Brix vom Eisenherz-V Capri vom Hagenberg & V Chico vom Inheidener See - Page 5

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by Duderino on 07 April 2011 - 14:04

Here's my point that's seems to be getting misunderstood.  Obviously the dogs in question HAD to be SchH titled or they wouldn't be rated as V.  So on one hand you advertise them (Jenni) as being outstanding SchH dogs, then on the other hand (when someone gives a different opinion) you and your posse get very defensive and say SchH is a kids game and now police K9 is the bomb.

Larry, did I address you or your training or your breeding program?  No, I gave an opinion of what I observed on more than one occasion.  And being as it was more than one occasion, to me that constitutes a pattern.  You want to say the dog is a super police dog that's fine, then broadcast him as such.  You want to puff up your chest and challenge people to come and work him, take a trip down to the backwoods of Kentucky and play Pit Bull fest.

Sporto, since you think you know who I am and you're so interested in my public image, why haven't you come up and confronted me while I'm out embarrassing myself?  Little intimidated are you?  Since you think you know who I am, why not stop on by the house for a chat?  We can discuss how much you don't know about animals.

Since Jenni wants to quote an earlier post I made about television ads, this is a perfect example of what I was saying.  Making the "my dog's tougher than your dog" argument is ridiculous.  If the dog performs the work that you want it to perform, then it's perfect for you.  I made a statement that it wasn't perfect for me.  If I were to watch some goofy flyball competition and one of the dogs kept knocking over the jumps, I would have to say that dog is not a good flyball dog.  You may tell me up and down that he can jump 48" with ease and that he is a multiple time flyball champion but on this day, all I have to go by is what I see.   


by Jenni78 on 07 April 2011 - 14:04

Jem38, LOL. Such is life around here. But for every Duderino, there are a lot of quiet, normal people who enjoy and request updates on those they liked as pups. 

You tell him, Angie. LOL

I offered him a ride, even, but he hasn't responded. Huh. indecision

by Duderino on 07 April 2011 - 15:04

Larry, did you just threaten me?

by Duderino on 07 April 2011 - 15:04

Jenni, if I don't have respect for your ability/inability to work dogs, what makes you think I would trust your ability to drive a motor vehicle?


by Jenni78 on 07 April 2011 - 15:04

LOL, ok, drive yourself. 

Show me where I advertise my dogs strictly as "outstanding SchH. dogs."  Do I do Schutzhund?

While I will sell a pup to a SchH home IF I FEEL IT IS A GOOD HOME OTHERWISE, I hardly tout SchH as the be all, end all. That's laughable. You need to pay better attention to who you're talking to if you want to win an argument. That's akin to someone criticizing me for being meek. cheeky

by Duderino on 07 April 2011 - 16:04

Did you or did you not post the scores and the fact that the dog was V and also a Koer report unsolicited?  You offered these bits of info as positive things did you not?  If you are going to use them as selling points then have the stones to admit it.  If you want to advertise the dog as being a "REAL" dog, tested by you and your vast knowledge in your back yard then just say that.  You are the one who advertised the dog as being a SchH dog, not me.  I never said that SchH was the be all end all.  I do it because I enjoy it, my money, my business.  You do nothing with your dogs, your money, your business.  What SchH does is offer a "standard" set of rules to follow, presided over by a supposed impartial judge.  Kinda like passing a drivers test.  Oh sorry didn't mean to strike a nerve, did you pass one yet?  No need to call all of your NASCAR pals now to help you back up your driving prowess.  Get my point?  You bred it, stop enlisting all of your backup friends to try and validate something you don't know. 

My experience in dogs travels far beyond doing SchH, in fact, I was training police K9's long before Larry was and I'd be willing to bet that I've stood in front of dogs that were just as strong if not stronger in not only sleeves but suits and under sleeve arms.  Taking the word of someone as law who has little experience in the overall scheme of things means very little to me and gets dismissed as such.

I offered my opinion as rebuttal to a discussion, take it for what it's worth.  If you don't like it just scroll right over it next time.

Chaz Reinhold

by Chaz Reinhold on 07 April 2011 - 16:04

Dude, if I sell my car, can I not list the DVD player, since I've never used it?


by Jenni78 on 07 April 2011 - 17:04

Duderino, I merely mentioned what A JUDGE had to say about Chico AFTER you started running him down. No one is selling anything!

This was simply an update on a puppy that many people had been interested in (people who have done quite well in the sport, though I'm sure you hate them, too) and some had asked to see how he's doing now. I'm sorry if that somehow makes you feel insecure to the point where you need to bash his sire, who had nothing at all to do with the thread. I just thought it was pertinent information to include who the sire and dam are instead of waiting for twenty "what's his ped?" questions. Or maybe you're angry because you have decided that I know nothing (based on what, I'm not quite sure) and I am producing some damn nice dogs. I don't need to jump in every thread and rain on everyone's parade, even if I disagree with their opinion, because I KNOW what I'm producing and I know HOW I'm doing it, and sorry, Dude, it ain't beginner's luck. cheekyI know that annoys some people, but like I always say, all publicity is good publicity. 

And I'm sure yours is bigger than Larry's, just to head off your next allegation. devil

by Duderino on 07 April 2011 - 17:04

Saw Chico at Gordie Esselman's trial last year and was very "under" impressed.  I guess it just speaks of people's inexperienced opinions. 

That was my initial post on the subject, I gave an opinion.  You show me where I bashed anyone personally or professionally.  Did I mention Larry or his dogs or his training?  Did I ever once mention anything about my dog or anyone else's dog being bigger, better, faster, stronger?  No, I gave a personal opinion, something I believe I am entitled to and will continue to do.  You don't want "General" opinions post it on the GSD side of the board.   

by faq2 on 07 April 2011 - 17:04

Hey Dude sounds like you and Johannes have alot in common. When is the last time you showed a dog? Or cant you afford to go buy a trained dog right now?


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