Growths/Tumors on Dogs - Page 3

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by Jenni78 on 15 March 2016 - 19:03

Oh, Bee...I am sorry :( Does she feel like instead of wait and see, she should have taken it off back when it was first noticed? Or did it originate in between veins like that and would not have been possible regardless?

Did she offer any ideas as to type of tumor? Could it be a Hemangiopericytoma? They are malignant, but typically slow-growing and don't usually metastasize quickly, so a 9 yr old dog could well live to a natural death with one present. The reason I ask about it is they are often associated with blood vessels and found on limbs. I guess they can take on all sorts of appearances.

Something you may want to check out is LDN for dog cancer. Just Google that term. I have auto-immune diseases myself, and several of my lucky peers are using it with OUTSTANDING results. It's not expensive and might be something to try. Another thing I would give a dog would be Transfer Factor.


by gsdpartisan on 15 March 2016 - 22:03

I'm so sorry for what you're going through. We're going through the same exact thing with our 8-year-old Doberman. I noticed a small pimple-like sore on his penis. I thought it was a pimple or some kind of injury.

After a week when it didn't go away I was a little concerned. It didn't bother him. Watched it for another week & then took him to vet. Vet took needle aspiration sent it to lab. Another week passed-lab work came back as mast cell tumor.

All this time Flash (Doberman) didn't notice or bother it. Scheduled surgery for the very small tumor. When we picked him up the wound was stitched up & it was huge. When he got into the van, the wound started bleeding badly. The vet came out to the van & stapled his wound right in the van. For the first week his wound would drip blood regularly. He was prescribed pain killers & antibiotic. I was horrified at the size of the wound & the bleeding-cried & cried. Flash didn't seem to mind at all--wanted to run & play & of course he didn't miss a meal. He hates his cone though. His tumor was "stage 2" but the vet says it had "very clean margins" & his chance for full recovery is excellent & he doesn't need radiation or chemotherapy. His staples will be removed Thursday. I read that treatment with prednisone is beneficial so I'll ask about that. Flash is fine & his wound looks completely healed. This pic was taken about a week after surgery. You can see the blood.Flash's wound from surgery

by beetree on 16 March 2016 - 16:03

@Susie and GSDHealing~ Thank you for support and kindness in caring! (I gave him raw hamburger instead of a donut!)

@gsdpartisan~ Thank you for your post and kind thoughts. Wow! I think you are awesome for noticing that "pimple" considering where it was found in the first place! I am grateful for these positive ending stories. I am trying not to fret unnecessarily, until I actually get the biopsy results back. Give Flash a hug from me!

@Jenni~ Thanks for giving me many things to consider. This will help me be more prepared with smart questions when I talk to the vet next about the results. This vet isn't the type to speculate, and really I might be wanting to also ask the original Dr. in the practice for his opinion, too, regarding options etc. when we know more. My DH actually picked up Mojo at the vet in the evening because his is the preferred dog transport vehicle, and he did it on his way home from work, so I wasn't there to ask the type of questions, like you have.

The only thing I could get from my DH was she did say his licking at it "might have made it worse" .... uh, duh? And maybe that was her alluding to a trigger for a specific tumor type. Not sure, but when the result are in, I will be much better versed, you can be sure. He's sleeping calmly behind my chair at the moment! Hates the cone, already, took it off in less than three swipes.

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by beetree on 19 March 2016 - 16:03

RoseRoseBest news, ever! The results are in— and it is NOT CANCER! The vet's theory is the growth/cyst burst from underneath and started Mojo's licking and aggravation. With continued antibiotics and proper healing of the incision, we expect all to be well with him! I am so happy and thankful for your positive thoughts and prayers, because they worked!  Heart Teeth Smile Heart



by susie on 19 March 2016 - 16:03

Thumbs UpTeeth SmilePresent

That´s indeed more than good news!


by Hundmutter on 19 March 2016 - 16:03

Phew ! So pleased to read you got that result, its non
malignant. Way to go, Mojo. Here's hoping the healing
process goes quickly and smoothly.

by Nans gsd on 19 March 2016 - 17:03

YEAH for Mojo; great news. I was holding my breathe; Nan


by Jenni78 on 19 March 2016 - 23:03

Whoohoo! That is just excellent.

Did they send a pathology report? I'm a nerd- love reading that stuff to expand my knowledge base.


by DenWolf on 19 March 2016 - 23:03


Sooooooo glad to hear !!  Give him a hug from me and the gang...


by Koots on 20 March 2016 - 00:03

That's a huge relief, Bee, and it's great to hear, thanks for the update.


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