Michael Vick wants to own another dog? - Page 5

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by TessJ10 on 19 December 2010 - 01:12

It has nothing to do with what we think "ought" to be the case.  The fact is that once he has served out his punishment, he gets to try again.  People with drunk driving convictions get to drive all the time - it takes a lot for the courts to take away a license, and even then it's not always permanent.

The courts took away Vick's ability to legally own a dog.  He's served his punishment, and if he stays clean for the 3 more years or whatever his probation is, then the law may very well allow him to own a dog again. 

Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 19 December 2010 - 01:12

It's not about a kid getting everything they want. I personally do not believe Vick deserves the right, but his wife and children shouldn't lose their rights as well. Please answer my question.

by mercedes1005 on 19 December 2010 - 01:12

Michael Vick.. was a man who was raised in the " society" that dog fighting was ok. Does that make it ok? Heck no. Does that make it forgiveable? Well, tthat depends on the person who choses to forgive, but never forget. He did his time for the crime.. and I do think that his kids and wife dont deserve to be punished for his deeds.. I think allowing him to own A (singular) dog, for his family will be just fine. I would gurantee that he will be followed, and checked up on by the spca, court officials, and more to make sure that the dog is well taken care of, and I do think that his view on dogs in general have changed. Sometimes, eye openers.. can happen behind bars.
P.S. I think the Bengals should shower him with money, and rid us of Palmer (hur hur)

And while this has nothing to do with his skill as a football quarterback, its about learning a lesson, and learning from it. His kids, and wife probably gave him more hell than anyone else... they lost their ability to own a family pet..due to HIS actions. I know I would!

by gucci on 19 December 2010 - 02:12

 What Kelly said,  Lida

by gucci on 19 December 2010 - 02:12

 And yes Tess,  Many people do drive drunk,  a mile from me a rural school teacher and her 4 year old daughter were driving home and at a stop sign a "young" drunk driver plowed into the back of them, and killed them both. He is not going to see the light of day for a long time.  And did not take anytime for his license to be gone. 


by raymond on 19 December 2010 - 02:12

A convicted drunk driver who has killed multiple people will never get a valid drivers license ever  period! Vick was not thinking about his family while he was torturing and murdering  dogs who did him no harm! If the truth were known vick probably derived some sort of demonic pleasure from murdering innocence!  Now should someone say his family or wife were completely unaware of his actions I would be forced to call them a liar! There is no excuse for his action and no way one can justify what he did! His profession of  ring sport is nothing more than civilized gladitorial combat! If Vick  wants a dog give him several well trained pit bullls and place him and six on a level playing field1If he walks out alive let him have all the dogs he wants!and all those who defend the pos should go in the ring after they carry vick out!

by gucci on 19 December 2010 - 03:12

 Oh Gosh Raymond, we agree,  I live in Kansas,  you get one dwi and you license is gone for a year, if you are caught driving dwi,  when you are driving during that time,  you are in Jail for a year...Yea, we are Bubba country...with lots of drunk drivers...And, I did see an interview with his girl friend,  the Mother of his kids she is now going to marry her,  she said she had no problem with him as he is a really good man...Lida

by GSDsRock on 19 December 2010 - 03:12

Bravo, Raymond!

The children of criminals always suffer, and of course it's not fair. When daddy goes to jail, the kids lose having a father around (some crooks are good parents) and they lose his economic support. But what's the alternative? Do we let all criminals with kids off the hook so the kids aren't penalized? There's nothing special about Vick's case except he got off easy and is now unbelievably wealthy. I have a hard time imagining that his kids are suffering with a celebrity dad who's got money up the wazoo.

As for second chances: Yes, if you rob a bank and don't make a habit of it, you are supposed to have paid your debt to society when you're released from prison, and a second chance is supposedly part of the deal. But certain categories are exempt from the second chance deal, and for good reason:

1. Child molesters. After being released from jail, they have to register as sex offenders, can't go near schools, can't hold jobs that involve working with kids, etc. Why? Because we know darn well they almost never stop molesting kids. No second chances here.

2. Drunk drivers.  After being released from jail, many (not enough) are not allowed to drive. Ever. Why? Because we know darn well they are very, very likely to drive drunk again and kill someone if they haven't already. No second chances here.

3. Animal abusers. After being released from jail, many (not enough) are not allowed to own animals again. Ever. Why? Because we know darn well they are very, very likely to abuse animals again. No second chances here. The Vick fans conveniently "forget" that Vick did far more than force dogs to fight. He electrocuted them to death with car batteries. He killed them by hanging them. He killed them by repeatedly slamming them to the ground. (Read the book The Lost Dogs, if you can stand it, for the sickening details.) This is not some poor kid who got sucked into the dog fighting culture and thought it was OK because, hey, don't the dogs like it? This is a very wealthy man who went to great lengths to set up a dogfighting ring in which he could carry out his urges to sadistically torture dogs to death. A real sicko. And sickos don't change. They may learn to talk pretty and act nice when people are watching, but they are still sickos who will torture animals again if they ever think they can get away with it.


by BabyEagle4U on 19 December 2010 - 04:12

Ya'll R haters as far as I tell it. Our Justice sytem worked and the time was served. MV7 is still a free man, father and of course ¿:_ QuarterBack for the Philadelphia Eagles. !!! GO EAGLE'S. !!!!!!!


by MaggieMae on 19 December 2010 - 04:12

GSDsRock -- Good post


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