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by Do right and fear no one on 18 February 2007 - 01:02

Yep. That was a good time. That was also a good one about the "old man" crack. Unfortunately for you, I'm not old enough to even break out a sweat, dealing with you. You are obvioulsy a girly-man who hides behind the internet and has arguments with people who you know you will never meet, and usually you pick on the women on this site. I have posted my name and address on this site in the past and Oli or whoever, has deleted it, for their own reasons. I would be happy to email you my address or meet you somewhere to discuss this further. As a matter of fact, I am chomping at the bit to meet you in person. But then, I am sure that won't happen because you are not only a pompous, moronic idiot, but you are also a, let's see, what's the words I'm looking for? Oh yea, Titanic Pussy :) I win. Easily :)


by DesertRangers on 18 February 2007 - 01:02

You started the attack on me you stupid shit. Big man over the internet I see..lol You are still a bad for the GSD world...


by DesertRangers on 18 February 2007 - 01:02

The reason Oli is deleting your informations is 1. Trying to keep you from getting your ass whipped. 2. Your posts are stupid 3. Your an idiot 4. You need to go the the dummydatabase.


by DesertRangers on 18 February 2007 - 02:02

Do Right and Fear MY BOOT KICKING YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!! tHATS YOU BOY!

by funky man on 18 February 2007 - 02:02

working lines work....show lines run around the ring

by Do right and fear no one on 18 February 2007 - 03:02

Good luck with that doughboy :)


by ladywolf45169 on 18 February 2007 - 13:02

Back to the original post here.. I have been one of those "idiots" to ask this question, and here is why! I am not confused about "working" or "Show" lines...But when someone tells me that they have all working lines, and I go into this database to look it up, and I see dogs that I KNOW are show lines, I question it. I AM smart enough to do that and get others opinions! Unlike others, I am NOT an expert, and NEVER claim to be! There is SO much misinformation out there, (I'm seeing TONS of it with the pedigree's on this database), that sometimes it's better to ask. BEING RAISED MILITARY, I was always taught that that only "stupid" questions are the ones not asked! I've had the mispleasure of dealing with so many stuck up people who were unwilling to help and "educate" me because they were afraid that I might learn something that could "out do" them! That, to me, is the most Ignorant thing. Isn't the purpose of this board/site to educate and inform other GSD people? It was such an honor and privilage to have the opportunity to grow up in Germany around the "true" GSD breed/GSD Breeders/SchH people and clubs. (NOT saying the people on here are not worthy either!!!!) But that is where I obtained the most knowledge of the Breed and what the true meaning of a GSD is! (really sorry if that offended anyone on here. That is NOT my intention) DR - this is NOT a personal attack on you, it's a serious question...If it is such a waste of your time to read these "stupid" questions or comments, then why bother to respond?


by DesertRangers on 18 February 2007 - 16:02

Lady Sorry you got involved in this but I started out this post being serious and wanting to know. Do Right and Fear No One.. is always following me around and attacking me. You can see from the posts above he started it. I know I shouldn't but I always yank his chain and get him going..just having alittle fun. I am impressed that you actually research the pedigree. Have you read my other post discussing DDR and Czech lines? Stating that I see hundreds of ads for pups and they all clain DDR/Czech lines. I don't think most of them really have a clue and very few actually go to the trouble to research the pedigree. Just because a breeder tells you does not mean it;s accurate. So back to your point is that yes many people tell you facts about their dogs that may or may not be true. IMO.. I would think having pure working lines out of West Germany would be very hard to find? Maybe almost non-existance? You still have some working lines but likely some show mixed in it. Hopefully hard showlines..

by Do right and fear no one on 18 February 2007 - 18:02

DR: Again you mis-inform. I have never attacked you in any thread. I also do not "follow you around". In fact, you attack others quit often. I do believe that I asked you once, to stop attacking the member known as Brittany. Not because I agreed with her, but because she is a lady and real men do not attack ladies, under any circumstances, expecially just because of a discussion about dogs. You are one of a few on this site that thinks they "know it all" and love hiding behind the internet, making wise cracks and attacking those of us who (in your opinion) are less informed about GSD's. It is what you do. You get off on it. I would love to know who you actually are and see your dogs work. Would we be able to get that done old friend......No, I should have known. Now go back to your anonymous guerrilla attacks. P.S. I am much better than those dogs of yours when it comes to holding on after I bite. So, be prepared for me to make you look like a fool for the rest of your database life. Yes, I have mentioned being in the military many times because that is where I started training dogs and this is a web site about dogs. Also, I am proud of having been in the military. Surely, with a name like DesertRangers, you had military service. At least paintball I hope. Or did you just take that name because it sounds so manly?


by DesertRangers on 18 February 2007 - 19:02

Guys We need to see if we can have people like Do right and fear no one kicked off this database. All he does is start fights and cause trouble. I am asking everyone to send Oli a message requesting we terminate his being here. This was fun messing you up yesterday but I am now bored with you.


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