GSDCA Lawsuit - Letter of Clarification from the AKC - Page 5

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by ILMD on 07 August 2014 - 15:08

bubba, I do not view a thinning of the herd (SV, GSDCA, etc.) as a negative for the GSD as a breed. There was a time when the SV was a lot smaller and the dogs (overall) much closer to what they were originally intended.

The bottom line is that for 100+ years, the SV has set the standard for the GSD and there are still very good ones to be had from this standard.

by Bob McKown on 07 August 2014 - 15:08

Every thing is cyclical!

                                  Yes club memberships are down it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I quote " due to corruption, favoritism, trial rigging"  It,s idiots that spout this type of  mindless drivel that give dog sports in general a bad name. Yes youth participation is down but look around it,s down in every venue that youth has at hand. It,s not easy raising a GSD it should,nt be people will opt to spend less on costly items in this economy just our hurry up life style cuts down on our desire to consume time with dog training issue,s. I,m on our local 4H board youth membership is down, I help at our local park summer Baseball membership is down. There is more afoot then skullduggery here it,s lifestyle changes. There will always be groups of dedicated Dogsport people large or small and the ranks will change like the tide with high,s and lows again it,s all cyclical. What the dog world needs is to get rid of the no account mouth runners who do nothing with there dogs but make new ones and spout nonsense about the rest. You only hear these things from those outside the legitimate dog sport community because they have never done any thing worth while with there dogs to begin with. Yes you will always have competition between organizations of the same venue some agreements and some arguments it happens.

Those who work and train there dogs for all types of venues sports, police,s&r,therapy ect... will always have to put up with the naysayers and sky fallers who do no more then run there mouth,s that to is cyclical as well.



by bubbabooboo on 07 August 2014 - 15:08

ILMD ...The Germans and the Europeans keep the best and sell the rest .. it's marketing pure and simple.  If you are willing to believe their sales pitch they are willing to sell you what you will buy at whatever price you will pay.  Plenty of examples of SV dogs with "breakfast titles" and dogs being sold by SV judges to US buyers so spare me the SV is pure as the driven snow BS.  The SV is about marketing a flawed product at a higher price than the quality warrants.

by Bob McKown on 07 August 2014 - 16:08

There again you show your lack of knowledge. The quality of dog here in the US rivals any thing out of Europe. If you owned some good dogs you might know that.


by Mystere on 07 August 2014 - 16:08

Quote:  "There again you show your lack of knowledge. The quality of dog here in the US rivals any thing out of Europe. If you owned some good dogs you might know that."



Bob is absolutely correct.  I am quite familiar with an AMERICAN BRED European-line dog that was of such exceptional quality that the German judges  he was trialed under asked, repeatedly, and were told, repeatedly "no, he is not from Germany.  He was bred in Ohio."  One German judge tried to have the dog turned over to him to compete with--he tried for 3 years.  Another top German competitor offered to buy the dog,untilted, for 8, 000 euros.  So, YES, the quality of the dogs bred here are just as good as any in Europe.  How can they not be, when we are using the same bloodlines and, oftern, the same dogs.   Get a clue!


by bubbabooboo on 07 August 2014 - 16:08

Yep .. how are you going to sell the Brooklyn Bridge if they keep taking down your For Sale signs.  Which US bred ( not with import parents or grandparents ) has ever won the USCA championship or has represented the USA on the WUSV team or FCI IPO team??  In order to have a herd you need replacement stock .. I am a cattle breeder and dairyman as well as a biologist .. The average age of the membership of the GSD breed clubs is at or over 55 which is the age demographers declare a town dying.

by ILMD on 07 August 2014 - 17:08

I could care less what the Germans sell or what Americans buy or if a dog has a real title and I doubt you do either. When I want a dog from Germany, I get on a plane and go find what works for me. If I don't know what I'm doing, it's no ones fault but mine. Not the SV, not the breeder or the seller.

by Bob McKown on 07 August 2014 - 17:08

Thats the problem! try breeding a woman and your attitude may get better. Cows? thats why your such a expert at GSD,s 


by bubbabooboo on 07 August 2014 - 18:08

So the answer is zero US bred GSD on either the IPO or WUSV teams ever??  Not one GSD bred in the USA was good enough to represent the USA in either the WUSV or the IPO in how many years ...  30 or 40??  I knew the answer before I asked.  I guess the Germans are buying all the great USA bred GSD and importing them back to Germany???  

by Bob McKown on 07 August 2014 - 18:08

Actually there have been HOTB dogs on IPO teams here in the US. And none I repeat none had the last name of Hard Candy ! Also IPO isn,t the apex of the GSD you might know that if you did more then run your mouth on a subject that is out of your talent range.


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