USA or WDA? Breed Dynamics In The US - Page 5

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by SitasMom on 12 November 2012 - 19:11

UScA and WDA are non-proffits......... even if money was made at a trial or show, it has to be spend somewhere.

Good point Eildog

by momma on 12 November 2012 - 20:11

Hello Unknown, I am very new here but wondered how many members are there in the USCA? When you say a 2 to 1 vote how many members actually voted?
Thank you for helping me understand.

by Unknown on 12 November 2012 - 20:11

UScA is a organization of clubs and each clubs has the right to send a delegate to the GBM to cast a vote for their club.
This year at the meeting there was 105 delegates casting votes.

For a bylaw change it must pass by a 2/3 majority of the voting delegates.

by momma on 12 November 2012 - 20:11

So do I need to join a club to join the USCA or continue paying my individual membership but understand that I have no vote in the elections unless I join a club?

by Unknown on 12 November 2012 - 20:11

You do not have to join a club. You can voice your opinion to your Regional Directors, Directors at Large and all front line officers as they have votes also.
But only Club Delegates and EB members have a actual vote.

by Sheesh on 12 November 2012 - 20:11

Good post Eli!
Unknown, don't judge me or my statement because you yourself didn't get the meaning. I am quite clued in to the entire situation and I am well aware of the "vote" of which you reference. My "top down" comment was in reference to the entire mentality and BOTH organizations, not just the JA. This segratory mentality starts from above- if it was never proposed and put up to a vote it would never have happened, this is ONE example. Leadership of ANY organization has a very distinct responsibilty to set the tone for that organization which is in the best interest of the purpose and people of that organization. I believe there are problems with the tone setters of both orgs, and I believe it is time for the membership to take the reigns and redirect.
Best to all,

by momma on 12 November 2012 - 20:11

so unknown, how many members are there in the USCA? and how many belong to clubs? so when we pay our membership as members we have no say in how this organization goes? does WDA work that way or do individual members have a vote in elections?
Just trying to decide which way to get the most for my membership.


by Dog1 on 12 November 2012 - 20:11


In the years where the National working events were budgeted to produce no income. The sieger show was budgeted to produce 75,000. After the second year of the JA, those numbers were re arranged to be 25,000 per National event. The sieger show made that this year. Do you think the working events met their financial goal?

My point is; the money generated from the breed events support some of the less profitable activities and thus more people are affected by the amendment.

by Unknown on 12 November 2012 - 20:11

Sorry Theresa,

It was not my intention to "judge" you or your statement.
I thought , since everyone else was discussing the JA, that so were you.

My mistake but I don't see where the hostility comes from, Sheesh

sorry for trying to provide accurate information, I'll stop now

by Unknown on 12 November 2012 - 21:11

Dogs1 wrote:

"The sieger show made that this year. Do you think the working events met their financial goal?
My point is; the money generated from the breed events support some of the less profitable activities and thus more people are affected by the amendment"

 No I don't think the working events met those goals. I don't follow how more people are affected.
 I have no problem if the members want to overturn it, I voted for it. But if the members want it over turned then it will get over turned.
But the largest group I hear against it are WDA members on the internet, at the GBM the club delegates are still vastly for it.


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