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by hexe on 18 August 2012 - 05:08

Chaz, that was my favorite part of this somewhat disturbing film!

by workingdogz on 18 August 2012 - 09:08

In the vein of trying to continue to 
'practice medical science without a license', 
I offer this in addition to the 'medical advice' I
already 'dispensed' to beetree 

If at any time during the next 7-14 days your
son starts to lick, chew or otherwise bother the
wound, or, worse, he starts to act Rabid, I strongly
suggest you purchase one of these too!!

He'll be able to eat and drink and communicate, but he
won't be able to bite you or bother his wound 

If you want to 'dress him up', I suggest one of these two models:

Or, if he needs something a little 'fancier', this one:

PS: glad it seems to be healing up without issue 

Cassandra Marie

by Cassandra Marie on 18 August 2012 - 17:08

I know several people with Bernese Mountain Dogs and per their experiences, unprovoked attacks and unstable temperamets are NOT uncommon in this breed.

I hope you son recovers both physically and emotionally.



by rtdmmcintyre on 18 August 2012 - 17:08

we had a bernese when I was small.  never had problems out of  it.  liked everyone except the electric meter man who had sprayed him with mase unprovoked.  other then that he was a good dog.  I have a pic of him on my face book page.  a very loyal dog.

by beetree on 18 August 2012 - 17:08

Thanks Cassandra Marie. Very interesting what you said about BMDs. And they are big dogs! As it turns out, it wasn't just the one bite. He got bit/knicked on the other thigh...just a "scratch" really and then, the dog went for his butt, and did not break the skin. At that point my son said he was able to grab the dog by its collar with both hands, and when he looked the dog in the eye, he said the dog immediately went into the doggy version of, "Oops, I didn't mean-to-do-that" , look. And stopped being aggressive. Otherwise, my son said, that dog was just going to keep on chomping.

As far as my son's mental health, he's solid, not much fazes that kid, and never for long. 

rtdmmcintyre, my brother owns them as well, his dog's have never been aggressive, I don't think. Have good loud, intimidating barks, IMHO

Workingdogz, I've bookmarked your suggestions. Wound is healing great-- though, maybe it was the pool water...!
... Hexe, our spa is connected to the pool, so it empties and cycles with the rest of the pool water. 

by Dobermannman on 18 August 2012 - 17:08


I don't "have your back". I was warning about giving medical advise over the internet from an unqualified person. You apparently have little experience with dog bites especially the danger of infection. Otherwise you would have gone to the ER or at least your family physician and would
have never covered the bite. I hope your kid is OK but next time (if there is one) Flush the hell out of the bite (sterile water if possible) scrub with plain soap and get an antibiotic shot.


I'm not a party of any lawsuit. I know the case was dismissed and then reinstated when the judge was presented with additional evidence. Details will come in due time. I've heard the voice mails.
VERY interesting.


Dog bites are serious. I 'm glad to see you think it's one big yuck :-(

Thomas Barriano
Dubheasa Germania (11/05/99-08/11/08) SchH III M R Brevet AKC WD III AWD 1 STP 1 CD WAC TT
Ascomannis Jago (06/20/03) SchH III AKC WD III AWD I TT WAC
Belatucadrus (08/14/05) DS BH TT MR I
Flannchadh von der Bavarianburg (5/21/08) TT IPO I STP I

by beetree on 18 August 2012 - 18:08

Thomas, LOL, you are too stressed out for me. Of course you don't "have my back". That is obvious from your other posts to me, I was being facetious and you being the brilliant guy you are, should have known that. Or you do know it, but just like being a pain-in-the-*%$.

All's well that ends well. I do have more experience with cat bite wounds, you got me there. I covered it with a flexible, breathable bandage more for his comfort, etc. He lived Thomas, in spite of my botched nursing job and old wives tales remedies.~

~ ... this symbol I will start to use when I am being sarcastic/facetous. I see it used elsewhere on the net, and it seems to be a useful little symbol that will help with tone. Mine any way.~

by Betty on 18 August 2012 - 20:08

Some of the worse infections I've seen are from cat bites.........  I'll take a dog bite any day of the week over one from a cat!

Cassandra Marie

by Cassandra Marie on 18 August 2012 - 22:08

Hi Rridmcintyre and Bety:

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not trying to slam Bernese. But I do know of several instances where the BMD put the owners in the hospital for a week or more and the attacks were unprovoked.  It was explained to me that this was a well known breed problem especially in it's country of origin.  The statistics  for bites/attacks given to me were quite high for the number of BMD populaton.  That doesn't mean every BMD will attack .  I just found it surprising that such a relatvely rare breed had such a high statistic. I have always loved the looks of the breed and can't think of a cuter puppy than a BMD. 

Re: cat bites.  I used to think 'cat scratch fever' was just a song that Ted Nugent made.  Then a couple of my friends were scratched by their pet cats and thats when I learned there really is a disease called cat scratch fever.  One friend ended up losing her lymph nodes because of a cat scratch and the other had to receive daily antibiotics for over a month.


by workingdogz on 18 August 2012 - 22:08

Oh dear god 
Someone please go purchase Thomas a sense of humor. 

Thomas, since you are so dearly concerned for the
well being of beetree's son, please rest assured beetree
knew I was KIDDING. We have had more than enough 
conversations for her to 'get it'. 

And hey, if some idiot wants to get 'medical advice' off a 
dog message board and in turn suffers from it, well, ya get
what you pay for. 
Kind of like some of the miscellaneous veterinary advice
that gets doled out here. Pick and choose what you want
from what you read. 

beetree, tell the boy 'chicks dig scars'
He can tell them later down the road he took
a bullet for some orphans or something 

Glad the kid's healing up, I do still think you should
hustle his ass off to the doc and get some antibiotics,
thats a pretty substantial looking puncture.

Feel free to mail me the payment for the medical advice
I dispensed here for your son bee, and don't give me that
tired old oft used line of 'the check's in the ...', we know
how THAT gets used at times 


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