USA or WDA? Breed Dynamics In The US - Page 16

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by sudlich on 21 November 2012 - 15:11

Have you stopped to think he might have a reason to attack her? Do you think she is innocent just because she doesn't use curse words? Do you realize that she tried to ban him from returning to USCA when she heard a rumor that he might come back?

WDA is made up of real people with real feelings. She needs to realize that she can't do all these attacks without consequences and she nor anyone gets to choose what the consequences are or how they are delivered.


by sudlich on 21 November 2012 - 15:11


Very well said.


by EliDog on 21 November 2012 - 16:11

"Tree Hog"...I don't care who you are ....that's funny!

I'll tell Jacob he's got to read this post next time I see/talk to him....


by Bob McKown on 21 November 2012 - 16:11

I stand by my statement !

Happy Thanksgiving. 


by EliDog on 21 November 2012 - 16:11

Really Bob you never take shots at anyone right? Nothing but pure snow and honey ever passes from your fingers to the keyboard....Thinking


by Bob McKown on 21 November 2012 - 16:11

I don,t use such language towards the oppisite sex Keith, no I don,t.  And over what ? Dog stuff.  

by Sheesh on 21 November 2012 - 16:11

If one wants to be treated like a lady, one should act like a lady- you reap what you sow- man or woman.


by EliDog on 21 November 2012 - 16:11

So had this been aimed at you there would be no problem but because it was aimed at a female it's an thinks it has more to do with the fact it was aimed at Nia.  It's ok for her to spout off on here and on her little private USCA group but crucify the person here who calls her out....What's good for the goose comes to mind....


by Bob McKown on 21 November 2012 - 17:11


            I was once called by Wallace Payne on this very site " A pimple on the ass" I don,t care I have big shoulders. I still feel Wallace Payne is a good person and asset to the sport. I,m sorry if I was taught not not disparage women. 

I have a real good idea. If you in the WDA build your orginization to a fine group and quit blaming your issues on the JA. If your orginization is so out standing as the OP describes then good for you there is no need for you to whine about the UScA.

And ditto for UScA members forget the GSDCA-WDA is even out there and continue supporting your oginiztion to it,s betterment.



by Mystere on 21 November 2012 - 17:11

WOW-- didn't know I had such power!!  Banning someone from "returning to USCA"?   How am I supposed to be able to do that?   Why would anyone who left with the vitriole, hate and destructiveness  Wallace did (and demonstrates still, 3 years later)  want to "return" anyway?  Surely, he has the strength of his convictions.    And,again,  precisely HOW am I supposed to get  anyone banned?   Any possibility that a person's own actions might lead to them being undesirable as a member? 

 If I had the power some people ascribe to me, I'd have them all deposit money in my bank account on a regular basis.  Think about it.Regular Smile Oh, and I am not and never have been an "official" of USCA.  Just to set the record straight. Please point out "all these attacks."  

To make clear to those with reading difficulties:  I specifically referenced  what is on the website.  I notice that no one throwing the brick-bats disputes the lack of information on that website, or pretends that it is there in Klingonese, which I am just too stupid to  read.  So, show me where on the website there is any information about hotels,etc.

As for Wallace's  juvenile personal attack-- Pffft.  It says so much more about him that it could ever say about me.  The language, content, and tone speaks volumes about the character generating it.   Guess that is what "some" call  "sportsmanship."  I

Now, flame on!  I can use some more cheap entertainment.


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