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Kaykohl Land

by Kaykohl Land on 21 February 2007 - 17:02


by hodie on 21 February 2007 - 18:02

Kaykohl, If true, yet another inexperienced person without the most fundamental understanding of temperament, conformation, working ability etc. But yet breeding.....and for what? Distressing. It is hopeless. Glad you posted Kaykohl so all who do not know how to read between the lines begin to understand that these kinds of questions belie someone who does not have a clue, and yet here she is with her family breeding dogs. She would rather continue to breed without knowing how to train or otherwise deal with a dog she imported and now wants to put down if she cannot get a handle on how to deal with the dog. And to get this knowledge she will rely on asking questions over the internet. She has already told me it is too far to go to anyone who might know anything to help her. I am finished trying to help. It only serves to encourage people who ought to be ashamed of themselves.

by LMH on 21 February 2007 - 18:02

I don't see where taking the thread in this direction is beneficial to Kolbie. Is this dog expendable to make a point? ...And, honestly, I wish sometimes I couldn't read between the lines........very disappointing.

by hodie on 21 February 2007 - 18:02

LMH, I have spent a lot of time trying to help someone who was less than forthcoming and clearly has not the sense God gave a goose when it comes to dogs and temperament. I think you will recall that I jumped in exactly BECAUSE she mentioned she was going to put the dog down, not just here, but in her emails to me. Yet for each and everything I suggest, she cannot be bothered to get the help that clearly is available if she can get off her butt and go to them. She has not even bothered to take the dog to obedience training because they could teach the dog what they think they learned from a prior obedience several week session. Feel free to take over the tutoring......the point is that this is yet just another person who is breeding dogs who should not be when they lack all the necessary understanding to do so. I call that a puppy mill too.

by LMH on 21 February 2007 - 19:02

hodie-- I'm not a mindreader. You neglected to mention these little details. I was worried about the dog--still am. Would hope she still gets some help. There are others reading this thread that might also benefit from the suggestions you made to her via your private emails. It turned into a puppy mill thread. Naturally, a topic worthy of discussion---but, another equally important issue seemed to be taking a backseat.

by Mysti on 21 February 2007 - 19:02

Hodie, You are the one who offered to help me, but don't worry I won't take up any more of your precious time. I only said that I would put Kolbie to sleep if it was a last ditch effort and nobody could help him. I am not a coldhearted person who is just going to kill my dog because I can't handle him. My dogs are like my family and doing so would rip my heart out. I came to this database for help not to get ripped to shreds. It's amazing how the people you think are really trying to help you will turn on you. Hodie you don't know me, and you obviously don't know everything that is going on. You are very quick to judge. I have been nothing but honest with anyone who has contacted me about Kolbie and what has been happening. I'm sorry that you have a problem with me trying to find someone local to help me with Kolbie versus having to go two states away to find help. Not everyone can just drop everything that they are doing and leave town. For future people considering asking Hodie for help, think twice. Mysti

by EchoMeadows on 21 February 2007 - 20:02

Back to my point exactly !!!!!!!!! Take the newcomers who are WILLING TO LEARN and help them for GODS SAKE !!! Turning them away at this point does nothing good at all, only makes them wish to QUIT the education process and we all know what that can lead to YOU should be taking this girl under your wing and bending over backwards to help her, and when she says thank You, Your response is hey we all started somewhere and your MORE than Welcome !!!! Mysti It's true we all have to start somewhere, My feeling is becoming a bit warped as your feeling as well, However I will still seek the sound/solid/ adivce/opinions of my elders in this breed, regardless of who does or does not approve of it !! I hope you will be able to do so as well. email me if you like Mysti, we are not all tha far from each other. echomedowsheps@aol.com


by sueincc on 21 February 2007 - 20:02

Mysti: Please advise why you sell your puppies for $800. on a limited registration or $1,000. for full registration? Also, you have jumped all over Hodie who only tried to help you. You owe her an apology.

by Mysti on 21 February 2007 - 20:02

Sueincc, If you think that Hodie is helping me by coming onto this board and telling lies to everyone about me then fine, believe what you want. You will anyways.

by hodie on 21 February 2007 - 21:02

Echo Once again, you do not know what you are talking about. For those of you who care, I have more than a few emails between myself and Mysti over the last week or so. I have spent time with her, and with multiple other people trying to help. She does not have good sense about dogs, was not forthcoming about her experience, suggested AGAIN to me that she would put the dog down (meaning that in the end I would be asked if I could take the dog after it bit someone) and told me repeatedly why she could not go anywhere for help. This included telling me no one was in her state close enough when I mentioned someone there I think could have helped her. I even suggested she could come here and I would try to help her for nothing! The dog has been like this since it was young and they did not know what to do. Did you read that it is now 19 months old. Do you understand that the chances the behavior can be changed are less and less as the dog gets older and that with the behavior the dog is demonstrating there IS a good chance that it WILL bite someone? They do nothing with the dog except feed it, allow it to sleep on the bed, slap it once when it growled at her mother (sometimes), and have done NOTHING with the dog. They don't do squat with the dog including play with it in a proper manner. They have not gotten a second opinion on the hip issue either. And then she posts a seemingly innocent question but we find that yes, there are people in the state and close by but she is breeding litters already and probably has already burned those bridges with the reputable people who might be able to help. Below is what I just sent to her. I am done with this database. I had three phone calls and two emails just between yesterday and today from idiots with similar problems who want to dump their GSD. One dog already bit someone and they think maybe I could take him because "HE would make a GOOD police dog". I am sick of this. I am sick of trying to help people who are so stupid they cannot be helped. I am sick of those who do NOT have the experience to know what the hell they are suggesting or talking about, and I am as sick of those of you who breed litter after litter who have no real experience or understanding of the breed so that you must post innane post after innane post asking for everyone elses' opinon. All of you take care of all the unwanted GSDs. Post your phone number and email address here and I will be happy to refer people who want to dump their dogs, are begging for help because they have a dog who is poorly socialized, ill, too much for them to handle and the breeder is long gone so the rest of you can waste your time doing it. It is, after all, a hopeless task and some of you here who mean well, ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. This was the last email I sent. And it was the last one. ---------- Mysti, You were NOT honest about your situation or yourself. If you want to do this, then get with the program and do it right. That means find someone who can teach you about real obedience. And don't just breed dogs until you know what the heck you are doing. If you cannot handle a dog, get help before he is 19 months old and you suggest you are thinking of putting him down because YOU did not know what you are doing. And finally, be honest when you do post and that will keep you from getting people pissed off who have tried to help you under false pretenses. For Preston, Bob-O, Blitzen, Sueincc, Sppok101, and others who find my comments useful, feel free to continue to email me privately. I have posted my last post here. As I said, I cannot stop the train.


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