn't earn.....however;...we have had less deserved placements, because of who we are not.....
(Que..sera...sera   what will be, will be.)
Since we have a membership with the SV...we could enter the UScA Sieger Show, whether being members of UScA or not..?!
I am a current member w/UScA...my husband is not.
We planned on this show last year, when it was announced....like most major shows....we have to prepare time off from work, finances, home care for the dogs...etc..etc.....this is not a spur of the moment thing.

Bastardizing the entrants or their dogs (simply because they are participating).. is pathetic & ignorant.
Hopefully BOTH these organizations will see the problems that are within each .....policies, disciplinary actions, by laws etc...
Good luck to all participants...period.


by Liesjers on 08 May 2010 - 16:05

For me it is less about "sending a message" and more about them making my decision incredibly easy for me.  Last year I did not really care one way or the other for either organization, so I went to 2008 NASS and then 2009 USA SS six months later.  I and my breeder and friends simply entered whatever shows were convenient for us, both WDA and USA (and I also show AKC and UKC).  I would have been a member of both and our club would have been a member club of both.  Now USA is telling me I cannot be a member of their organization, so why would I waste my money on their events?  There are plenty of WDA shows and trials that are convenient for me, I am lucky in that regard b/c of how many clubs there are around Chicagoland which is very convenient for me since it's a few hours away and we have family there.  I think most of the larger kennels will continue to enter both Sieger Shows but I'm betting the USA will see a huge drop in entries from people like me who are not a breeder but are showing one or two dogs.  Even if the difference in entries proves to be marginal, I hope they take note because it's the younger people just coming into the sport of SchH and showing their dogs that are the future of the organization.  I will not enter out of pressure to respect the old-timers of the organization and what they have done for SchH in the USA.  No disrespect to them but I won't continue to financially support and organization that has clearly stated I am not welcome as a member.  I am not the one "sending the message", that was USA when they changed the rule and kept pestering me to sign their little card.


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