Timothy Helser in the RAW!! Here I am speaking my mind for once and for all!!! - Page 11

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by zdog on 01 August 2012 - 17:08

bolded red letters mean he's telling the truth guys :)  geez.

another tactic of a life long low life is to bring the faults of others up, to deflect all the misdeeds and garbage they have done or to some how justify their actions and say, "see, i'm not the only low life around" "we're everywhere".  Like that makes a difference.

by workingdogz on 01 August 2012 - 17:08

Timmy, any NORMAL person is not, nor has been
charged with 'Impersonating an Officer'  

There had to be a reason for the charge, or are you
trying to say you just got 'picked on'? 
That kind of stuff just doesn't happen to normal law
abiding people. Nor does numerous charges of 
animal cruelty etc. It just doesn't 'happen', there is a 
reason it happens.

And for you Bob

by Bob McKown on 01 August 2012 - 19:08

 I guess some people are just thick thats all it can be.!

   All the police stuff animal cruelity, impersonating, Certified Helper,S.A.R., ect... it,s all the sign of a real good conartist. They play the rules real tight at the edges thats there talent and obviously some are very good at it so when the time comes they can scurry right in side the edge of the rules and say " I did,nt do that" or the real tell " Convicted? I,ve never been convicted!"  as is the case here.

 There also very good at trying to muddy the waters to take the focus off themselfs (as is happening here) thats why there so eager to point fingers and say"But look what this guy did" Again when you wrestle with a pig 2 things happen 1 you get dirty #2 the pig likes it.  

 And of course then you get the folks who came REAL late to the whole dog and pony show and want it to start from the begining while the rest of us have lived the dream for so long. So you get the "well there not so bad" fanciers it,s all the sign,s of a well practiced con keep everything tilted and off balance just enough so you can keep the controversy focus off you and stay in the shadows and when the lite does focus squarely you hear the " I,m so sorry I,m really a good guy and have been unfairly labeled" the con just keeps rolling day in and day out.   

by Dobermannman on 01 August 2012 - 20:08


So being charged is good enough for you?
Your buddy was charged with stealing money from his club and you were all about waiting for the case to be decided in court and giving him the benefit of the doubt. Helser was found NOT GUILTY.
Being a BS artist and conman isn't a good reason to deny UScA membership. Otherwise there'd be a lot fewer member then there are now. Like I"ve said once or twice before there is NO right to UScA membership. If Helser let his membership lapse he doesn't have any right to a BOI. If he has enough  UScA members to vouch for him then maybe he deserves a hearing. Nothing to do with
Helser. I just don't like any officer deciding if anyone can be a UScA member without a vote from the
BOD or a BOI or the membership. Personaly I think Helser is wasting his time and energy trying to force himself into a club that appears to not want him.

Thomas Barriano

by Bob McKown on 01 August 2012 - 21:08


            Being charged once,twice,even three times ? maybe okay benifit of the dought! But after time and time and time again one needs to think what is this guy doing to keep him self in this type of lime lite? I may be going out on a limb here but i,m going to figure there are more things at play here then just Lyle one day saying okay your out. As you said he wasn,t kicked out but let his dues lapse so there is no recourse. Maybe if enough people who admire him make a ruckess at USA then maybe your right. I,m figuring the crowd will be rather small (thats just my opinion). You and I gave him 2 perfect examples of what to do to attract the right kind of attention and make a display of ones honest attempt to acheieve. That is how you set an example of change for the better not calling other clubs and crying how unfair it is and sobbing to them.

 You know Tom I made some nice gumbo last weekend and was thinking of you!.     


by Jenni78 on 01 August 2012 - 21:08

I like the defendants coming on saying the charges were dismissed. LOL  Normal, nice people don't have the charges to begin with.

by beetree on 01 August 2012 - 21:08

That I will agree with .... Because we can all say OJ is not guilty by a court of law but the court of Public opinion ---tthat is sometimes harder to convince IMHO

by Dobermannman on 01 August 2012 - 21:08

" You know Tom I made some nice gumbo last weekend and was thinking of you!."

What a coincidence I was looking at boa's the other day and could just picture you stirring gumbo
Laissez les bons temps rouler :-)   


by Mystere on 02 August 2012 - 00:08

 Criminal charges are 'DISMISSED"  every day in courts in every state and city  for reaasons that have nothing to do with the accused not being guilty.  It happens more often than not simply because the citing/arresting officer (whether a cop of animal control) does not show up for the hearing.  There are any number of reasons for it, including a conflicting hearing that may be deemed more important, or simply  the officer's "discretion.."     DISMISSED is NOT a synonym for "INNOCENT" or " NOT GUILTY."   It is more like "damn lucky today."

Jenn is correct:   the average person simply does not run up a track record like that, "dismissed," or not.

I am curious, though.  Tim, given that you have received a clear indication that you are not exactly welcome in USCA, and given that there are other organizations that might be more welcoming, why do you even want to join USCA?   Also, the renewal notice you flashed so quickly in the video--was it for the current year?  Did you allow your membership to lapse at some point?


by maywood on 02 August 2012 - 03:08

OK, I think I’ve heard enough.  Tim, you have a lot of talent in dogs and I admire you for tackling this head on in protecting your valuable reputation.  It’s very brave and it took a lot of guts and I have much respect for you because of this thread.  I assure you these people have nothing on you so just continue on as you were.  As far as I’m concerned you have single handedly turned this whole board upside down on its head which is awesome in and of itself.  I must say I haven’t seen anything quite like it in the whole time I have ever spent here.  IMO, the USCA is making a huge mistake here but they just don’t realize it yet.  You are Schutzhund USA and I suppose there will always be a lot of jealous minds that come with that distinction.  Good luck to you and you can be sure I will be watching the rest of your career closely as I am sure many great things are about to follow you in your path to greatness.


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