Poor Old Pregnant Bitch For Sale - Page 9

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by Mithuna on 22 November 2016 - 00:11

the guy still has the dog. And how did I sabotage this?

So the breeder was criticized behind his back by a group of persons who scurried around making plans to buy that person's dog. He refuses to sell the dog, and magically it is Mithuna's fault.

Koots all Im saying is that people here criticized the guy behind his back, even offered up a link to his fb page and then everyone is surprised at the guy's reaction.

Im just saying the whole approach to securing the dog was wrong.

Im just interested in seeing someone present some evidence that I ruined their attempts.



by Jenni78 on 22 November 2016 - 01:11

No one said he didn't. I said you don't know what all went on. You only know what you insisted on pretending to know and what you tried to sabotage. You're nothing if not predictable.

by Nans gsd on 22 November 2016 - 01:11

Mithuna why would you not try to help this bitch? What a f_ _ _ _ _ _ shame...


by Jenni78 on 22 November 2016 - 01:11

Nan, you mean why would he intentionally SABOTAGE other people trying to help her? He didn't just "not help." He sabotaged. As far as I'm concerned, whatever bad things happen to Sascha, they're on Mithuna's head.


by Koots on 22 November 2016 - 01:11

Something is not adding up. The owner has dog for sale - why not sell to a rescue or a good-hearted person? I don't see why/how the people on here, trying to help out this dog, are made out to be the "bad guys" by Mith.

Mith- you have got to be the biggest shite disturber on here, bar none.  Why - do you get your jollies being an antagonist?

by hexe on 22 November 2016 - 01:11

Mithuna, if it bothered Banks-Haus so damn much that his bitch was being discussed--which, since it's all posted on a freakin' international message board, means it's hardly behind his back, FFS--then why didn't he speak up himself? After all, he's obviously familiar with, and a member of, this website, given that he's advertised this poor particular dog on here multiple times. Perhaps he could have justified why this senior bitch in awful physical condition wound up being bred yet again, other than for the money...though I doubt it.


And your feigned dismay that, to paraphrase, 'someone posted his Facebook page and his website address for everyone to see'--you do know that Facebook is a public site, right, and anyone can look up his kennel page, correct? Likewise, any search engine can find his webpage, too--doesn't take Secret Squirrel to 'dig' any of that info up.  

I generally try really, really hard to think the best of you, even when it seems damn near impossible, but this time, yeah, I do think it's your scat that fouled this track. Were your feelings hurt when no one jumped on your offer to call Bank-Haus, so you decided to trashtalk everyone who was trying to help this dog?  Great Saturn on a skateboard, man, it's not as if they were going to sneak up under dark of night and steal the dog away--they were putting together the selling price he himself named in his ad, so she could be purchased outright, fair and square.

I just hope if she really is sold, it was to someone who won't haul her across the country before she's whelped and her pups were at least a few weeks old. She deserves a gentle life in retirement where she's looked upon as a beloved companion and not a cash register.





by Nans gsd on 22 November 2016 - 01:11

Lets all just face it; it's too late for this bitch; thank you Mithuna hope you can sleep tonight.


by Mithuna on 22 November 2016 - 02:11

Where is the evidence to support your claim


by Jenni78 on 22 November 2016 - 02:11

Exactly, hexe. No one was plotting to steal the dog. We just wanted to ensure that her buyer was kind.

by Nans gsd on 22 November 2016 - 02:11

So sorry Mithuna, I really really wanted this bitch. I have whelped many litters and just felt connected to helping this bitch...and bringing her new litter into this world. Nan


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