12 y/o with Pyo - Page 5

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by GSDsRock on 18 September 2012 - 16:09

The only thing the SPCA or animal control will do is seize the dog, slam her into a cage in their van, keep her there until they finish the rest of their rounds, finally take her to their "facility," drag her into the euthanasia room (where she may see a pile of dead dogs), and kill her. Not a good ending for a great dog. They may also charge the parents with neglect, but that won't help the dog. Do you really think those places are so overflowing with money and adopters that they can bother with a very sick, 12-year-old dog that needs immediate and major medical treatment? Try working at a "shelter" or dog pound someday, as I have. You'll be horrified.

Dawulf, what about the money issue? Again, we can raise the money.

by hexe on 18 September 2012 - 16:09

Actually, because the dog IS under active veterinary care, animal control or animal welfare or whatever couldn't do anything in this situation anyway, so that is a moot point.

Dawulf, you've got a support base here, too, in addition to your dad and grandmother; we'll do whatever we can to help you and Jewel. 


by Dawulf on 18 September 2012 - 18:09

I really do appreciate all the help you guys are offering and giving. Heart Thank you.

"So in a moment I will prepare to go on a mass-Google search to support my theory and start blowing up their e-mails. I can get very annoying when I want to be - maybe that will help." I have no idea what you are talking about.
 - I meant that I was going to sit down and start scouring the internet for links and articles that supported the fact that she needs to get fixed.

"Damn, Dawulf, you project yourself as being far more mature than most 20 year olds I've encountered" Why thank you Hexe - I'd take that compliment any day. There are very few people my age I can honestly stand. :P

And RE: Animal Control, I thought about that too [the fact that she IS *technically* under veteranary care], plus I used to volunteer there, and had a similar experience to what GSDsRock stated... I am hesitant to even think about calling that place for any reason now. They make me absolutely sick and there is a reason I no longer volunteer there. No matter what the circumstances were, I would never want to see a pet of mine in there - EVER.

I had talked to her on the phone again yesterday and started nagging her on why she should get her fixed ASAFP, but all I got out of that basically was "maybe one day". So I did what I said I was going to do and began e-mailing, but I only got an e-mail back saying "I think that either way we are prolonging her life and if she is going to pass, then I would rather her be surrounded by family and loved ones then her pass away on an operating table." and then she proceeded to twist my words and make it sound like I'M the bad guy now. I am so pissed right now, I need to take a bit to cool down and clear my head before I do anything else. Grr.


by Sunsilver on 18 September 2012 - 19:09

"I think that either way we are prolonging her life and if she is going to pass.... etc."


[HEAD/DESK]/repeat  Angry Smile  

Geez, I'd be mad enough to spit nails, Dawulf!

Wish I could spirit her out of there in the middle of the night, and get her the care she needs! She does NOT have to die!

by hexe on 18 September 2012 - 19:09

<sigh> That's what I was afraid of, Dawulf.  I'm so, so sorry--my heart goes out to you.  Sounds like your mom is basically 'over' caring for a dog, and I have a suspicion that if the vet she took Jewel to hadn't insisted on at LEAST giving her antibiotics, they'd have brought her home without doing anything at all. 

Is there ANY way you could get her to let you take Jewel 'home to spend the day with you'?  No need to mention that the day would be spent @ a vet's office...


by Dawulf on 19 September 2012 - 02:09

Erm... question... is pyo contagious?

by hexe on 19 September 2012 - 02:09

Nope.  Not at all contagious.

Krazy Bout K9s

by Krazy Bout K9s on 19 September 2012 - 03:09

Dawulf, I am so sorry you are having to go through this, families can be tough on one. I can have her done for $25.00, yeh that is right, only problem is the transportation, he is a retired vet...I have had 2 rescues done, JUST IN TIME!!! You and your family cannot wait on this one...I basically had it myself and it is NO FUN, very painful...I was "spayed" in an emergency situation too...no reason to wait and keep her in pain...just my .02 cents worth...anything I can do to help, please feel free to email or pm....I will even talk to your mom if you want..
She can't be used for breeding so why NOT get her fixed and alleviate any more problems???

by asomich on 19 September 2012 - 04:09


Are you saying that your mother point blank refuses to have Jewel spayed even if she does not have to pay for it?

by hexe on 19 September 2012 - 04:09

Steph, I don't know that transporting a 12 yr old dog with an active pyometra from Omaha to Montana would be the wisest plan...I'm pretty sure that at this point, the money isn't an issue--I guarantee enough can be collected here to cover the costs.  My read of the situation, based on what Dawulf's mom's most recent reply to her was, is that they (mom & boyfriend) are just ready for old age to spirit the dog away, and they're operating under a sort of 'living will' or do not resuscitate order for her...not willing to take the step of euthanizing her, but also not willing to do much to protect the dog's health, either.


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