Fresh Dog Bite Pix - Page 5

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Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 18 August 2012 - 22:08

"I was warning about giving medical advise over the internet from an unqualified person. You apparently have little experience with dog bites especially the danger of infection. Otherwise you would have gone to the ER or at least your family physician and would have never covered the bite. I hope your kid is OK but next time (if there is one) Flush the hell out of the bite (sterile water if possible) scrub with plain soap and get an antibiotic shot."

I'll add to Thomas' advice by suggesting soaking the wound in salt water which will help to draw out any infection and I'm sorry but I absolutely reccommend prophylactic antibiotics.  Additionally, as someone mentioned before, hydrogen peroxide will inhibit the wound from healing and in the case of a deep pucture wound from a dog bite, that's exactly what you want for the first several days.  Trapping the bacteria under the skin is what you don't want to do...the longer the wound stays open and is allowed to drain, the better.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...I used to blow off dog bites as no big deal until the first time one got infected...really infected in less than 36 hours and they were telling me that I could lose my arm.  It's sort of a game changer.

This bite I washed out and wrapped required a trip to the emergency room, reopening and packing the wounds daily and IV antibiotics for more than a week...I waited 36 hours before seeking trreatment.

As an aside...Thomas, you're making it awfully hard for me to keep disliking you if we agree on virtuallu everything know...what's his name...

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 18 August 2012 - 23:08

This wound...last month...I got trying to trim a sharp but confident dog's nails without a muzzle who, despite my having done so many times before, decided he wasn't going to let me any more. I was stupid...I knew he didn't like having his nails cut and ignored his warnings.

I soaked my arm in salt water, bathed it in hydrogen peroxide and sought medical attention early the following morning.  The doctor bathed it again in hydrogen peroxide and encouraged me to continue doing so for the next five days, loosely wrapped it in absorbent gauze and sent me home with a prescription for a high dose of Augmentin.  You can't see it in the pic but this bite was every bit a serious as the last pic...maybe more so.  It did not get infected.  The bite I ignored cost me a couple of thousand dollars, this one was less than $100.00.

by hexe on 19 August 2012 - 00:08

Dobermannman, dear, I KNOW  you weren't "party to any lawsuit", that's why I referred to "the litigation that interested you," NOT "included you". 

by joanro on 19 August 2012 - 01:08

Keith, you need to quit being a chew toy ! Hope your not a squeaky chew toy. :)

by tedebear12 on 19 August 2012 - 06:08

Just thought I would add that I have been bitten in a single puncture like your son.  A scared sheltie punctured my fleshy area of my thumb.  It bled very little, but it started swelling immediately.  The doctors gave me a lot of antibiotics.  They did wrap up my hand and said to change the wraps every so often.  The wraps were more for if there was drainage.  After a day or two, I left it open.  They weren't concerned about it being wrapped or open.  I had a doctor visit one week later to check it, and I did have reddening in my hand, even on antibiotics.  The doctor said it was not unusual at all for puncture dog bites to get infected since the tooth actually goes inside and isn't just scraping across.  It is more likely if the dog is older and has more possible bacteria on its canines.  I'd second a doctor visit, if it were me.  Cat bites are more serious...a lot more serious, but any bite is serious enough.   

by Dobermannman on 20 August 2012 - 01:08

As an aside...Thomas, you're making it awfully hard for me to keep disliking you if we agree on virtuallu everything know...what's his name...


>As long as we agree on the important stuff, like dog bites are SERIOUS. The other stuff is minor :-)

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 20 August 2012 - 01:08


   GLAD you got GOOD ADVICE>>>>I Kept Quiet:///I use BAG BALM on  my dog bites and I also use hot water, soap and continual washing with HOT water peroxide.. DR OZ explained that peroxide removes skin particles  and is not good for bites and  bad abrasions to your body or skin    Apply cold compresses to reduce swelling for several days....

Would not hurt to boast his immune system with some VITAMIN C  , from HEalth food store with Rose HIPS>.

  I keep  antibiotics on hand year round...amoxy and Ceflexion and of course sulfa drugs and I take them myself if needed.. NOT to very often..

  MY cupboards are full as I expected the prices to sky rocket like gasoline.

  Peroxide is great for throw up like HEXE suggested..

  Keep a bottle in your vehicle you transport your doggie to and from trials and practice...NEver know when they might swallow one of these///

 My son shot it today , while we sat on front porch just 6 ft from two dogs...who would have grabbed it...I am sure all my dogs have devoured one of these from time to time...

   BUT I do not want them too so I would have peroxided immediately which would make sure they threw UP whatever they just ate...the WHOLE THING>>>>

  THEY GROW BIG IN TEXAS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


by MarioF on 20 August 2012 - 02:08

Some people made some good salt is a miracle worker. I would suggest using some Arnica Gel. It is very good for speeding up
the healing prcoess of swelling, bruises, minor ache and pains...Have a grade 2 calf strain (tear), had a bruise that was 5 in x 5 in....with two- three
days it was next to nothing..

by beetree on 20 August 2012 - 02:08

Why would anyone think I haven't taken this bite seriously?  The bite is just healing fantastically, Thomas. Now, I don't fool myself that you actually have any concern for any of the people involved, it is clear that isn't your purpose for posting.  It is much more fun trying to make me out, and some who are friendly to me, as entirely oblivious and senseless types. That just isn't the case, Thomas.

Looks like we got lucky with this one. If any of you think I had a snowball's chance in Hell to force my son against his will, entirely without his father's support, to sit in an emergency room while the festivities of the evening were ruined, you must think I have awesome powers.

The following morning, it just looked so much better, didn't you take a peek?  Here, the wound today....see for yourself, the bruise is moving from purple to yellow, already. No warmth, no pain, no swelling, so says the patient. A hint of anything, and we would have been to see his doctor. I am just dying to use my new health benefits card.~

Oh and thanks for the tip of essential oils, to the person in the PM I received, I just happen to have Lavender Oil as was suggested, for healing and scar prevention, and will see about using some; won't my boy just love smelling like a flower!

...YR...I just saw the rat pix... YUCK!

by Dobermannman on 20 August 2012 - 03:08

Btree wrote:

"Thomas. Now, I don't fool myself that you actually have any concern for any of the people involved, it is clear that isn't your purpose for posting.  It is much more fun trying to make me out, and some who are friendly to me, as entirely oblivious and senseless types. That just isn't the case, Thomas."

The only thing that is clear is your need for melodrama. My original post had nothing to do with you.
Other then you made the original post and your kid got bit. I would have responded the same to anyone that gave the nonsense advise that WorkingDogz did. What a waste of time trying to have an intelligent discussion here.

Thomas Barriano


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