Chaos out on the farm! - Page 5

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Shepherd Woman

by Shepherd Woman on 17 May 2011 - 16:05

Steve1, thanks for your post.  I agree that they are making something out of nothing.  Chaos is just fine where he is and is well cared for.  Someone sees him every single day, whether it's me, Bobby, his dad or his brother.  He's played with etc.  You can tell that he totally loves the way his is living right now.  And that's all that matters to me.  Thanks again.


by sueincc on 17 May 2011 - 16:05

Steve1 said:

"Tell me you Guys, This dog will get shocked if he leaves the Boundary of the Farm.
Will not the Coyotes get shocked if they try and get in or is it a one system, somehow i do not think so."

Actually that's the thing with the underground fencing systems, it only shocks the animal wearing the receiver on the collar.  It does not shock any  other animals, including coyotes, so it does not prevent them from entering the property.  Also many dogs eventually learn to run through the boundary, they learn the shock will subside once they pass the line. 


by GSDNewbie on 17 May 2011 - 17:05

Most dogs learn how to run the batteries down on the fence and or ignore it. They are only meant to be used to outside to go potty in areas where people cannot put up fences and not for long term containment. There is no visual barrier or barrier to keep other animals out. This is NOT a secure way to keep a dog. People in rural areas do not treat well dogs that are not contained. Most get shot or poisoned once they become a problem.

      This is not proper care of a working breed dog let alone any dog IMO and I am sticking to it.

by GSDloyalty on 17 May 2011 - 17:05

I do not know you and you do not know me, but I will tell you I do know coyotes pretty well and have seen what they can do.
I agree dogs need fresh air and there is nothing wrong with that by all means but the OP just needs to be careful about this because this could pose a risk on her dog.
My dogs love the outside and we are out most of the day but they are supervised at all times. Maybe the op has no other choice but to have the dog there but again its pretty risky. Yes my dogs sleep at night in air conditioning and they love it.  Could I keep my dogs out on a farm,without me being there NO! I trust only 1 person 100 percent to watch my dogs and that is me.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 17 May 2011 - 17:05

"Actually that's the thing with the underground fencing systems, it only shocks the animal wearing the receiver on the collar.  It does not shock any  other animals, including coyotes, so it does not prevent them from entering the property."

Well, there's Steve's solution, then; put shock collars on all of the coyotes, too!  Problem solved!  Indoors, outdoors, blah, blah, you know where my dog wants to be?  Wherever I am, that's where.

by GSDloyalty on 17 May 2011 - 17:05

Good one Keith.


by Jenni78 on 17 May 2011 - 17:05

Shocking...Steve misunderstands something and crucifies others because of it. Steve, picture this: the dog is alone, unleashed, not protected by any fence whatsoever, and there is no one living on the property. Someone next door looks at the dog occasionally. Wild animals, some of them canids, run rampant around the area. THAT is how it is, in terms of coyotes. The only protection that dog will get from his underground fence is that the portion of his neck covered by the collar/receiver may not be eaten, or at least, not eaten first. 

Keith, fantastic solution! And if she can't afford to buy collars for all the coyotes, then she shouldn't have a dog!

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 17 May 2011 - 17:05

"Shocking...Steve misunderstands something and crucifies others because of it."

It's even better because he throws this little tidbit out there: "How about getting facts right..."

The bitch about putting shock collars on the coyotes is recharging them.


by steve1 on 17 May 2011 - 18:05

Mr Grossman
Your usual sarcasm which i have come to expect from you is nothing new.
No one mentioned the Dog wearing a electric collar
I use to have a Fence with a two strand wire one earth the other live it was on top of a wooden fence to keep Cats and Foxes out of the Pigeon Compound when i lived in England It worked off electric.
the Father lives on the farm where this dog is, how is anyone supposed to know it was worked by a collar on the Dog
HAD i known, would i ask if the Coyotes can get in if it keeps the Dog from going out just a different system to one i know, However have your laugh Mr Grossman like the little boy you are because at times you do not act like a man should. I will give you 6 brownie points for your effort
Dogs were born to live in the fresh air as and when they want to and they prefer to as well.
Only thing is a lot of you overly protective people think they would rather be in a central heated house and in a Wire Cage a good part of there lives and you think you are kind. IT is somewhat of a big Joke over here when it comes up in conversation
I think the USA is the only country  to treat Dogs that way, In Europe or at least Belgium NO' dog Owner that i know, and i know scores of them never keep a dog in a Cage in the House, a few may live in the house and it is a few but they never caged up, The  owners have outside Pens and Kennels for the day time if they are not at home or work. So it is you Guys who are the cruel ones for keeping the Dog in a Cage inside the House, It should at least be free not caged up
It is you Guys who are Crucifying the OP without good reason a lot of know all's but in reality you know very little of the Animal world the way you treat your dogs says that Caged Dogs in a great deal of cases what a great advert you are,
Yet NOT one of you disputed that just picking up on the Collar like children, WHY did you not dispute it simply you cannot so it is to late to do it now
You lot have been found Wanting or i should say most of you


by GSDNewbie on 17 May 2011 - 19:05

My dogs are never caged. My dogs are never kenneled. My dogs are at my feet almost 24/7 and when they are not they are with my son or my husband. I am lucky I can give my dogs this type of life and it is not the norm. My dogs get tons of exercise in turn providing me with excersize. If I were unable to provide a safe and happy existance for my dog I would do right by them and find someone that can. I would not expect a man who is related that lives next door to the property to have to listen to the dog bark all night and expect him to go each time to insure the dog is safe. Do you have coyotes, bears, big cats and other dangerous wildlife in England and Belgium that love to kill dogs? Do you have poachers for all those deer herds running around that are famous for poisoning and shooting dogs on farms unatended because they want the deer? Does your dog get attention based on what family and friends are there on a day to see the dog? Tell me it will not get old to these people in their busy lives to go see someone elses dog and care for it? Living next door and being able to see the barn area from a window is not all this dog needs. Bored gsds become trouble gsds.

   How can anyone defend this life for a gsd who has until now been a daily companion? Nope, I still stay with my opinion. I can only hope if this dog goes missing it is through someone with the best intentions for him takeing him away.


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