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Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 03 August 2011 - 18:08


by brynjulf on 03 August 2011 - 18:08

  I think it is best to get rid of him looks like he is from those spooky unstable showlines anyhow, I heard they turn on their owners.  Better send him here  :) 

* to all who have no sense of humor whatsoever I am being a goof, thought I would insert a disclaimer or we will have one of those stupid WL VS SL debates that never end*

by beetree on 03 August 2011 - 18:08

Good luck then. I do remember my brother being pinned to the wall by the throat because Dad was on a trip and the dog was in the bedroom while she slept. It was after midnight when he went in to let mom know he was home, that's when it happened. I'll never forget the look on his face as all the color drained out of it.

Also I'm not suggesting this is permanent or genetic, just that at this time in his life perhaps the bedroom has become a question of status at bedtime (yours).

Of course, this was my experience, only.


by LadyFrost on 03 August 2011 - 18:08

Keith holly crap...you guys actually look alike..(not being funny either..i am serious..) I think you guys have similar expression...total self satisfaction...proud look... :)

this makes me think...Keith how do you REALLY feel about your gf?...maybe Axel is picking up on something there...you said it started recently...have you had issues w/ her lately?...not really looking for intimate details.....just making a point.

by beetree on 03 August 2011 - 19:08

LOL, LadyFrost, you are right! The spitting image of each other! OMG!


by VKGSDs on 03 August 2011 - 20:08

I don't buy that it's the quiet entrance.  Dogs are not dumb, they know who it is. 

We have the same sort of situation - I have two intact male GSDs (and one mutt), one is my protection dog and usually starts out on the bed with me, the other is still a puppy so he's in a large crate.  We - me and dogs - go to be before my husband.  My husband is 6'4" athletic build, and he also creeps in quietly so as not to wake me but it is *never* a problem for my dog (and my husband is hands-off with my dogs, he doesn't do any obedience with them or care for them unless I am away and give him specifics).  I don't think someone should have to enter a room in the light making noise for a dog not to react.

I would either crate the dog in the room (my boys each start in a crate right next to my side of the bed and then "graduate" to freedom once they mature), or find a way of making it absolutely clear to the dog that behavior is NOT tolerated.  Like the next time he tries that, correct him like you mean business, get him off the bed.  The bed is yours, not his.  My bed is mine and my husband's and *I* decide who gets to be on it and when.  When my husband comes to bed he just taps my dog or points to the floor and the dog gets off.  Any inappropriate behavior would result in immediate correction and loss of privilege.  I'm pretty lenient with respect to my dogs' freedoms around the house and with each other but I am very strict in what behavior I will tolerate as far as trying to boss the humans around.


by Ruger1 on 03 August 2011 - 22:08


      ....I would like to hear the rest of your text too...: )


by beetree on 03 August 2011 - 22:08

Yes, good stuff, Vixen!

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 04 August 2011 - 02:08


Chaz Reinhold

by Chaz Reinhold on 04 August 2011 - 03:08

The biggest problem I see, is that you and your gf go to bed separately. I kinda agree with VK. Dogs aren't as human as you think. They hear better, smell better and can recognize you walking pattern. Post a pic of the gf and I'll tell you which one to give the boot.


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