Why do so many people think they need personal protection dogs? - Page 5

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by soulehunde on 06 January 2011 - 22:01

        Let's apply your logic to another scenario. If all we need is image let's all carry guns but we will not load them. It will deter some people but the ones that it doesn't will surely let us load up before they try to rob, assault, or rape us or our loved ones. If some-one feels the need for a well trained protection dog then by all means get one. the operative phrase is well trained. I have worked in law enforcement and have trained dog for almost 40 years. In both endeavors I have learned that good training will get you through many sticky situations so regardless of what you choose to protect yourself get thoroughly trained by a competent professional and do not look for instant solutions.


by Hundguy on 06 January 2011 - 22:01

Gang Banger gets a surprise when young woman shoots him three times!!

This is the one that I watch when I got my CCP. Don't listen to this if you are bothered by things like this!!!

Best Regards,
Dennis Johnson


by Jenni78 on 06 January 2011 - 22:01

 Lots to respond to, but I have lots of other things I should be doing, so I'll just say this one thing. Keith, I know what you're saying about "sport" training being the same lately, and no, by no means am I talking about that kind of training when I refer to a true PPD. I think most people are really kidding themselves about the effect that kind of training will have on the dog. 


by windwalker18 on 06 January 2011 - 22:01

Many great reasons given... all boiling down to wanting to feel safer...   but there's another. As the man I trained my PPD with back in the 80's said before we began.... "ANY DOG CAN BE TRAINED TO BITE, ONLY A GOOD DOG CAN BE TRAINED WHEN NOT TO"...  I've got an awesome working line dog who's not trained for PPD or Schutzhund.  I'd LIKE to do PPD with him, as it gives control.  If someone laid a hand on me in violence I've no doubt that he'd react, but without the training for PPD I don't have the control that I had over Shiloh who was trained.  Shiloh would look to me for instruction before reacting, and would OUT immediately. 


by VonIsengard on 06 January 2011 - 22:01

Dennis- holy sh*t, that call made me shake like a leaf. 28 years is not enough for that kind of psychopath.


by Ninja181 on 06 January 2011 - 23:01

"How do you know that the dog's presence alone is a deterrent??"
A while back in the state of MA they interviewed dozens of prisoners who were convicted of breaking and entering. They were all asked what was the greatest deterrent to breaking into houses. They all said a dog. Not because they couldn't overcome or kill the dog, but because of the aggravation involved. The dog could bite, or alert others who would call the police etc. They said why even bother when all you have to do is go to the next house that doesn't have a dog.

One of the major problems I see is a lot of people have PPD that are kept in outside kennels and if someone breaks in the dogs are basically useless IMO. Why have a PPD that is not in the house? 


by Emoore on 06 January 2011 - 23:01

 " Emoore, we don't see eye to eye at all in this, and I can only assume this is because you have never had someone literally twice your size physically trying to kill you.

When it's a personal, emotional, passionate attack, they are just as likely to not have a gun...and in this case, a dog can be a lifesaver."

Nope, you're right on that one.  I've got no problems with anybody and nobody has any problems with me.  If I'm attacked it'll be a totally random occurance.  For someone that does have a problem like what you're describing a PPD is probably an excellent choice.  I tend to think that the majority of people are like me-- no specific reason to be in fear for their safety, just an overall sense that the world is going to hell in a handbasket-- but I could be totally wrong on that.  

To be clear, I have no judgement against people who want a PPD, it's just not for me.  


by Hundguy on 06 January 2011 - 23:01

KCzaja, It was even worst in the class. All we had was the 911 call so we didn't have people explaining what was going on. We could hear clearly what that guy was doing to her in the background... I was highly agitated listing to that in class.

IMO a good dog is there to give you time, time to arm yourself, time to escape or time to lock the family in a secure location. The bad guys can kill a dog, even a fully trained one. But if they are busy dealing with the dog it gives you time to react!!

Best Regards,
Dennis Johnson


by Ace952 on 06 January 2011 - 23:01

IMO a good dog is there to give you time, time to arm yourself, time to escape or time to lock the family in a secure location. The bad guys can kill a dog, even a fully trained one. But if they are busy dealing with the dog it gives you time to react!!

Im with you on this my friend.


by SportySchGuy on 07 January 2011 - 00:01

I suppose a pertinent question would then be....exactly what is a personal protection dog? Im guessing there are going to be many different ideas on that. 


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