Sport where they use their brain, not all braun? - Page 5

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by fawndallas on 06 August 2012 - 15:08

I was looking for something else and found on page 20 a post by fawn where she was wanting to know about searching things and SAR then. In other words nothing has changed and that was 20 pages ago.
       SARs was only brought up on this thread as a possible area I was looking for.  Based on what I learned 20 pages ago, I was pretty sure that was not it, but it was the closes I was aware of.  Again, I was only looking for a sport where what the dogs do naturally by manulpulating their own to get what they want (i.e. Max waiting until Rose and Cirberus was distracted to  sneek the bone away).  This thread then changed into the obedience areas; not really what I was looking for, but I listened.

I will try to help anyone and I am far far from being an expert, but I won't help someone who won't try to help themselves. She said she was breeding her unregistered unpedigreed dog to produce service dogs--if you don't know what's behind them how are you going to know you are going to get service dog prospects out of that? Sure the mother is a service dog. So? 
         Handicap/Service dogs are 1 in a thousand.  I was lucky in getting 2 that at least had the natural temperment.  Yes, I am training those; Max is one of them.  I am exploring not limiting him to a single area.  Handicap/ Service is his primary training, everything else is just the fun stuff.

And then your selling point is you are going to train these dogs too. Somehow all this doesn't add up to me. And if you are supposed to be helping these people train their pups why aren't you doing that right now? 
         Of the 5 I sold, 3 declined the training, as they wanted to do it themselves; 1 is too far away and they are training him for herding work; and the last is scheduled for this September.

IMO if you are raising a litter for any kind of work, all that should have started the day after they were born. Radios, tvs, touching, super dog method. I left my pups in the spare room until they were 2 weeks and then I moved them in my dining/crate/computer room where they were exposed to all household noises. When I started feeding them at 2.5 weeks old, I dropped the pan on the tile floor every time. I sat here and beat out powwow songs with an aluminum pan on top of the expen. There is so much more to the whole deal then just having a litter and saying well about 6 weeks I will pick a puppy and hope for the best.
          All of this has been done and was done from day one.  So far all of the puppies have a good solid nerve and sounds do not phase them.
          When I talk about house manners, I mean: 
                  Lay quietly and no rough house.  Rough house is an outside activity.  
                  When I or my husband walk by, the dog moves and gets out of the way.
                  Crate and potty training
                  No destruction
                  If I have not explictly give the dog/ pup the item, everything else is off limits.  To date, nothing personal of mine has been destroyed by any puppy, including my lab.
I have not gone into above in detail before, as to me, this is just common sense things for all dogs.  I have just had the oppurtunity to start this from day one rather than day 56.
As for what I call the basics:
                 Come  (off leash)
                 Leave It
                 Go to your yard/ bed/ room
                 Walking on a leash politely
Again, to me this is all common sense stuff for a dog.  All of these are things a dog should have a decent grasp on before they go out to the public for anything extensive.  It is because of owners that take their undisciplined puppy / dog out in public, that makes it more and more difficult for responsible owners to take their dogs out.
I have always done my best to be respectful of everyone on this board; whether or not if I agree with what they say.  Please extend the same curtsy.  Just because I ask questions about things that many of you are fully aware of does not mean I am an idiot.  Do not make assumptions. 

Rose can go into any restaurant, venue, airport, school, theme park, mall, etc.  Never have I been questioned due to her behavior.  All of her training was taught 100% by me and only me.  She has been at this level since she was 1 year old.  Yes, she can also do the same for anyone else.  I think this alone tells that I do have the knowledge and ability to train.  How many of you can say your 1 year old puppy could do the same by your training only and not bringing in an outsider?

by workingdogz on 06 August 2012 - 15:08

fawndallas wrote:
How many of you can say your 1 year old puppy could do the same by your training only and not bringing in an outsider?

To quote Chaz, are you for real?
Thats normal 'dog ownership'.

The neighbor up the street has a fat Pekinese that does
all that stuff too. The owner trained that one as well.

So far, my youngster has travelled up into Canada 4 times 
this year with me. Stayed in nice hotels, and behaved himself.
I did that, well ok, the wife too, but she lives with us, or maybe
we live with her? 

Tracking was suggested to you more than once. But it too
will require 'obedience'.

You seem to think 'obedience' is not any type of a challenge
for some reason.

Let me know when your dogs get their OTCH's


by fawndallas on 06 August 2012 - 15:08

Chaz describes how things can be undiscipline at an AKC event with dogs breaking form and jumping over fences.  How can this be acceptable behavior for anyone? Everyone laughs about how organized chaos the AKC events are.  Why are you laughing?  If a dog cannot be under full control in this type of venue, what in the #!!@ are they doing in public?  Those are the dogs that get hurt / hit by cars / cause good dogs to not be allowed to go anywhere; yet the owners are putting them in a competition to show how well the dog knows discipline?  You are joking right?

by workingdogz on 06 August 2012 - 15:08

Because, once you get out of your own yard, you will
realize, dogs are DOGS, sometimes, just sometimes,
they do stupid shit, even after you have worked your 
@ss off training them.  It's the nature of the beast.

It IS organized chaos at an AKC event, you have dogs
everywhere of every size/breed going 30 different
directions at once.

Start putting some miles on and see whats out there.


by Sunsilver on 06 August 2012 - 15:08

How many of you can say your 1 year old puppy could do the same by your training only and not bringing in an outsider?

To quote Chaz, are you for real?
Thats normal 'dog ownership'.

Nope, not in my experience. I run a dog boarding kennel. There's probably only one dog in 15 that comes in here with any sort of manners.

This weekend I am coping with a 100 lb. rottie who charged the gate as I was opening it, and bashed it against my hand for some nice bruises. Even with a lasso type noose, he tries to pull me off my feet.

Then, there's the two 150 lb. 'monsters' who never have a leash on them except when they come here to be boarded! They don't even know how to 'sit' on command let alone heel! 

Fortunately, this kennel is set up so I can 'run' the dogs in and out, so leash manners are optional...

Most of us on here are 'serious' dog owners, many of you into schutzhund, so we tend to THINK that knowing the basics is 'normal'.

Me, I'm happy if the dog doesn't soill its cage...

Which reminds me, there's a lot of soiled bedding out there that needs laundering...better get busy!



by fawndallas on 06 August 2012 - 15:08

Tracking was suggested to you more than once. But it too will require 'obedience'.

This is true.  Why do you think I am not looking into this?  Just because I asked it there was a sport that encouraged the dog's ability to manipulate their own?  I am just looking at this side for fun.  Nothing for competing.  If I do not know the sport name, how am I going to research for more information?  Tracking is a great function for a dog.  For me to do that at any level beyond my own amusement, is far more time than I have.  As I stated before, Max has 1 primary function, everything else is just the fun stuff.  Cirberus, on the other hand, is going to be taken into a completely different area than handicap/service work.  For that, I have been given enough information from different people on this forum, to know where to go from here and what to teach her on my own until I can get to an experience trainer.  Who knows, maybe I will see some of you in a competition ring in a year or 2.

What else you describe, I totally agree it is normal dog ownership.  The sad part is many people do not get this "normal dog ownership."  Remember, most of the people on this forum are responsible dog owners.  What is common sense for us, does not seem to be common sense to many others who still own dogs.

by workingdogz on 06 August 2012 - 15:08

Why do you presume someone else's dog should in fact
listen/obey you?

A boarding kennel is a totally different environment.

You are a stranger to these dogs, even the ones that come
regular. I bet after a few visits, the 'regular' ones get the
hang of the daily routine. We have 'boarded' the odd dog for
a friend or training buddy, and what we get is a different dog
than what we see at training. And we know thats because we
are not the 'owner'.

It's not unusual for dogs to show other behaviors in a kennel
that they would not show at home; ie-shredding bedding etc.
Not saying that people don't take time to train their dogs, all
I am saying is, fawndallas is making a huge deal out of simple
manners. It's no big achievement to teach a dog manners.
At least it shouldn't be.


by vonissk on 06 August 2012 - 16:08

You're doing laundry Sunsilver? LOL Since I have had these pups I wash sheets and towels at least once a day and sometimes twice. My dryer broke so I guess I can be grateful for the heat outside and my little clothesline on the patio..................
Listen Miss Fawn I am not going to argue with you but if you don't know where to have her whelp the puppies or when to move them then I doubt you know what the super dog method even is. Anyone who would come on here and call sports that we work hard at tricks tells me a lot. And don't tell me what you said or didn't cause if I chose to I could go copy and paste it right here. I'm with workingdogz, show me that OTCH certificate and then I might believe you. Again 26 yrs doesn't make me an expert but it does make me know how much shit I have picked up for past mentors and how much work I do now for my mentor. And these pups I have weren't planned--they were an oops litter. Guess I could just shove them to the side and say oh well, I'll sell them for 50 bucks and I don't care where they go or anything else. But no when you have lemons you make lemonade. And how can you call yourself a trainer when as Chaz says you don't know which end to feed. I'll say this people have helped you far more then a lot of people in your catagory on this board. And you still don't seem to get it.
And as far as my dogs going places--common manners. Not many places in this little country town so I have made friends in offices where I can take my dogs and make friends for the breed also. And as far as the chaos at dog shows--that's what seperates the men from the boys. Some people bring in half azz trained dogs or back yard trained dogs and think cause they were superstars in their yard they are going to be that at the dog show--NOT. Just like Blitzen talked about Bev laying there watching that dog acting up and wanted her to do something. Ah GSDs are great snitches and they want something DONE...........LOL......... When I took Mauli to audition for her commercial--we hope--after it was over the head film guy came out and told me had I not sent pictures and references they never would have given me a chance because everybody thinks their dog is Lassie or Rin Tin Tin or Benji and they get their dogs in there and they are wild. The lights, the noise, people talking and moving everywhere..............Again that's what seperates the men from the boys. So don't you ever tell me can my 1 yr old dog do this or that.............any of my dogs can go anywhere and they are all welcome anywhere.
I am basically saying if you want to do things with your dogs--do it--don't talk about it--do it. And then you'll have bragging rights.


by vonissk on 06 August 2012 - 16:08

And as long as you have been on this board you don't know the names of sports. I find that hard to believe. Google AKC, UKC, Schutzhund, Dog Tracking...................I'm sorry, I'm not hateful or the bitch of the world, just blunt and I live in the real world. You're on the computer a lot--hell google dogs--do some research for yourself. But oh then while ago I forgot you had someone helping you and you did know what you were doing. You're tripping on your own words. Whatever--you know nothing about competing except it is tricks and now you say you don't want to out for the hole you are digging's a long way back up...................

Red Sable

by Red Sable on 06 August 2012 - 16:08

Why do you presume someone else's dog should in fact
listen/obey you?"

Totally agree, most dogs will not listen to strangers, I know mine sure doesn't, so anyone who is caring for someone else's dogs, cannot be a judge of how well they are trained IMHO.


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