Puppycide: The Documentary - Page 4

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Two Moons

by Two Moons on 28 October 2013 - 21:10

Well Erin,
same ole Erin.
Go fish........lol

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 28 October 2013 - 21:10

I could use some cash, i take care of all kinds of animals, send some my way.

Typical of peoples convictions.


by beetree on 28 October 2013 - 21:10

LOL. I can't wait for the roll call to begin. 


by Gigante on 28 October 2013 - 21:10

Yeah Moons Im open for donations as well. Typical is not putting your money and mouth together, though.


by EuroShepherd on 29 October 2013 - 01:10

at first i wanted to post,  but then after reading all the others i didn't want to post....now i have no idea why the heck i'm posting....(disclaimer: I am tired, it's late, i've been up about 20 hours or so, so if this post doesn't make sense, my bad.) 

anyways, my boyfriend is long-time LEO and retired military,  I have other friends who are LEOs, and I know many of the LEOs here in our town who are incredibly nice, helpful, friendly people (some even contributed to buying my dad a dog several years ago.)  many of my close friends, family, neighbors, etc. have guns.  
it's not the guns and it's not the law enforcement community in general who cause problems.  
it's the unbalanced individuals that slip through the cracks because of bureaucracy, it's the fear of admitting liability (and therefore more vulnerability in lawsuits,) it's the politicking, it's the money, it's the policy-makers, and overall idiotic decisions by individuals across the whole board that set the stage for these tragic events.   
The LEOs that I know do get pissed at the stupid actions or bully attitudes of other LEO, they do not appreciate being vilified because of someone else's ill deeds.  

there are idiots, bullies and crazies everywhere, we can't escape them, and the more the population grows the more idiots, bullies and crazies we'll have.  some of them manage to get into military or LEO positions.  it's unfortunate for the image of the LEOs or military when a bad individual goes off the deep end.  it's bad for the gun community when an unbalanced individual goes off the deep end with a gun in their hand (and no one else nearby has a gun to stop them.)  but when someone wants to hurt other people (or animals,) they will find a way to do it, gun or no gun.     (i for one think it's better that it be a gun and not explosives.)     

bad people are going to do bad things, and the worse it is (or more politically-charged it is) the more the media will blow it up, til the next story comes along.   all the while, hardly or never giving any coverage at all to the greater multitude of stories of LEOs who did good and helpful deeds or gun-carrying individuals who stopped bad people from doing bad things.   blood and gore and outrage gets a lot more viewers

(yes, i know my post doesn't focus on cops-shooting-dogs or the puppycide documentary thing (i didn't look at the link yet) it's just my opinion on the broader category of bad cops/guns issues.....going to bed now before i get a keyboard imprint on my face) 


by Hundmutter on 29 October 2013 - 06:10

IF I might be permitted to come back in here ...

Irrespective of Gigante's 'regular' agenda / contributions,  MY
point, in getting cross following watching the vid / trailer, was this:

Guns don't  kill people,  people  (with guns)  kill people.
If a gun is ready to hand and it is IN the hands of one of that
'bad apple' minority, [in these cases LEOs,  but it could be some
deranged teenager in a school],  then IT IS ONLY TOO EASY
for a dog, or a suspect or innocent bystander, to be shot,  and
usually killed.   Glamorisation of gun culture does not help in
the general appreciation of, and public attitude to, these events,
ever.  You would never know it from responses on here, but the
last Survey I saw had approx. a third of the  USA population
agreeing with the most basic gun restrictions.

So I am very glad the UK Police are not armed most of the time;
it gives 'thinking time' - even if there is an eventual decision to
shoot the dog dead, having to pause, contain it, get someone in
with the gun, all helps prevent the kind of crazy knee-jerk shooting
of an escaping, or even captured, dog that is intent ONLY on getting
outta there, NOT on killing the copper !  This need not be a long process,
and e.g. several Pits have been dealt with in this way in the UK.  

The sort of helpful attitude Erin describes with her Dobe following her
RTA is much in evidence in the UK, I don't doubt it happens much more
than gets mentioned in the States too;   but  there are an increasing
number of reports of the shootings like those happening in the vid, and
precious little seems to be being done about them.  Worse, for all its
supposed to be just those LEOs  who need "re-evaluation",  there are
almost always other officers  present, who apparently do nothing to stop it.  
I really was not suggesting that  every  cop in the service is at fault / trigger happy.
[Not so sure the video does, really, either, but that's a different fight.]
However, as a general precaution, the sooner the Police are firmly reminded
they are there to Protect and Serve first, not to Shoot to Kill first, the better for  
dogs and humans alike.


by kitkat3478 on 29 October 2013 - 09:10

First- I think "puppycide" is a total turn off to even get one to open the link, let alone make you want to make a donation to it.
The title does not fit the issue. I mean really, how many actual "puppies" have been shot by police officers?
I know more police that are respectful to dogs, than showing disregard for them.
I have several German Shepherds and have had occassion for police to come to my house and I have never felt a threat to my dogs from them, and I am sure even if armed with a gun, the prescence of several large German Shepherds could give rise to fear or a threat.
Yeah, there are more than enough 'bad cops' to go around, but c'mon, I think they are greatly outnumbered by 'bad people'.
Better training for 'some' officers is needed, no doubt.
Where I live in upstate NY, Binghamton police are trying to deal with a new thing in the drug wars.
Seems there are lots of scumbags that are using pitbulls, for the lack of their own balls!
Sending attack pits to meet the police upon arrival at their 'places of business'.
These cops don't want to go in shooting(the dogs)although it really would be justified!
I was glad to see the city opted 'out' of banning pitbulls. It's not the dog, or the breed, it IS the ignorant individuals who choose to do this,
Same as police, it is NOT all the police, it's the individuals that do this.
Some cops just have arrogant,cocky attitudes. Think they are 'above the law', and, just like the scum that use their dogs to make up for their 'lack of .....", some cops use their badges and guns to compensate their own 'short comings'.
There should be some type aptitude/personality test cops need to take to see if they are prone to this shitty behhavior.
Weed them out, BEFORE they get in !!

by joanro on 29 October 2013 - 09:10

I'm seeing red...gag

by beetree on 29 October 2013 - 09:10


by Blitzen on 29 October 2013 - 11:10

LIke it or not, agree with it or not, the US has the world-wide reputation of being obsessed with gun ownership and we continue to provide all the statistics they need to substantiate those opinions. Disarming the police in the US would soon mean no police; that ship sailed many years ago.


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